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Bangladesh ahead of 40 countries in IMF’s IDI index


Feb 4, 2014
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United States
  • BSS
  • Published at 04:48 PM January 23, 2018
  • Last updated at 06:11 PM January 23, 2018

In the index, Bangladesh also performed far better than India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

Bangladesh showed stable and qualitative improvement in major economic indicators last year, with leading 40 countries in the Inclusive Development Index (IDI) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Among 74 emerging economies, the country this year secured the 34th position in the IMF’s annual index, which reflects quality of economic performance in a particular country.

In the index, Bangladesh also performed far better than India (ranked 62), Pakistan (ranked 52) and Sri Lanka (ranked 40).

The index also includes 29 developed economies, headed by Norway. Iceland, Luxemburg, Switzerland and Denmark followed the Scandinavian state on the top when Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain and Israel were placed at the bottom five.

Lithuania topped the index for the emerging economies, followed by Hungary, Azerbaijan, Latvia and Poland. Mozambique, Lesotho, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Egypt were among the bottom five.

Compared to last year, Bangladesh advanced two notches to the 34th from previous 36th position, with maintaining an overall score of around 4 based on a 1-7 scale where 1 indicates worst and 7 best.

The IDI is an annual assessment of 103 countries’ economic performance that measures how countries perform on eleven dimensions of economic progress in addition to GDP.

These are employment, labour productivity, household income, per capita income, net savings, life expectancy, poverty rate, wealth distribution, public debt and eco-friendly initiatives.

The IDI has been developed to measure countries’ sustained and inclusive economic progress and recommends future strategy to address the financial disadvantages that the assessed countries are facing or will face in the coming years.

The IDI puts Bangladesh among top 20% performers for improving savings and wealth distribution while the country was placed in middle of the 103 nations for the other 10 indicators.

According to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), Bangladesh attained 7.28% GDP growth last financial year when government raised the fiscal target to 7.4% for the current 2017-18 (FY18).

The per capita income also rose to $1,610 in the FY 2016-17 when the
inflation was stable around 5%.
No one believes a bunch of fish eaters are ahead of anyone @El Sidd @Nilgiri @Skull and Bones

Pardon us for not having half a chapati and half an onion for dinner like most middle class Indians. Should I post that BSF video of burnt chapati and runny daal again?

Nobody gives a flying rat's a$$ about what you or your sanghi friends believe. If the UN believes it then good enough for me.

Stop derailing the thread please.
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Go to drinking cow piss son of cow mother.
Someone please kick him a nice kick on his dirty add

Yes we have Walton now relax.

I'm honestly puzzled. There has to be a company in Pakistan that is an equivalent of Walton...

More on topic - Pakistan's upper middle class is inclusive about women but their lower middle class is more conservative.
Lol why are you comparing India?

Its stupid to compare juggernaut economy to tiny ones like Bangladesh .

The fact that Nepal is ranked higher than China should suffice to rest my case
Lol why are you comparing India?

Its stupid to compare juggernaut economy to tiny ones like Bangladesh .

The fact that Nepal is ranked higher than China should suffice to rest my case
IDI = Inclusive Development Index

Take a English lesson on what that means. Since you think china should higher in this list because they are much more developed clearly shows you don't what this list is about and what it means. Dumbass. They have criteria for the ranking. 3 main and 12 sub categories. Go and look up up the report. You can see where each country falls in each criteria. China does much better on GDP per capita criteria, which is what you are crying about. Overall Nepal does better when it comes to inclusive development which is what this report is about.

Here's the report link, I'm sure you'll get lost if I told you to search for it yourself.
Source: https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-inclusive-development-index-2018
Direct Report Link: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Forum_IncGrwth_2018.pdf
IDI = Inclusive Development Index

Take a English lesson on what that means. Since you think china should higher in this list because they are much more developed clearly shows you don't what this list is about and what it means. Dumbass. They have criteria for the ranking. 3 main and 12 sub categories. Go and look up up the report. You can see where each country falls in each criteria. China does much better on GDP per capita criteria, which is what you are crying about. Overall Nepal does better when it comes to inclusive development which is what this report is about.

Here's the report link, I'm sure you'll get lost if I told you to search for it yourself.
Source: https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-inclusive-development-index-2018
Direct Report Link: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Forum_IncGrwth_2018.pdf
Yes yes , I'm sure you are a 200+iq genius who is the reincarnation of Einstein .

It's a just a report that revolves around economic policies & growth of social participation . I don't need a phd from your ahsanullah university to read a article. 60% of China is rural, apart from its mainland everything else is towns & farmlands , comparing a giant country to a island sized one is borderline retarded

Tiny nations with 5% of the population & landmass can never comprehend all the socio-economic & industrial challenges juggernaut nations have .
Yes yes , I'm sure you are a 200+iq genius who is the reincarnation of Einstein .

It's a just a report that revolves around economic policies & growth of social participation . I don't need a phd from your ahsanullah university to read a article. 60% of China is rural, apart from its mainland everything else is towns & farmlands , comparing a giant country to a island sized one is borderline retarded

Tiny nations with 5% of the population & landmass can never comprehend all the socio-economic & industrial challenges juggernaut nations have .

This is funny (and odd).

You say yours is a juggernaut nation. But that must also mean you have your luxury to choose from juggernaut-sized experts and talent available from your juggernaut population. Not to mention juggernaut-sized funding available from all the revenue from your population and large companies. This combination of juggernaut funding+talent must ensure breathtaking results for a 'shining' India.

Then why is your juggernaut nation so effed up and falls dead last in most every social/financial KPI areas marked as important by the UN and World Bank?

With the result that your sanghi trolls have to resort to comparing India with 'tiny' nations like ours - just to feel halfway okay. Instead of comparing with, say, China??

Not trolling. Just curious...
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