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Baluchistan included in Indo-Pak joint statement.

US bails out India from Balochistan wrangle - US - World - NEWS - The Times of India

WASHINGTON: Pakistan has not provided any evidence to the United States of India's involvement in the insurgency in Balochistan, and Washington attaches no credibility to Islamabad's charges in this regard, a top US official has indicated.

The US view on Pakistan's allegation came during a briefing by the Obama administration's ****** envoy Richard Holbrooke, who, while acknowledging that Pakistan brought up the subject during his recent visit to the country, told Washington's foreign press corps, "I would be misleading if I said it didn't come up, but the narrow answer to your question (has Pakistan given you any credible evidence of India's involvement?) is no."

Holbrooke's terse response to the Balochistan wrangle -- the latest between India and Pakistan -- broadly squares with the assertion in New Delhi that while Pakistan has raised the issue of India's alleged involvement in the region, it has offered no evidence, even as it falsely propagates in the Pakistani media that it has give a dossier to New Delhi in this regard. The Pakistani press is full of dark conspiracies of Indian intelligence involvement in the province, an inference to which New Delhi credulously allowed Islamabad to incorporate in a joint statement at Sharm-el-Sheikh.

The US has now, in effect, bailed out New Delhi. Holbrooke has previously rubbished Pakistan's charges about alleged Indian provocations from its consulates in Afghanistan, saying he had no reason to believe Islamabad's charges, and Pakistan would do well to examine its own internal problems. Other officials too have said Pakistan is merely trying to externalize a serious internal crisis while evading responsibility to crack down on home-grown terrorism.

In fact, Holbrooke's briefing following his latest visit to the region was notable for its dire tone with regard to Pakistan, a country which he characterized as "facing a staggering number of front-page story problems at one time." Describing Washington's efforts to stamp out terrorists in Pakistan frontier province, Holbrooke said it "hard to imagine a more dangerous area on the face of the earth today than an area which contains al-Qaida, Pakistani Taliban, Afghan Taliban, two and a half million refugees. It's just extraordinary how difficult it is."

The US envoy also trashed speculation about a rift with India that led to the reported cancellation of his visit to New Delhi with an extraordinary revelation. "You know, if there's a rift between me and India, it would be the first rift between me and India since I was seven years old. You know, India was the first country in the world I was ever aware of. I have a very special feeling for it," Holbrooke said.

Such expression of personal affection for countries is seldom expressed by US officials and is certain to rankle Pakistan, which is already sour about a perceived American tilt towards India over the last decade. Holbrooke went on to clarify that the only reason he scrubbed the New Delhi leg of his visit was because three of the four Indian interlocutors he engaged with were all going to be out of town. He would be going back in mid August, "within the limits of Indian independence (day).

India's involvment in affairs of Balochsitan is nothing new. Anytime there is any type of crisis in Pakistan, India is always too keen to take advantage of the situation. ( Visit any indian forum and one can see what sort of schemes they make but ofcourse they'll deny it in real life :) )

Together with Kabul , New Delhi used to boardcast propaganda on radio in 1973. This is documented in the de-classified US-emabssy doccuments such as the following:

Indian porpganda was enough to make the US Embassy to take notice back then since at that time defeating the Russians was their main aim , now the US priorities have changed so the United States denies what it knows is true!
can you put light on it why this hatred spreading?
whats wrong with these people what they want?

they just obey their sardars..they are mostly illetrate and they hate punjabis!they are saying that punjabis are occupying our land and our resources.why they are hating pakistan and punjabis?because the main government body is in punjab.!there are wall chalking every where in quetta saying"stop the balochistan destructive mega project of gawader!and"punjabiyon ka qabristan,balochistan balochistan"may Allah give them guidence!:pakistan:
they just obey their sardars..they are mostly illetrate and they hate punjabis!they are saying that punjabis are occupying our land and our resources.why they are hating pakistan and punjabis?because the main government body is in punjab.!there are wall chalking every where in quetta saying"stop the balochistan destructive mega project of gawader!and"punjabiyon ka qabristan,balochistan balochistan"may Allah give them guidence!:pakistan:

their sardars r fake to all ov them..........make public fool...n they agreed.....thyr childrens r studin in punjab........y is dat so...wen they r in against punjab n punjabies?????
punjabies r occuping......coz they r litrate n knw how to work whyr baloch ppl dnt knw anything except fighting.....n they r proud to say their self sarmachar......n for all dis rubish they r destroying their lives.......
"may Allah give them guidence":pakistan:
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