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Balochistan sends SOS as it runs out of wheat


May 21, 2006
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Balochistan sends SOS as it runs out of wheat

Saleem Shahid Published January 9, 2023 Updated about 2 hours ago

<p>QUETTA: The assistant commissioner raids a godown as part of action against wheat and flour hoarders. —Dawn</p>

QUETTA: The assistant commissioner raids a godown as part of action against wheat and flour hoarders. —Dawn
QUETTA: Despite an SOS sent by the Balochistan government a day earlier, no consignment of wheat reached the province on Sunday.
At a press conference on Saturday night, Food Minister Zamarak Khan Piralizai had said that the food department had run out of its wheat stock and called for help from other provinces and the Centre.
“We are facing a very serious crisis and need 600,000 bags of wheat on an emergency basis,” he said as he sent an SOS to the federal and provincial governments of Punjab and Sindh.
The minister, who was addressing the media after his return from Islamabad, was accompanied by Flour Mills Association president Badaruddin Kakar.

 Balochistan Food Minister Zamarak Khan Piralizai addresses a press conference on Saturday. — screengrab

Balochistan Food Minister Zamarak Khan Piralizai addresses a press conference on Saturday. — screengrab

He said Balochistan needed immediate wheat supply to deal with the worsening situation.
The federal, Sindh and Punjab governments are responsible for this crisis, the minister said, adding that despite the promise to provide 600,000 bags of wheat by Punjab Chief Minister Pervez Elahi, not a single bag was sent to the province.
“Islamabad, Punjab and Sindh have refused to provide wheat to Balochistan,” he claimed.
Minister assails ban on inter-provincial movement of staple; Call for urgent help remains unheeded
When the private sector tried to purchase wheat from other provinces, security forces did not allow the consignment to enter Balochistan from Punjab and Sindh due to the ban on inter-provincial transportation of wheat.
He said Balochistan’s annual wheat consumption is 10.52 million bags, and it needed 1.2m bags every month.
“Only Quetta city requires 250,000 bags of wheat every month,” Mr Piralizai said.
He appealed to the prime minister and chief ministers of Punjab and Sindh to not leave the people of Balochistan alone in this hour of distress and immediately supply wheat to feed the people.
Mr Piralizai said the Balochistan government has no money to provide subsidies on flour and urged the Pakistan Agricultural Storage and Services Corporation (Passco) to supply 200,000 bags of wheat at reduced rates.
He said teams have been formed to conduct raids against wheat and flour hoarders across the province and vowed that the government will not allow anyone to exploit the situation.
“The federal government has given 400,000 flour bags to utility stores but no share was given to Balochistan,” Mr Piralizai regretted.
He said Passco had promised to provide 400,000 wheat bags which included 200,000 bags of local wheat and 200,000 bags of imported wheat. However, he said the province needed local wheat as it doesn’t have the money to pay the cost of imported wheat which was many times more than the price of local wheat.
Published in Dawn, January 9th, 2023
He said Balochistan needed immediate wheat supply to deal with the worsening situation.
The federal, Sindh and Punjab governments are responsible for this crisis, the minister said, adding that despite the promise to provide 600,000 bags of wheat by Punjab Chief Minister Pervez Elahi, not a single bag was sent to the province.
“Islamabad, Punjab and Sindh have refused to provide wheat to Balochistan,” he claimed.

This scumbag needs to be taken out.
I wish they would match to corp commander’s house.
He said teams have been formed to conduct raids against wheat and flour hoarders across the province and vowed that the government will not allow anyone to exploit the situation.
Here he seems to admit there is a hoarding problem in the province.
Where’s that indian sponsored BLA and BNP ??? Didn’t india give wheat to the freedom-wanting balochs ??
Last I checked, It was the state of Pakistan's job to ensure food security.

Here he seems to admit there is a hoarding problem in the province.
there's always hoarding. this is just a red herring to put the blame of hoarders and exonerate themselves of the mismanagement. Why didn't they see to the hoarding issue before people started going hungry.

KP facing worst-ever flour crisis​

Doesn't surprise me, as long as wheat get smuggled to Afghanistan. Solution? Let free markets decide prices. Farmers growing wheat will benefit. Right now afghanis pay much more to buy subsidized wheat meant for local market.

Its better to give direct money to poor then subsidize wheat. Pakistan farmers don't see much benefit in growing wheat and results are here.
why is he asking land and job grabbing, budget eating punjabis and pakistan govt for support? will he tell his people i.e., the balochis that punjabis, sindhis, and federal govt of pakistan are supporting them in their hour of need?
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