Shariah Law is fine, but it should come from some learnt scholar unlike these so called Mullah.
A proper Definition of Social Laws and Personal Laws need to be defined where social laws are responsibilities of State while Personal Shariah Laws like Hijab is totally responsibility of the family elders (not the state).
2ndly Mehndi is not banned in Islam, infact they can read mehndi related issues in Moulana Ashraf Thanvis books. And even if they say about the "Rasm-e-Hina", its not banned, but the procedure can be. Previously, in culture we used to have Rasm-e-Hina but men and women gathering were seperate, which is fine in Islam. Also, Music is no doubt ban in Islam, but on these occassions women and men (seperately) have gatherings while singing with daff. Women have to make sure their voice not raised to outside gather. This is permissible way of Islam. So Rasm-e-Hina is not banned, but today's procedure (which is not even our culture) is banned