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Balochistan Circes & Reko Diq Deposit By Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Reko Diq is a small town in Chagai District, Baluchistan located 70 kilometres northwest of Naukundi, near to the Iran-Afghan border. The town has the world's largest Gold and Copper reserves containing 12.3 million tons of copper and 20.9 million ounces of gold in inferred and indicated resources. Rough estimates suggest that the gold and copper at the surface accounts for $65 billion worth of deposits which is believed to be four times larger in copper ore tonnage than Saindak project and even bigger than Sarcheshmeh in Iran and Escondida in Chile.

Reportedly, the most credible natural deposit might have been sold to the Zionist controlled regimes by the Pakistani Government at a price of $21 billion. Barrick Gold Corporation of Canada (a JEWS company) and Antofagasta of Chile have a joint-ownership of the copper-gold deposit at Reko Diq. Moreover, the under discussion deposits are being explored by Tethyan Copper Company Pty Ltd (75%) and the (BDA) Balochistan Development Authority (25%). Tethyan Copper Company is held jointly (50:50) by Barrick Gold Corporation and Antofagasta Minerals. Currently the company has prepared the feasibility but Balochistan government went to the Supreme Court and raised objections over the distribution of share of potential income of the deposit. Its pre-feasibility study was completed in third quarter 2009 and work on full scale is expected to be commenced after completion of Supreme Court litigation. The development of the deposit defiantly will bring prosperity in the most neglected province of Pakistan i.e. "Balochistan" where 88 per cent of its population lives in subhuman conditions. But at the same all this economic boost is directly conditioned to the Baluchistan's security.

Present situation still is not very conducive in the Balochistan because of involvement of foreign hands. Afghanistan and India are exploiting the situation while providing shelters to the rebellions of Balochistan. The greatest sin of our rulers has been that they have never tried to better the economic and political conditions in Balochistan. It is important to remove the mistrust between the Baloch and the Federation. The negotiation on actual demands for Baloch rights should begin and equally important is the identification of Indian designs of creating unrest in Balochistan. The massive growth of development in Balochistan has become sore in the eyes of Indian strategists. India is fanning unrest on while: widening the gulf between Punjabis and Balochs on the Gwadar Port by making it believe that the developmental projects are aimed at turning the Balochs into a minority, widely publicizing incidents of Human rights violation in Balochistan by highlighting the so-called miseries of Balochs, like disappearances, political victimization and displacement due to clean-up operations. RAW is also generating suspicions in ethnic Balochs that Islamabad wants to possess the riches of Balochistan. CIA is cultivating in the minds of the Baloch nationalists that China intends to occupy their natural resources.

Above all, CIA's activities in Balochistan have become now quite intolerable which also put a big question mark over U.S. growing interest in this region. In fact, Creation of "Greater Balochistan" is the top most agenda of U.S., India and Israel collaboration. Their obvious objectives are: (1) weakening Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, (2) establishing strong hold in Central Asian Region even after culmination of war on terror, (3) denting Chinese economic interests in African and Middle East while creating impediment in full scale operation of Gwadar Port, development of Reko Deq project and the last is looking after Indian and Israeli interests in the region. Therefore, the American establishment has started supporting pro Independent Balochistan Movement, and anti Pakistan elements in Balochistan. In this connection, CIA supported elements are using America, UK, India and Afghanistan as their platforms for organizing, planning and operational bases for execution of the plan of Independent Balochistan. Moreover, some militarily supported political lobbies of America and Uk are facilitating anti Pakistan elements (so called liberators) to carryout nefarious activities against Pakistan.

On April 28, 2011 US Ambassador Cameron Munter, visited first time Balochistan and attended a Pashtun tribal Jirga in Quetta. He went there on the invitation of convener of Pakhtun Ulas Qaumi Jirga Nawab Ayaz Jogezai. The jirga brought together 16 Pashtun tribal elders from Balochistan who discussed issues of mutual interest, including economic development in the province and matters pertaining to security. American interest can be very easily judged from her ambassador statement in which he mentioned that "Balochistan is a proud province with a rich history, wonderful people, who have strong traditions. I feel very fortunate to experience this first hand by being included in this Pashtun Tribal Jrga," He further added that face to face interaction can address the difficult issues facing Balochistan, in a spirit of open communication and collaboration,". U.S. Ambassador meeting with Pakhtun leaders in Balochistan should not be taken as simple interaction and need to be monitored persistently since such type of meetings might create rift between three segments (Pakhtun, Balochs, and Punjabi).

In the last week of April 2011 Carnegie Endowment for Intl Peace has rented its space to the Balochistan Society, of North America (BSO - NA) to hold conference on Balochistan. Alongside this development, United States Institute of Peace (USIP) has also held an event "Turmoil in Balochistan. The participants of meeting were (1) jaz Haider (a journalist from Pak), (2) Shazadi Beg (member of Department of Justice UK),(3)Selig Harrison (a contentious journalist known for his critical views on Pak),94) Marvin Weinbaum (Middle East Institute). The speakers fomented venom against Pakistan very openly as directed by their masters.

On learning about first event, our Ambassador to USA Mr Haqqani has already written an unequivocal letter to the President of the Carnegie essentially arguing that Carnegie's renting of its space to the BSO – NA could potentially damage Pak – US relations; legitimise the activities of the BSO – NA who is an adjunct of a terrorist organisation BLA banned in Pak and urged the Carnegie Endowment to revoke its decision of renting space to the BSO – NA. Response has not yet been rendered by Carnegie Endowment and the meeting have been conducted in the manners as desired by CIA. The government of Pakistan is extremely concerned over USIP holding of an event "Turmoil in Balochistan" on an integral part of Pak, Balochistan.

Since USIP is a congressionally funded body, one would presume that the event is being held under the patronage of Congress. Its implications on Pak – U.S. relations will be extremely negative. American leadership should think that it is not just academic freedom or analysis that is important, what the USIP must assess is also the impact on our bilateral relations of holding this event. It is time to help consolidate the democratically elected Government of Pakistan. It is obvious that arranging such events, which are ideologically or politically motivated, serve to undermine Pak's solidarity and its elected govt and defiantly causes hatred against U.S. character in Pakistani masses too. American supported political leadership tried to inflame public opinion in Pakistan and Balochistan. The think tanks in U.S. are independent and completely autonomous in their policies. Despite the efforts made by our embassy at Washington, it is less likely that USIP will change its stance. In spite of the liberty accorded to think tanks, there always remains influence of state institutions.

It is worth mentioning here that Pakistan Army is displaying tremendous efforts in the development of Balochistan. In this connections number of projects in the shape of opening of educational institutions, building of hospitals, construction of communication infrastructures, employing locals in the armed forces and development of Gawadar Port have been completed or under progress. At the same time The "Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan" package has already been announced by Pakistan Government which needs to be implemented in letter and spirit to address the deprivations of Baloch people.

Global Issues & World Security - zameer36

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