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Balochistan and the unity of Pakistan

you will teach of what is fitna, you racist douchebag !!

get a life loser :sick:

mashallah, why are you insulting me?
Where am I a racist?
I accept Muslims from foreign countries in Pakistan. Pakistan is an islamic country and an islamic nation.
But Pakistan is first the country of Punjabis, Pashtuns, Kashmiris, Sindhis and Baloch. It was and it will forever be.
Just like Germany is the country of Germans or France is the country of French.

So apologize and I will forgive you akhi.

You didn't mention the Maurya and the Gupta Empires. 8-)

Pakistanis was purely created on the Muslim identity of Muslims of British India, but Pakistanis were unsuccessful to assert a completely new identity based on religion and now they have to look beyond to have something to back this like how only 3% Indians are similar to Pakistanis, how Pakistan is fairer race compared to Indians, how Pakistan never had a Hindu history but a Buddhist history or ancient civilized Pakistanis of Indus and uncivilized Indians of Ganges. :laugh:

Maurya Empire look pretty much like fake. Gupta Empire ruled hardly over Pakistan, only the east.

No Pakistan was not "created" for the "Indian Muslims" it was "created" for the Muslims of Punjab, Afghania (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Kashmir, Sind and Balochistan = Pakistan.
All ethnics live together under the Islam.
Pakistan took Muhajirs (Indian Muslims) because these Muslims were oppressed in India. So they came to our land and live mostly in Karachi.
But it is not their country. It is ours and now since they have Pakistani passport by Immigration they also became Pakistani.
Pakistan had many predecessor states up to the Indus Valley Civilisation (Sindh).
Just deal with it whereas India was just an european myth. And after the british took over your land the Myth (India) came true.
Of course India had also many predecessor states but those never or hardly concluded Pakistan. Since Pakistan and India were never a country together.
British India was just a British Occupation, they took Pakistan (Sikh empire, Emirate of Sindh, Kalat) from us and put it in British India. And we took our country out again.

Does British Occupation justify to define India and claim parts of Pakistan or the whole of Pakistan?
Does the Nazi German Empire justify that whole Europe was a part of Germany?
Maurya Empire look pretty much like fake. Gupta Empire ruled hardly over Pakistan, only the east.

No Pakistan was not "created" for the "Indian Muslims" it was "created" for the Muslims of Punjab, Afghania (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Kashmir, Sind and Balochistan = Pakistan.
All ethnics live together under the Islam.
Pakistan took Muhajirs (Indian Muslims) because these Muslims were oppressed in India. So they came to our land and live mostly in Karachi.
But it is not their country. It is ours and now since they have Pakistani passport by Immigration they also became Pakistani.
Pakistan had many predecessor states up to the Indus Valley Civilisation (Sindh).
Just deal with it whereas India was just an european myth. And after the british took over your land the Myth (India) came true.
Of course India had also many predecessor states but those never or hardly concluded Pakistan. Since Pakistan and India were never a country together.
British India was just a British Occupation, they took Pakistan (Sikh empire, Emirate of Sindh, Kalat) from us and put it in British India. And we took our country out again.

Does British Occupation justify to define India and claim parts of Pakistan or the whole of Pakistan?
Does the Nazi German Empire justify that whole Europe was a part of Germany?

When your Qaid e Azam was creating Pakistan, he said you are Pakistani only because you are Muslims of South Asia and what you wrote of North-West being different from rest of India was not in their definition of Pakistani identity. :laughcry: Moreover, you should read some poems of Allama Iqbal where he refer himself as proud Indian Muslim. ;) But being Muslim is not enough to assert a unique identity based on two nation theory, you have wrote all those dadi ma ki kahaniyan.
mashallah, why are you insulting me?
Where am I a racist?
I accept Muslims from foreign countries in Pakistan. Pakistan is an islamic country and an islamic nation.
But Pakistan is first the country of Punjabis, Pashtuns, Kashmiris, Sindhis and Baloch. It was and it will forever be.
Just like Germany is the country of Germans or France is the country of French.

So apologize and I will forgive you akhi.

Maurya Empire look pretty much like fake. Gupta Empire ruled hardly over Pakistan, only the east.

No Pakistan was not "created" for the "Indian Muslims" it was "created" for the Muslims of Punjab, Afghania (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Kashmir, Sind and Balochistan = Pakistan.
All ethnics live together under the Islam.
Pakistan took Muhajirs (Indian Muslims) because these Muslims were oppressed in India. So they came to our land and live mostly in Karachi.
But it is not their country. It is ours and now since they have Pakistani passport by Immigration they also became Pakistani.
Pakistan had many predecessor states up to the Indus Valley Civilisation (Sindh).
Just deal with it whereas India was just an european myth. And after the british took over your land the Myth (India) came true.
Of course India had also many predecessor states but those never or hardly concluded Pakistan. Since Pakistan and India were never a country together.
British India was just a British Occupation, they took Pakistan (Sikh empire, Emirate of Sindh, Kalat) from us and put it in British India. And we took our country out again.

Does British Occupation justify to define India and claim parts of Pakistan or the whole of Pakistan?
Does the Nazi German Empire justify that whole Europe was a part of Germany?

A Racist like yourself being quoted yet cannot see how you are racist, it only means you are a hypocrite as well.

Bangladesh should have never became a part of Pakistan in the first place because Bangladesh is a whole different country than Pakistan.
Bengalis are Indian, they belong to the Indian race (Dravidian).
Bengalis are not Punjabis, Pashtuns, Kashmiris, Sindhis and Balochis.

get lost racist loser ! :sick:
When your Qaid e Azam was creating Pakistan, he said you are Pakistani only because you are Muslims of South Asia and what you wrote of North-West being different from rest of India was not in their definition of Pakistani identity. :laughcry: Moreover, you should read some poems of Allama Iqbal where he refer himself as proud Indian Muslim. ;) But being Muslim is not enough to assert a unique identity based on two nation theory, you have wrote all those dadi ma ki kahaniyan.

First of all Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Allama Iqbal are not Prophets.
The term "Muslim" became more than a religious term it became a nationality to describe the predominantly North-West (Pakistan).

I have respect for Jinnah and Iqbal because they brought our country out of this catastrophy which the British made and put us into.
But the Two Nation Theory is not 100% correct since it is referring that Pakistanis are Muslims and Indians are Hindus and they can't live together simple as that.
It is ignoring that the predecessor states of Pakistan and the predecessor states of India before British Occupation were never a country together.
And that Pakistanis are whole different ethnic, linguistic, racial groups.
The fact that we are Muslims doesn't mean to forget our ethnic groups, languages and cultures. Since Allah made us humans in whole different ethnics, nations etc. We have to respect each other.

It is allowed to criticize Jinnah and Iqbal but also respect them.

Theoratically somebody could conquer Pakistan (Allah prevent us from that) and name it Kohistan (Land of Mountains).
This land with his ethnics, languages, races,history is not gone. It is the same. Only a different name.
All the predecessor states of Pakistan were from it ethnics, races and history the same and 1947 it became Pakistan.
Just a different name, but same ethnics, languages, races, history and so on.

I have to disagree.

Pakistan was never created. Pakistan got its independence on the 14th August 1947 from Great Britain.
Before that British occupied Pakistan and put it into "British India", although it had nothing to do with it.
Before the British occupation Pakistan was the Sikh Empire, Talpur Emirate of Sindh and Khanate of Kalat.
Its History goes back to the Indus Valley Civilisation (Sindh) 5000 years ago.

It isn't the homeland of the muslims of the "Indian Subcontinent" (Half of Pakistan is on the Eurasian Plate btw.)

It is the homeland of Punjabis, Pashtuns, Kashmiris, Sindhis and Baloch.
Which is also the meaning of Pakistan (P= Punjab, A= Afghania (old for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), K=Kashmir, S= Sindh, TAN= Balochistan = PAKISTAN)

Bangladesh should have never became a part of Pakistan in the first place because Bangladesh is a whole different country than Pakistan.
Bengalis are Indian, they belong to the Indian race (Dravidian).
Bengalis are not Punjabis, Pashtuns, Kashmiris, Sindhis and Balochis.

Thats Pakistan, the home of Pakistanis. Whether you are a Muslim, Chistian, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, even atheist and so on. If you are a Pakistani thats your country no matter which religion you belong to.

I myself am a proud and convinced Muslim don't get me wrong but I cannot accept or hear lies about Pakistan.

Pakistan and its ethnic groups, race and history is older than Islam, and people have to respect that.

Islam doesn't say to forget that.

welcome to the forum, and don't worry about the insults. it still hurts some people to think Pakistan has it's own unique history and place in the world. hence why they want to deny us our own past and heritage.

but I have to disagree with your ethnic angle bro. Pakistan was indeed created as an ideological muslim state in modern era, based on geographic location but not necessarily ethnicity. also we need to be open minded with regard to races/tribes in general. there were in neolithic times ancestors of dravidians shooder and dalits living in this region. also later many people have come and settled here from central asia, middle east, and elsewhere. we are one because of the bonds this ethno-cultural fusion created. but in the end all that matters is our being Muslim, and the vision of Pakistan our forefathers had.
A Racist like yourself being quoted yet cannot see how you are racist, it only means you are a hypocrite as well.

get lost racist loser ! :sick:

ok, akhi. I understand what you are meaning. But still you could criticize me without insulting me. Thats unnacessary.
Thats coming from somebody who lives in Germany who lives together with the Kuffar in the west.

And my question for you, why doesn't Egypt belong to Pakistan?
Egypt is an islamic country like Bangladesh.
So why should be Bangladesh a part of Pakistan and not Egypt?
You didn't mention the Maurya and the Gupta Empires. 8-)

Pakistanis was purely created on the Muslim identity of Muslims of British India, but Pakistanis were unsuccessful to assert a completely new identity based on religion and now they have to look beyond to have something to back this like how only 3% Indians are similar to Pakistanis, how Pakistan is fairer race compared to Indians, how Pakistan never had a Hindu history but a Buddhist history or ancient civilized Pakistanis of Indus and uncivilized Indians of Ganges. :laugh:

All of that has nothing to do with asserting identity of any kind. It's called trolling, the best to deal with it is countering it with facts.
welcome to the forum, and don't worry about the insults. it still hurts some people to think Pakistan has it's own unique history and place in the world. hence why they want to deny us our own past and heritage.

but I have to disagree with your ethnic angle bro. Pakistan was indeed created as an ideological muslim state in modern era, based on geographic location but not necessarily ethnicity. also we need to be open minded with regard to races/tribes in general. there were in neolithic times ancestors of dravidians shooder and dalits living in this region. also later many people have come and settled here from central asia, middle east, and elsewhere. we are one because of the bonds this ethno-cultural fusion created. but in the end all that matters is our being Muslim, and the vision of Pakistan our forefathers had.

Thank you akhi.
But it hurts that some Pakistanis are rude towards me. The western influence is corrupting all of us.

Yes the ideology of Pakistan is Islam and we are all proud Muslims, it unites us. But Pakistan still had its predecessor states and was never part of India.
All the predecessor states of Pakistan (from Indus Valley Civilisation to Independence) is now what is called Pakistan.
No matter what its name is or its ideology is. It was and always be Pakistan.
The ethnics, races, civilisation and history of Pakistan never changed. It was and will always be Pakistan.

For example Turkey before the Ottoman Empire, it was the Byzantine Empire and there lived Byzantines, Greeks and Romans.
Later the turks conquered the Byzantine Empire and the Byzantines, Greeks and Romans most of them fled and Turks got into that land. And now it is called Turkey.

Turkey and the Byzantine Empire were whole different countries with ethnics, races, languages and so on.

Pakistan 1000 years ago is the same. Nobody kicked us out of our country. So the ethnics, races, civilisation and so on remained always the same. Unlike Turkey or America.

Pakistanis were always Pakistanis.
That is the point and the Truth.
Jesus you in Mugabe land? WTF!

India didnt exist in the sense it is today. It just consisted of Princely states who were paying the stronger kingdom of royalties. And yes Indus Valley civilization is thousands upon thousands of years old, so yeah today's Pakistan consists of those areas.


Yeah I am posted here. Nice country overall. Forget Indus Valley Civilisation. That was a Hindu civilisation which has nothing to do with the identity of today's Pakistan. You surely must have heard of amongst others the Mauraya and the Gupta empires and the empire of Ashoka. But those are off offtopic. Let's concentrate on the topic on hand. This new 5000 year old country called Pakistan. Pity that Shan isn't here. He could add more value to the entertainment :D

I have to disagree.

Pakistan was never created. Pakistan got its independence on the 14th August 1947 from Great Britain.
Before that British occupied Pakistan and put it into "British India", although it had nothing to do with it.
Before the British occupation Pakistan was the Sikh Empire, Talpur Emirate of Sindh and Khanate of Kalat.
Its History goes back to the Indus Valley Civilisation (Sindh) 5000 years ago.

It isn't the homeland of the muslims of the "Indian Subcontinent" (Half of Pakistan is on the Eurasian Plate btw.)

It is the homeland of Punjabis, Pashtuns, Kashmiris, Sindhis and Baloch.
Which is also the meaning of Pakistan (P= Punjab, A= Afghania (old for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), K=Kashmir, S= Sindh, TAN= Balochistan = PAKISTAN)

Bangladesh should have never became a part of Pakistan in the first place because Bangladesh is a whole different country than Pakistan.
Bengalis are Indian, they belong to the Indian race (Dravidian).
Bengalis are not Punjabis, Pashtuns, Kashmiris, Sindhis and Balochis.

Thats Pakistan, the home of Pakistanis. Whether you are a Muslim, Chistian, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, even atheist and so on. If you are a Pakistani thats your country no matter which religion you belong to.

I myself am a proud and convinced Muslim don't get me wrong but I cannot accept or hear lies about Pakistan.

Pakistan and its ethnic groups, race and history is older than Islam, and people have to respect that.

Islam doesn't say to forget that.

Not completely factually accurate but GOOD post, Keep it up :tup:
Pakistan is what? 60 plus years old and some people are still constipating how it came to existence?! Does it make a difference? Nope....It has come to being and is here to stay! That makes a difference! How it is going to stay, that makes a difference! How its going to achieve heights....now all that is what should be discussed! How it came why it came cant be changed nor does it matter! What matters is now it has come to being....It needs to survive!

Can Indians please get out of their 60 years plus shock! Its time you move on from your cries! Please we dont want anything to do with you...All we want is our land in peace! so please grow up!
Pakistan is what? 60 plus years old and some people are still constipating how it came to existence?! Does it make a difference? Nope....It has come to being and is here to stay! That makes a difference! How it is going to stay, that makes a difference! How its going to achieve heights....now all that is what should be discussed! How it came why it came cant be changed nor does it matter! What matters is now it has come to being....It needs to survive!

Can Indians please get out of their 60 years plus shock! Its time you move on from your cries! Please we dont want anything to do with you...All we want is our land in peace! so please grow up!
we dont need to jump in,,,,,,few of ur pakistani members r doing our job:D
just its kinda amazing to see that after 60 +yrs there still is a confusion among pakistanis about :haha:the creation of there country
we dont need to jump in,,,,,,few of ur pakistani members r doing our job:D
just its kinda amazing to see that after 60 +yrs there still is a confusion among pakistanis about :haha:the creation of there country
We have no confusion its you Indians who see Pakistan in the title and drag the whole thread down!

The thread is about unity and people come in to discuss its creation :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Yeah I am posted here. Nice country overall. Forget Indus Valley Civilisation. That was a Hindu civilisation which has nothing to do with the identity of today's Pakistan. You surely must have heard of amongst others the Mauraya and the Gupta empires and the empire of Ashoka. But those are off offtopic. Let's concentrate on the topic on hand. This new 5000 year old country called Pakistan. Pity that Shan isn't here. He could add more value to the entertainment :D

Pfffft ok manlet :D
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