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Balochistan and the unity of Pakistan


Mar 31, 2007
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Mr. Ghamdi had been ambassador of KSA to Pakistan and rest you can read his observatio on the issue, below:​

Balochistan and the unity of Pakistan | Opinion | Saudi Gazette


Pakistan came into being as a homeland for the Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent after a long and bitter struggle and great sacrifices. The creation of Pakistan also involved a lot of ethnic, geographic, economic and political issues. Pakistan was able to remain united and the people achieved a great deal of growth and development for some time.

However, some internal and external forces were not satisfied or convinced about the creation of the new entity. They started exploiting and exaggerating some of the problems involved in the creation of the new nation and the mistakes committed by some people who held key positions. Moreover, there was a lack of religious faith and national sentiment on which Pakistan was founded on the part of some individuals and groups. Apart from this, some people cherished regional sentiments. All of these problems and factors contributed to Pakistan’s loss of its eastern half after a nine-month civil war that ended with India’s military intervention in favor of Bengalis. This resulted in the secession of East Pakistan and the creation of the new state of Bangladesh.

It is unfortunate that Pakistan is facing a fresh threat from those who are attempting to destabilize the country by crossing all the red lines. The Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) is threatening Pakistan’s national unity not only through its involvement in subversive acts from within but also by establishing rapport with external forces. It has sought the assistance of the United States by contacting some US Congressmen in order to gain moral and material support to continue its subversive and separatist acts.

The BLA and its tribal leader the Khan of Kalat were said to have earlier planned to take the Balochistan issue to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). It was also said that they expected that a neighboring country would pay the legal fees, amounting to more than $2 million, to contest the case. When they failed to achieve this, they approached some US Congressmen, requesting their support to take up their cause. This yielded results when three Congressmen tabled a bill before the US Congress stating:

“Balochistan is currently divided between Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan with no sovereign rights of its own.” They also told Congress that Balochis in Pakistan are subjected to violence, extrajudicial killing and displacement, and that they are demanding the right to self-determination.

Earlier, a Congressional committee convened hearings on what it called extrajudicial killings and human rights violations in Balochistan, and the issue was taken up by a number of deputies who proposed a new road map for the Middle East that was designed to divide some of the countries in the region, including Pakistan, on the basis of ethnic and religious factors. But the US government quickly distanced itself from such schemes.

However, in reality non-governmental organizations and research centers funded by the US State Department have worked to support and encourage dissidents in Balochistan. Similarly, the US government has also been pressing Pakistan to allow the opening of a US Consulate in Quetta. There was general belief that the aim of this demand was to facilitate the activities of organizations which are striving to create unrest in Pakistan.

US Congressmen who are known to be members of the Tea Party are working for an independent Balochistan. There have been reports that these Congressmen are outraged at Pakistan and by extending support to Balochi insurgents want to teach it a lesson for sheltering Osama Bin Laden.

There have also been allegations that India is extending financial assistance to the insurgents and that this money goes into the pockets of tribal chiefs who are working for the separation of Balochistan from Pakistan. There is a general notion that if the Republicans come to power in the next US elections, there will be a surge in violence in Balochistan. It has also been pointed out that in such a scenario, the insurgents will receive funding from Tea Party members under the pretext of defending human rights.

In this context, I suggest that the media should highlight some important topics.

1. There should be a political initiative to address the situation in Balochistan, such as holding elections and the formation of an elected government in the province, which would reduce the prospects for those who encourage insurgency.

2. It is essential to stop the intervention of external forces whether it is from US Congressmen or anyone else as this contravenes international laws and traditions.

3. The local media should expose the machinations of Tea Party members as well as the hypocrisy shown under the pretext of human rights in order to interfere in the internal affairs of Pakistan.

4. Those who demand separation are a small group and they enjoy no support from the people. They look to outside forces to get material and moral support from both individuals and agencies that are not interested in what is good for Pakistan. What these forces are trying to do in Balochistan is not possible for them to do in their own country. If any of them dared to do so, they would end up behind bars.

5. The people of Balochistan are patriotic and they want peace, justice and democracy to prevail. It is not possible to incite them to violence which is the objective of the banned separatist BLA.

6. The government of Pakistan will not allow any group of adventurers who live abroad to undermine the nation’s safety and security, as well as to forfeit any part of the country. It will work to achieve the growth and development of all parts of Pakistan, including Balochistan. The people of Balochistan like the rest of the people of Pakistan are keen to safeguard the unity and territorial integrity of the nation.

In my next article, I will shed more light on the double standards of some who intend to undermine the security, stability and unity of Pakistan.

— Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi is a former Saudi diplomat who specializes in Southeast Asian affairs. He can be reached at algham@hotmail.com
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Very valid points raised in this article. The answer to Indian funding is to remove a few powerful individuals. That shall serve as a memo.
What is missing is that elements in previous govt. helped Brahamdagh Bugti to slip abroad.
I will expose media complicity more later....
everyone in Pakistan is bloody sold to Americans, Indians or Israeli ... these bastar*ds will sell their mother if they get $$ from their masters ... jab tak awam nai uthe gi , Pakistan kabhi kuch nai achieve kr sakta
everyone in Pakistan is bloody sold to Americans, Indians or Israeli ... these bastar*ds will sell their mother if they get $$ from their masters ... jab tak awam nai uthe gi , Pakistan kabhi kuch nai achieve kr sakta

Like the B@stard who signed off Indus Water treaty to Indians for some piddly money and now lives comfortably in Canada with his Family. People like him should be dragged back to Pakistan and tried for treason.
Majority of our elctronic and print media is insane/for sale, at start new born channels did play some national songs and invite pro Pakistani peoples for interviews/discussions on national issues but when they get their share they forgot that they are Pakistani chanells and its their duty to play their role for the soverenity of Pakistan, have we ever heared on news chanells/general discussions that USofA and other Cowward/Bunniya nations are behind the Bolochistan and Terrorism issues in Pakistan (perhaps once in a blue Moon).
Thanks god we have tons of unsung heroes in our beloved country, fighting on known & unknown fronts with all types enemies. Pakistan Zindabad. :pakistan:
US supports Baluchistan freedom?? That's new. I think now its time Pakistan should declare war on US. They are the reason 40,000 Pakistanis have been killed in the last 10 years. And now they are supporting these BLA terrorists. I am all for Ghazwa-E-Washington D.C.
US supports Baluchistan freedom?? That's new. I think now its time Pakistan should declare war on US. They are the reason 40,000 Pakistanis have been killed in the last 10 years. And now they are supporting these BLA terrorists. I am all for Ghazwa-E-Washington D.C.
cia,mossad,raw,khad,isis,nkvd,,,,,n everybody else is responsible,,,,,balouch ppl r happy n content.....foreigners r blowing themslves up in Pakistan..
The BLA and its tribal leader the Khan of Kalat were said to have earlier planned to take the Balochistan issue to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). It was also said that they expected that a neighboring country would pay the legal fees, amounting to more than $2 million, to contest the case. When they failed to achieve this, they approached some US Congressmen, requesting their support to take up their cause. This yielded results when three Congressmen tabled a bill before the US Congress stating:

They failed to get money from a neighboring country.

And hence, If its a positive rated article. It also means India didnt support any Baloch activists and "some" members are creating stories of their own out of thin air and bringing flame baits to satisfy their own bruised ego.
Pakistan should support Khalistan movement again.
Its dead.

There are only two insurgencies worth the name in India now. In order of their threat and capability to India, they are:
1. Maoism
2. Kashmir

That would be your best bet.

1. Maoism cannot be supported by Pakistan because it is in East India. Pakistan has no geographical contiguity with the region and is therefore exponentially harder to supply money and weapons to the Maoists.
Pakistan did use Bangladesh for this earlier, but since Sheikh Hasina has completely uprooted the Pakistani network and half killed the Islamist network in Bangladesh, that is a dead horse for Pakistan.

2. The only other thing Pakistan can do is support the Kashmir militancy. Pakistan is already doing that. India has lived through the worst that Pakistan could do in the early 90's when Kashmir had an open border and easy crossings.
Today the border is fenced, lit and sensors deployed, the survival span of crossing over of terrorists is down to less than 4 days. That means that of the few terrorists that actually manage to cross over the border - a majority of them are killed in less than 4 days by the security forces.

Practically speaking, Pakistan cannot do much more than what it is already doing, and even its full effort in this direction now would be less effective than what India has already defeated in the 90's.
Its dead.

There are only two insurgencies worth the name in India now. In order of their threat and capability to India, they are:
1. Maoism
2. Kashmir

That would be your best bet.

1. Maoism cannot be supported by Pakistan because it is in East India. Pakistan has no geographical contiguity with the region and is therefore exponentially harder to supply money and weapons to the Maoists.
Pakistan did use Bangladesh for this earlier, but since Sheikh Hasina has completely uprooted the Pakistani network and half killed the Islamist network in Bangladesh, that is a dead horse for Pakistan.

2. The only other thing Pakistan can do is support the Kashmir militancy. Pakistan is already doing that. India has lived through the worst that Pakistan could do in the early 90's when Kashmir had an open border and easy crossings.
Today the border is fenced, lit and sensors deployed, the survival span of crossing over of terrorists is down to less than 4 days. That means that of the few terrorists that actually manage to cross over the border - a majority of them are killed in less than 4 days by the security forces.

Practically speaking, Pakistan cannot do much more than what it is already doing, and even its full effort in this direction now would be less effective than what India has already defeated in the 90's.

Pakistanis are very creative they will come up with something.:P
Like the B@stard who signed off Indus Water treaty to Indians for some piddly money and now lives comfortably in Canada with his Family. People like him should be dragged back to Pakistan and tried for treason.

can you be little more specific who you are talking about in highlighted part ?
Very valid points raised in this article. The answer to Indian funding is to remove a few powerful individuals. That shall serve as a memo.
Very valid points raised in this article. The answer to Indian funding is to remove a few powerful individuals. That shall serve as a memo.
Before dispensing this advice and plan of action start following it in kasmir first and stop meddling. Perhpas it will help if there is a public apology to the world for all the shenanigans pak engaged in since 1947

Pakistanis are very creative they will come up with something.:P
Well said. Pak is very creative in creating mischief and fortunately the world has wizened up to it post 9/11. Very very bad news indeed for Pakistan but good for India! It might consider becoming a more productive member of the world by contributing to the well being of the world instead of being a constant source of nuisance for the world simply to get attention. Why, because it gets no respect like the famous. Hollywood actor Rodney dangerfield
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