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Bahrain-Saudi Arabia union ‘meant to save US Navy base’

at least egypt-syria union was for a noble cause - arabs have become smaller creatures since the days of great visionaries and revolutionaries and are now in defense of petty monarchists who are in turn anglo-american-jewish running dogs

Union or not does not matter as ultimately America and Israel will use these Arab not royal families to hold down Arabs under their boots
what the **** has this Ummah been reduced to Muslims forging alliances against their Muslim brothers, I mean **** this kind of monarchy or government the Muslims of the gulf are probably going to help and give full blown support to furthur invasions into our lands, this is the only reason we seem to be damned by Allah himself, we have given up His religion and resorted to Jewish *** licking, what the **** is the point of such leaders, i hope that somehow unity and brotherhood overcomes the venom spewed over the years....if this is the state of the Ummah then i think we deserve to be dominated by the west.....
This is an era of large blocks of nations. I have always promoted a union of Arabs of Arabian Peninsula ( including Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan,Iraq, Syria and Lebonan ). Similarly the five Northern African Nations can make another block.
This is an era of large blocks of nations. I have always promoted a union of Arabs of Arabian Peninsula ( including Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan,Iraq, Syria and Lebonan ). Similarly the five Northern African Nations can make another block.
much of what you say could happen
syria and lebnon
algirea tunis morocoo libya
egypt and sudan
what the **** has this Ummah been reduced to Muslims forging alliances against their Muslim brothers, I mean **** this kind of monarchy or government the Muslims of the gulf are probably going to help and give full blown support to furthur invasions into our lands, this is the only reason we seem to be damned by Allah himself, we have given up His religion and resorted to Jewish *** licking, what the **** is the point of such leaders, i hope that somehow unity and brotherhood overcomes the venom spewed over the years....if this is the state of the Ummah then i think we deserve to be dominated by the west.....
easy my friend the revoulotions has changed alot in the region mubark in egypt ben ali in tunis and the yemen presdient
all pro west i think what is coming is better the west is getting old every one can see it now they are not the same every day they become weaker and other powers stronger there will be balance in the world we should all do his part for his country and wait
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