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AYAZ AMIR: Integrity, eh!



New Recruit

Sep 18, 2014
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Mr. Ayaz Amir' article has appeared in today's Jang newspaper that flagrantly lacks the very journalistic ethics and personal morality standards that Mr. Amir vociferously claims to preach. Below is my response to that article:

"WOW! So, this is Mr. Ayaz Amir who has expressed no substantiated reason in this article but an utmost anger for Nawaz Sharif and his coteries for being the harbingers of failure. I personally don't like Nawaz Sharif or Zardari, but such a prejudiced aura of self-righteousness that Mr. Ayaz Amir has indulged into seems like a flagrant outcry of someone who happens to have personal score to settle and personal wounds to heal. For the last few years - since he first sought PMLN ticket to contest the elections of 1997 for the Membership of Punjab Provincial Assembly - I have been seriously struggling to find an intellectual balance in Mr. Amir's writings, especially when his target is PMLN's policies (or non-policies). Even in this article, though it doesn't bother me that he is criticizing Sharifs with prejudice objectivity by putting aside every pixel of moral canvass, despite religiously struggling to ferret out one, I have been at loss to find a single logic or conception but the anger and settle-the-score-spirit. I wonder if he has ever indulged into self cajolery to conceive the glitches of his own "inner-self" particularly from political perspective, and then I wonder if he has the genuine credentials to point fingers at Nawaz Sharif.

He fell out with Nawaz Sharif and his close coteries about a year prior to 2013 elections and kept on harshly criticizing him against the party discipline. He openly wrote/said that Imran Khan was a better person than NS, and there were not-so unsubstantiated rumours that he was about to join Imran Khan. But such rumerous never came true. Since as a politician he was shrewd enough to know that, despite loud hullabaloo, it was extremely hard for him to win as a PTI candidate from Chakwal which apparently had become a PMLN stronghold. So, the angry intellectual who was bombarding Nawaz Sharif with below-the-belt blows was once again begging for the PMLN ticket, which was eventually declined and awarded to a new revert, the son in law of General Abdul Majeed Malik. And that made Ayaz Amir extremely angry once again. This article is absolutely unsubstantiated and Mr. Amir has unethically used his privilege as a columnist to conceal the reality and lie to undermine PMLN and NS, and has sinfully tried to portray his personal grudges as national issues. Now this is an insult to a nation that is already a victim of ......hmmmmm lets see, almost everyone, including Imran Khan and Ayaz Amir! Godspeed Pakistan!"
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