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Awami League's Strategy

Sometimes i always feel the resemblances of your political parties like Our Congress Party with AL party of BD and BJP party with BNP. The style of politics is more or less similar....Alte alhough i am an admirer of BJP, but i know that Congress will be a always powerful in Indian politics due to its appeal to diverse section of people....where as BJP does not appeal across PAN Indian way...In the same way, my feeling is that AL is presented as if a pan BD party with wider appeal whereas BNP seems to be harping on nationalistic agenda...But the problem is that when people go to vote, most of the poor and rural people do not vote on the basis of foreign policy and Foreign relation rather they vote on day to day activities....

I may be wrong ...but if BNP would like to come to power..they have to address the issues that may be impacting the daily issues of the people like Governace, price rise and other security issues of citizen....I feel that will be give them added points against the gov to come to the top..
Sometimes i always feel the resemblances of your political parties like Our Congress Party with AL party of BD and BJP party with BNP. The style of politics is more or less similar....Alte alhough i am an admirer of BJP, but i know that Congress will be a always powerful in Indian politics due to its appeal to diverse section of people....where as BJP does not appeal across PAN Indian way...In the same way, my feeling is that AL is presented as if a pan BD party with wider appeal whereas BNP seems to be harping on nationalistic agenda...But the problem is that when people go to vote, most of the poor and rural people do not vote on the basis of foreign policy and Foreign relation rather they vote on day to day activities....

I may be wrong ...but if BNP would like to come to power..they have to address the issues that may be impacting the daily issues of the people like Governace, price rise and other security issues of citizen....I feel that will be give them added points against the gov to come to the top..

I didn't know that top central BJP leaders and 100K + its party & alliance activist are crawling in jail with people being killed everyday by police & law enforcements for simply taking to the streets. 1000s abducted & killed in 5 years. New Dlehi is sealed off from the rest of India with rallies & gatherings banned there. Its high time Kashmiri and NE freedom fighters should go for the finishing blow IMO.:devil: Being a foreigner I may be wrong :unsure: , but PAN india congress needs to declare one party rule to stay in power forever.
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Don't want to derail the discussion to different topic but here are masterminds behind all tortures. Brig Gen Chowdhury Fazlul Bari is the biggest culprit in torture game.

He is not so hot now a days. I heard this guy work in some fast food place somewhere in USA.
Do you know where about this scum?
@Loki, but there are no other alternative to hartal & now Oborod. Oborod seem to be working better- Dhaka has been practically cut off from the rest of the country. But yeah u R right even if the whole country burn down Hasina won't budge since she simply doesn't care. These R dark times in indeed.

And the common people suffer. I mean people going on about their daily lives ranging from exams to work.

Btw is there any example of a autocratic regime staying in power in the backdrop of 0 popular support? Communist eastern Block comes to my mind- but then the USSR was there while the west simply gave up on those states though communist parties there did have some support. We R talking abt the 21st century now where BD does have a opposition with strong popular support for their demands while Hasina and AL only have state muscles with Indian backing. How long will this last? Btw she can actually stay in power without holding elections as well as per her constitution.

That largely depends on how Hasina manages her party. At least, the AL's senior leadership has unity.

However, there are violent divisions within the AL's grassroots level.
AL nominations spark protests in several districts

Coupled with controversial figures with criminal histories being nominated:
Tainted figures on AL ticket | Shamim Osman back; Abul, 47 other sitting MPs including 5 ministers, state ministers excluded

As I have said before in other threads, she places more value in loyalty than merit.

But where does this go? Saddam Hussein did the same thing with his generals, and look how they took a beating from Coalition Forces.

That is what happens when one places more value on loyalty than merit. It would be matter of time for the AL if her attitude continues this way.

It would also matter how they behave with military officials. But then, why do you think she's so frightened of an army-backed caretaker government? Remember how the metro-rail project didn't go forward? It was because it cut through land owned by the military (the old airport). That says she doesn't have full control over them despite all the propaganda.

The senior AL leaders are generally very fearful within their psyche (despite the propaganda). They know the huge risks they are taking for unlimited power and wealth.

The Indians simply want a shortcut to everything while living in some wrapped reality at the same time. They have very little understanding about the complexities and sensitivities of the politics of Bangladesh.

And despite all their military power, and WMD's, they are a very paranoid people too. Though, they may be right as for their paranoia since they too are vulnerable from security threats. Terrorist attacks are a common occurrence over there. Do you know how many crude bomb blasts there were during Modi's gatherings this year alone? You may be surprised.

The fact that India shares the largest border with Bangladesh than any other neighbor, a population of 160 million and an unstable political environment in which 90% of them are Muslims is a general reality that terrifies them. That is why they try to at least maintain some leverage over Bangladesh. But at what cost?

As I said, it's a wrapped reality they like to live in. Just look at your thread about "India's venomous fangs". Blaming a bunch of 90 year old dudes for every wrong in Bangladesh proves the point.

And even if those dudes die, things won't calm down in Bangladesh. But that's how they do things over there in India. Brushing a problem under the carpet is not problem-solving at all.
BNP accuses India of backing AL

Whats wrong if India backing AL?

If BNP again came to power then they again start to support terrorist group like ULFA and others.

So India is working for their own interests nothing wrong.
1.Distribution of tickets is entirely at the whims of SHW. But she has constrains:

a. BCL/JL clamor for max seats.

b.SHW must look after her extended family.

c. People getting recommendation of Pranab Mukharjee must be accommodated.

d. People getting recommendation from Bongobhumi's Kalidas Baidyomust be considered.

e. This time even Indian HiCom has started recommending people.

2. Perhaps SHW/BAL know there may not be any election soon.Meanwhile, through this exercise SHW has collected Tk25,000.00x2,700. Plus extras people have paid in Lacs to get in.

Whats wrong if India backing AL?

If BNP again came to power then they again start to support terrorist group like ULFA and others.

So India is working for their own interests nothing wrong.

It is in our interest to support NE FFs. Since Brahminic ruled India is perceived by us as the major threat to our sovereignty we must support/coop with all anti-Indian nations and groups.
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It is in our interest to support NE FFs. Since Brahminic ruled India is perceived by us as the major threat to our sovereignty we must support/coop with all anti-Indian nations and groups.

Now, indians will switch from logic and civility to gun power talk.
Now, indians will switch from logic and civility to gun power talk.
Whats the harm?:bounce:

Oh...& to stay with the topic my 2 cents:

  1. Hasina is cunning, ruthless.....has superb control over the "Bangladeshi political system" . In short she has tremendous "Jugaad". She is using every thing in the book and outside it! She and her underlings (if there are any) don't give a shit about BD and will willingly sell it of to the highest bidder!
  2. Where does India come into the picture? Well India has everything to lose if an uncooperative govt. comes into picture. It is one of the few nations which the fiercest jingoist can say that India has a sphere of influence her!:sniper:(India couldn't even bring Nasheed to power in Maldives :hitwall:. It couldn't do jack for GMR when its deal was unilaterally cancelled:bad:)
  3. BNP as of this moment seems utterly incapacitated. If it is successfully kept out of election BD will cease to be a democracy! (Although for a country where the opposition doesn't attend a Parliament...IMHO its NOT A DEMOCRACY at all!)
  4. Although there seems to be a bubbling discontent within Bangladeshis over the years, a third alternative has always been successfully crushed. BD doesn't have any dearth of intelligentsia, however it severely lacks Statesmen....BAL and BNP both have benefited from this.

BAL's strategy (my views:P):
  • Even if we have elections under our watch and are able to perform mass rigging, the swing at max would be 20%...not enough since anti-incumbency is strong!
  • Point 1....goes to drain....we cant let BNP participate
  • Put all members of opp. party under incarceration. Drag Zia to the streets....create a fiasco & arrest her to too (successful casus belli!)
  • Bribe a massive portion of the army (maybe its already done:buba_phone:)
  • Keep ruling BD ....raking in millions of Dollars...<EO Story>
Bangladeshis be dammed!...We don't give a rat's ***...never have!:pop:

Guess Sonia Gandhi has had similar thoughts....its just that India is too big for her to successfully execute all her plans!
B. Chowdhury is no psychriatist and if you had been a repeat patient of famous psychriatists like Dr. Abdullah Al Mamun or Dr. Md. Faruk Alam from early childhood I am sure you wouldn't have this dismal mental condition. I know someone who was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia same as you but after being chained in a mental asylum for over a year is now almost cured. Seriously, No kidding.
You can also start your therapy mate.. its never too late to start over. :-)
bd section is always exciting.. not a moment of boredom ... lolz
@Soms : I dont think sonia amma is evil, so plz dont compare with hasina didi. thanks .. :p:

I didn't know that top central BJP leaders and 100K + its party & alliance activist are crawling in jail with people being killed everyday by police & law enforcements for simply taking to the streets. 1000s abducted & killed in 5 years. New Dlehi is sealed off from the rest of India with rallies & gatherings banned there. Its high time Kashmiri and NE freedom fighters should go for the finishing blow IMO.:devil: Being a foreigner I may be wrong :unsure: , but PAN india congress needs to declare one party rule to stay in power forever.
india is too big and too diverse to do something like that. Indira gandhi tried (emergency) and realized her folly before too late.
But the type of politics that BJP does is similar to BNP and Congress is similar to AL.
india is too big and too diverse to do something like that. Indira gandhi tried (emergency) and realized her folly before too late.
But the type of politics that BJP does is similar to BNP and Congress is similar to AL.

That post was in reply to your other fellow countrymen's post. She was equaling BD politics with Indian politics based on her narrow minded indian propaganda infused perception just like U did now. I don't know anything abt BJP/congress naturally but amazingly U indians claim to know abt BNP/JI offcourse based on myths propagated by your establishment.
@Loki, Again what r the alternatives? What can opposition do to survive when they are being pushed to the cliff along with the whole country? The situation of our awamidesh isn't normal , its not a normal country right now. Jungle laws R prevailing here. A single party run by a single women backed by a regional hegemon have decided to trample over the aspiration of the whole country. Should a whole country of 160 million bow down to the wishes of Hasina & India alone?
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@Loki, Again what r the alternatives? What can opposition do to survive when they are being pushed to the cliff along with the whole country? The situation of our awamidesh isn't normal , its not a normal country right now. Jungle laws R prevailing here. A single party run by a single women backed by a regional hegemon have decided to trample over the aspiration of the whole country. Should a whole country of 160 million bow down to the wishes of Hasina & India alone?

Luffy and @idune : The current government has done things unlike what any other government had done before. It is in a word - Unique.

Going back in time, pre-election violence was not an uncommon sight. The opposition set out violent processions against the government, and achieved what they wanted in the end.

But this time, this government is different. They effectively infiltrated the ranks of law-enforcement and the military by heavily politicizing it. Even armed BAL goons collaborate with police (something that did not happen in the past).

The media blames the opposition for almost everything. And that says that they have infiltrated control over the media. And of-course, heavy politicization. See those lame political talk-shows on TV? There's the proof.

We agree that there is no alternative than hartal for the BNP. But this time, such agitations are not going succeed like they did in the past. But neither would the ruling government.

Now, unless the two parties get into dialogue; Bangladesh is inevitably going to get thrown further into the unknown abyss of chaos. No control, nothing. Much of the country right now is in flames. I mean, weeks of hartal!? How can they do anything in such a scenario? Without control, the rest are pointless.

The UN wrote a letter to both ladies. In fact, this is the second time. The contents are unknown, but you get the idea. A second letter speaks volume.

December is going to be a very bad month. Very bad. December 16th is the country's independence. Coincidence?

The only way out should Bangladesh descend into further chaos is to have the White Knights to the rescue.
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