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AVIC AG-600 flying boat / amphibious aircraft

I don't think this picture has been posted yet.

China AG600, 2016-07-23 world biggest amphibious aircraft leave the produce line in China. Future AG600 take off from HaiNan island, the flight range can cover whole SCS area and can landing on 75% SCS sea-surface.:coffee:

7月23日,由中国航空工业集团公司研制的国产大型灭火/水上救援水陆两栖飞机AG60001架机在珠海实现总装下线。大型水陆两栖飞机AG600是继我国自主研制的大型运输机运-20实现交付列装、C919大型客机实现总装下线之后,我国在大飞机领域研制工作取得的又一重大成果,为我国大飞机家族再添一名强有力的“重量级选手”,未来,AG600从海南起飞,航程可覆盖中国南海,可在75%的南海海面起降,将成为岛礁补给、海洋救援,以及森林防火等领域的国之重器。(摄影 李晋)

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Its a beast
Why dont they give it a little upgrade and turn into an Ekrano plane?
If this aircraft can't drop bombs, it's useless like rubbish.
This plane main mission is not to drop bomb but transport troops and supply to distance shallow small islets in short response time.
World's largest amphibian aircraft passes engine tests
Source: Xinhua Published: 2017/2/15


An amphibious aircraft AG600 is displayed for the 11th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong Province, Oct. 30, 2016. The AG600 is by far the world's largest amphibian aircraft, about the size of a Boeing 737. Photo:Xinhua

The AG600, the world's largest amphibian aircraft, has successfully passed engine tests and is expected to make its maiden flight in the first half of 2017, according to China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Co. Ltd. on Tuesday.

The AG600 rolled off a production line in the southern city of Zhuhai last July, and has since undergone a series of rigorous tests.

Between Feb. 11 and 13, all four of its engines performed excellently in tests, according to the company.

The 37-meter-long AG600, with a wingspan of 38.8 meters, is by far the world's largest amphibian aircraft, about the size of a Boeing 737. It is destined to support emergency response efforts.

The aircraft has a maximum take-off weight of 53.5 tonnes and can collect 12 tonnes of water in 20 seconds.

It is the result of nearly seven years of work by a group of 70 aircraft component manufacturers and research teams with over 150 institutes from 20 provinces and municipalities in China, and over 90 percent of the products used on the plane were made in China.

It has received 17 intent orders so far.
WORLD NEWS | Wed Feb 15, 2017 | 1:41am EST
Maiden flight of China-built amphibious aircraft expected in first half of 2017

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Officials of Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) unveil the newly-made nose of amphibious aircraft AG600, during a ceremony at a factory in Chengdu, Sichuan province March 17, 2015. REUTERS/China Daily

The world's largest amphibious aircraft, the China-made AG600, has passed engine tests and is expected to make its maiden flight in the first half of this year, state news agency Xinhua said.

As China adopts a more muscular approach to territorial disputes in places such as the busy South China Sea waterway, it has stepped up research on advanced new military equipment, rattling nerves in the Asia-Pacific region and in Washington.

State aircraft maker Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) has spent almost eight years developing the AG600, which is roughly the size of a Boeing 737 and is designed to carry out marine rescues and battle forest fires.

In November, AVIC displayed the plane at China's biggest meeting of aircraft makers and buyers, after it completed production of the jet in July..

The aircraft has received 17 expressions of interest so far, Xinhua said late on Tuesday, but gave no further details. The aircraft has a maximum flight range of 4,500 km and a maximum take-off weight of 53.5 tonnes.

China also showed off its Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter in public for the first time at the November airshow and in June last year put into service a new, domestically-developed large transport aircraft.


(Reporting by Brenda Goh; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)
i'm just waiting for Viet BOQ77 to post something saying other country have a bigger one amphibious ship

Don't forget our other friends. You know what they'll say don't you? "Copied", "low quality", and it'll all come down to "freedom":pleasantry:
That how U build an aircraft. It took only 7 years for this aircraft to become reality. Hats off to the dedication and fast pace of the team. Congratulations China. Keep surprising us like that regularly.
Like the West say, in a democratic country, "it's hardwork" in a communist like China, "it's slave labor".
Ring any bells? ;)
Don't forget our Indian friends. You know what they'll say don't you? "Copied", "low quality", and it'll all come down to "freedom":pleasantry:

Not at all.

Congratulations on this achievement. 7 years is an amazing time frame in which you have accomplished this feat.

Also the design is very very aesthetic. Fine job done by your engineers.

Are you offering it for commercial airplane usage too? Or just military?

This aircraft has a huge potential for sea-plane commercial aviation services across the world.

A lot of airports around the world are overcrowded, have hefty charges and is a big hassle for passengers.

Opening up sea-based airports with minimal restrictions and capital expenditure will result in aviation boom.

AG600 has immense potential.
World's largest amphibian aircraft passes engine tests
Source: Xinhua 2017-02-15 00:12:21

GUANGZHOU, Feb. 14 (Xinhua) -- The AG600, the world's largest amphibian aircraft, has successfully passed engine tests and is expected to make its maiden flight in the first half of 2017, according to China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Co. Ltd. on Tuesday.

The AG600 rolled off a production line in the southern city of Zhuhai last July, and has since undergone a series of rigorous tests.

Between Feb. 11 and 13, all four of its engines performed excellently in tests, according to the company.

The 37-meter-long AG600, with a wingspan of 38.8 meters, is by far the world's largest amphibian aircraft, about the size of a Boeing 737. It is destined to support emergency response efforts.

The aircraft has a maximum take-off weight of 53.5 tonnes and can collect 12 tonnes of water in 20 seconds.

It is the result of nearly seven years of work by a group of 70 aircraft component manufacturers and research teams with over 150 institutes from 20 provinces and municipalities in China, and over 90 percent of the products used on the plane were made in China.

It has received 17 intent orders so far.

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