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Australians Just Showed the World Exactly How to Respond to Terrorism


Apr 17, 2009
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Australians Just Showed the World Exactly How to Respond to Terrorism With #IllRideWithYou:

In the aftermath of the hostage crisis in downtown Sydney, Australians are showing the world they're not caving to racism or Islamophobia.

On Monday, an armed gunman stormed a cafe in Martin Place, entering a tense standoff with police. After the hostage-taker displayed an Islamic flag in the cafe's window, many of Australia's Muslims are understandably anxious about facing retribution.

But instead, Australians have banded together on Twitter with #IllRideWithYou, a hashtag showing their solidarity with fellow countrymen scared of being attacked on public transportation.

The hashtag started simply, with an act of compassion. Tessa Kum, a writer living in Sydney, told Guardian Australia she acted after seeing a tweet from TV reporter Michael James:


source: Australians Just Showed the World Exactly How to Respond to Terrorism With #IllRideWithYou - Mic
it's a leftist move ... there is only a limited thing one can do.
American and European Islamophobes need to learn a lesson from this
Actually Europeans are more tolerant compared to Americans and Islamaphobes "especially in America" use scare mongering to make more money.
Western immigration policies in a nutshell.And along with the retards,the muslims who actually don't bother anyone get swept in .

They are still debating if it's a terrorist act or not (LOL).

No one knows what his motives were, or why he did it. In fact, he was initially targeting another building. But since it had good security, he targeted some place with a funny name packed with morning coffee goers.

If you ask me, he was mentally ill. A man living in a delusional world.

Actually Europeans are more tolerant compared to Americans and Islamaphobes "especially in America" use scare mongering to make more money.

People made entire careers in Murica.

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