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Australia, China inspect fighter jets


Jul 31, 2010
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Australia, China inspect fighter jets

Australia and China have played show-and-tell with their jet fighter aircraft ... in a gesture of transparency.

Defence head Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston said it underlined the Australian Defence Force's good relationship with China's defence force, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) - one not shared by the Americans.

He said it was a reciprocal arrangement.
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When PLA chief of the general staff General Chen Bingde visited Australia last year, he was allowed to inspect one of our jet aircraft.

Just what type of aircraft wasn't specified.

"When the chief of the air force went up to China, he was given what I would say reciprocal access to a fighter aircraft in the same way as we had provided access to that fighter aircraft for General Chen Bingde," Air Chief Marshal Houston told reporters on Monday.

"We thought that was a very positive step and it's typical of the constructive approach we both share."

General Chen was in Australia for the annual Australia-China strategic dialogue and another is to be held soon.

Air Chief Marshal Houston said one topic of discussion last year was China's military buildup.

"We seek to better understand the reason for that buildup and we impress on our Chinese friends the need to be transparent about their intent in terms of that buildup," he said.

Air Chief Marshal Houston said engagement was absolutely the way to go and much of Australia's current prosperity stemmed from China's growth.

"We would love to see our American friends who at the moment are having some difficulties with military to military relationship with China, re-establish those vital engagement links between the two militaries.

That way the US and Chinese militaries could discuss and negotiate issues of common concern, he said.

Air Chief Marshal Houston said it was really up to the US and Chinese militaries to get together and the signs at the moment were quite good.

"If we can help with the re-establishment of links, fine," he said.

Interesting. I wonder what types of aircrafts were involved.

F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

I was just joking my friend. I thought I made it obvious with the :rofl:s!

Do you happen to know what planes that the PLAAF sent (the real ones)? It seems appropriate to send top of the line planes since Australia is sending one of her best.
I was just joking my friend. I thought I made it obvious with the :rofl:s!

Do you happen to know what planes that the PLAAF sent (the real ones)? It seems appropriate to send top of the line planes since Australia is sending one of her best.

This is pure guesswork but I'd bet it's a Su-30 or J-11. China doesn't have JF-17 in service and J-10 is still too sensitive. Australia may be somewhat concerned with the recent Su-30 purchases by Southeast Asian countries so letting them take a look at a Su-30 could probably satisfy them without let slipping too much of our own stuff.
I'm sure they will take a close look at the F-18's LERX.

Well China has already experience with LERX, do check out the JF-17.

China has not experience in DSIs as well as LERX.
It's bit different, the JF-17 are a bit more rounded. Plus they might be interested in different design and twin engine aircraft.
It's bit different, the JF-17 are a bit more rounded. Plus they might be interested in different design and twin engine aircraft.

Once you have the know how, computer simulated softwares, then it becomes easy to work with it.

China has worked with one design of LERX, so now if they want to use this thing on some other platform, slight design change, bigger platform, won't be a problem, they have the basic knowledge, have applied on something and have seen the benefit of it.

F/A-18 is a bigger plane with intakes at a different position, thus its LERX design may change a little bit, but basics are learned by the Chinese.
Once you have the know how, computer simulated softwares, then it becomes easy to work with it.

China has worked with one design of LERX, so now if they want to use this thing on some other platform, slight design change, bigger platform, won't be a problem, they have the basic knowledge, have applied on something and have seen the benefit of it.

F/A-18 is a bigger plane with intakes at a different position, thus its LERX design may change a little bit, but basics are learned by the Chinese.

You've got a good point Taimi. The bolded part was especially interesting to me since I've translated a recent internet conversation (Chinese to English) where I ran across references to the use of a similar LERX design from F-18 and JF-17 on the J-XX!

Now don't get me wrong. I usually detest the fanboy speculations but this time things are a bit different. The thread starter seems to have a good knowledge of planes/a scary amount of insight on the J-XX development (it was speculated that he had inside info). Now that you mentioned it I just can't help but make the connections.
That's how I got my idea from too. Engine placement of J-xx may be different to JF-17.

edit: Adding to what siegecrossbow said the person also mentioned:

Canard - delta wing - V tail design.

Complex aerodynamics bordering on the extreme (to counter for somewhat inferior engine tech)

DSI inlet with variable openings. (Author mentioned it being strange looking)

Incorporation of LERX similar to F-18 and JF-17 to offset presence of canard and improve performance.

Key technologies are being tested on J-10 and JF-17 like platforms

Plasma stealth around key radar hot spots.

Possibly round nozzle with 3D thrust vectoring

Side engine intake more likely, J-10 like intake position may be dropped.

engine will use WS-15, but prototype will be tested with another engine

High-low 5th gen combination envisioned, this is heavy variant, so number produced will prob. not exceed 200-300.

Design is chengdu based but airframe will be made by shenyang due to more experience concerning structure design and advanced material/composit tech. Also shenyang being producer of J-11 has more experience regarding twin engined aircraft.

J-xx will not have those twin little vertical fins near the rear of the plane belly (sorry forgot what its called...)

There are Russians present in shenyang now too.

ground testing to start next year, but prototype not expected to take to air until 2012.

Apparently F-22 like airframe has been tested in windtunnels and is capable to be manufactured. However there is no point following F-22 design because F-22 is superior due to combination of various factors that also include superior engine suit. If US redesign a fighter now they would have come up with something more superior.


J-10b is not the last variant of J-10.

US are designing 6th gen plane. China has started looking into it. Both countries envision a manned version as well as an unmanned version.
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You've got a good point Taimi. The bolded part was especially interesting to me since I've translated a recent internet conversation (Chinese to English) where I ran across references to the use of a similar LERX design from F-18 and JF-17 on the J-XX!

Now don't get me wrong. I usually detest the fanboy speculations but this time things are a bit different. The thread starter seems to have a good knowledge of planes/a scary amount of insight on the J-XX development (it was speculated that he had inside info). Now that you mentioned it I just can't help but make the connections.

Tiami is damn right - check this one out.




F-18 Super hornet

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