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Attention Indian Members - Use of word bania or Khattri is derogatory or not

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Oct 19, 2008
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Indian caste
also spelled Baniya Main
(from Sanskrit vāṇijya, “trade”), Indian caste consisting generally of moneylenders or merchants, found chiefly in northern and western India; strictly speaking, however, many mercantile communities are not Banias, and, conversely, some Banias are not merchants. In the fourfold division of Indian society, the innumerable Bania subcastes, such as the Agarwala, are classed as members of the Vaishya, or commoner, class. In religious affiliation they are generally Vaishnavas (worshippers of the Hindu god Vishnu) or Jainas and tend to be strict vegetarians, teetotallers, and orthodox in observing ceremonial purity. The Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi belonged to a Gujarati Bania caste.

The above link show that word bania is not derogatory for indian because top leader of indian belong tothat group.

Similiarly present PM Manmohin singh belong to khattri family which is also considered respectable caste in indian society.

Please inform us about your point of view

Where is the link?

I didnt get your question? What is there to comment???? :chilli:
Where is the link?

I didnt get your question? What is there to comment???? :chilli:

His point was if the Indians feel offended by being called a bania or a Khattri. Bania ... Haha!
Well if you refer to all Indians as Khatri or Baniya then its obviously not accurate.
Its human nature to classify and declassify the human race. Islam does not recognise divisions, but Still Shia and sunni divide persist! How would u like If we called all Pakistanis Sunni? How would the Shias feel?

In todays India, in atleast my part of the country, People from the so called upper caste find it hard to get education etc because people from the lower caste take away all the seats etc. It has led to them, obtaining fake certificates claiming they are lower castes!

Please Refrain from Using such caste based words. Hope you understand it, if not, I understand.
of course all indian could not belong to bania caste , indian top leader Ghandi belong to this caste and you should not feel insult to be called bania .

I hope point is clarfied .
of course all indian could not belong to bania caste , indian top leader Ghandi belong to this caste and you should not feel insult to be called bania .

I hope point is clarfied .

You have no say in deciding what I should or should not be offended by.

I am not a Baniya or a Khatri, so I will take serious umbrage at being referred to as either of them.
of course all indian could not belong to bania caste , indian top leader Ghandi belong to this caste and you should not feel insult to be called bania .

I hope point is clarfied .
Whats your background waraich??? If you dont mind could u spill it? I mean where r u from, what do u do etc. If you dont mind only, otherwise forget it.
You have no say in deciding what I should or should not be offended by.

I am not a Baniya or a Khatri, so I will take serious umbrage at being referred to as either of them.

My understanding is your top leader Mr Ghandi has influence on indian's school of thaught ,he developed a mentality which is commonly known baniya mentality .

If you differ with your founder and leader and feel ashamed of that, then we dont use this word for you in this forum.
My understanding is your top leader Mr Ghandi has influence on indian's school of thaught ,he developed a mentality which is commonly known baniya mentality .

If you differ with your founder and leader and feel ashamed of that, then we dont use this word for you in this forum.

Haha...please enlighten us about this "Baniya mentality". I have never heard of it.

I don't see what Gandhi's caste has to do with his position as a leader or his ideology or my reaction at being refered to as "baniya"

I usually don't reply to your posts because they are not worth replying to, but I'm making an exception here. Give it your best shot.
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