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Attempted IAF incursion - A Failed operation

Should we retaliate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 154 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 22 12.5%

  • Total voters
We have 2 months before the Indian elections. Any response will have to be within this timeframe.

Otherwise this will be a repeat of 2011.

Agreed. Indians took 12 days to do this drama. We can take the same or little more time to give our response.
The media element to the Pakistani response is as much important as the military element. I would say even more so. Like the Bharatis have done, we have to hit something inside Bharat that is big enough but yet not very big.
1 It is balakot KPK. Only 1 injury reported
2. No proper bomb crater found

Local media is also reaching the location and reporting from it.

So it was Balakot, KPK could tell this to your fellow Pakistanis like Stealth.
So it was Balakot, KPK could tell this to your fellow Pakistanis like Stealth.

Can you show us 3 dead bodies out of 300 that you killed?
Okay, let us agree to see how this situation evolves. I expect things to calm down pretty soon without escalation.

It won't calm down. Not before Pakistan has replied to this transgression.
Not according to your people. Nothing happened, according to them.

Denial is a river in Africa....
The extent can be argued but the fact that Pakistani airspace was breached and territory bombed is a clear fact.
Typical idiot. First bad mouth other members & when get some a$s whooping, bring Qurani Aayats to spread wisdom. Hypocrite a$$hole. :D

"A wise man first thinks and then speaks and a fool speaks first and then thinks." Hadrat Ali (ra). I gave my opinion on this issue as I am entitled to do so at my discretion and you decided to quote me first and then attack me. When did I attack other members? I still didn't respond to your personal attacks, but when you persisted I showed you a mirror of your intellectual deficiency. You have proven that you have no dignity and are a liar. Provide me proof that I was bad mouthing other members on this thread? If you can't then have the decency to retract your statement. "A liar's biggest punishment in this world is that even his truth is rejected." Hadrat Ali (ra)
Can you show us 3 dead bodies out of 300 that you killed?

He won't be able to show you one.
Denial is a river in Africa....
The extent can be argued but the fact that Pakistani airspace was breached and territory bombed is a clear fact.
Hence revenge is the only thing to return our respect.
Yeah that is when running away and damaging what? do it again we killed you 50 soliders and you can again come and drop payload.

You have no proof that we have killed your 40 which is in our favor vs you are violating our line of control and world is watching it which is also in our favor. Get your result again who is in winning position lol.

Now your media is giving youtube pak army video as their own lol. Go watch your media and claim victory over Pakistan lol.

That's even worse. We have no proof your involvement and still we intruded. Anything on that ?
In the long term, I am now convinced there can be no peace with India. The Indian Hindu has too much poison in him against Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular.
So, is it confirmed that India bombed Balakot of KPK and not Kashmir?
IF they have, they don't want show it you.
You have your own media, none of whom has been able to reach that place yet. Why ?
lols good one! dont show to me atleast show something to someone!
DHAs made by an Army, first one in the world with largest budget. Whatever the situation India claim, its time for hard really hard strike on Modi Sarkar!
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