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Attan and the Rumi Dance

Desert Fox

Jan 16, 2010
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'Attan (Pashto: اتڼ) is a form of dance that originated in the Pashtun regions of Afghanistan, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and north Balochistan. Attan began as a folk dance conducted by Afghans in the time of war or during wedding or other celebrations (engagement, new year and informal gatherings). It is now considered the national dance of Afghanistan.[1]

The performance of the attan dance in the open air has long been customary in the Afghan culture.[2] Performed in a large circle to the accompaniment of drums and pipes, the dance begins slowly but grows in momentum for two or three hours without a break except for changes in tempo or changes in song. Its duration differs - anywhere from 5 to 25 minutes.

Attan is a traditional Afghan dance. It is said to be one of the oldest forms of Afghan Pagan dance. Some identify Attan as an a religious ceremony of early Zoroastrians placing it 2000 BCE, while others have placed even older going back to King Yama's celebration of Nowroz and warriors dancing and circling around the fire. This was later modified into an Islamic dance to allow the dancers to get "closer to God." This virtual Attan practised by many Afghan poets and mystics had even reached to corners of Turkey, known in Europe as the Rumi Dance. It is usually performed with a Dhol, which is a double-headed barrel drum. The dance can be anywhere from 5 minute to 30 minutes long. There are many different regional variations of Attan, the most famous being Kabuli, Paktiyaya, Mazari, Kandahari, Sistani, Herati, Pashayi, and Nuristani. During King Yama's time, Attan was performed before going to a war because it used to give the army the confidence that they could win the battle.

Attan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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practised mostly in the Waziristans, amongst the Mehsud tribe to be specific (notice the pics of Waziri people, men with long hair)
well how Attan and Rumi dance are the same or Rumi dance is a kind of Attan ?? this I believe is nonsense !

other than that, its a pleasure to listen and watch :)
well how Attan and Rumi dance are the same or Rumi dance is a kind of Attan ?? this I believe is nonsense !

Due to the circular nature of both dances including the fact that the Attan is an ancient Afghan dance which predates Islam, in other words it was a Pagan dance of Zoroastrianism which indicates it wasn't only limited to Afghanistan and could have been practiced in other parts of the Persian empire/territory. This is where it has its connections with the Rumi dance since Jalaludin Rumi was born in Afghanistan, lived a period of his life there and was heavily influenced by Persian culture, he was known for his Persian poetry, and the Rumi Dance has very strong pre-Islamic origins (similar to the Attan, from which it originated), though now it is used by Sufis to connect with God.

Afghans In History Episode Twenty - The Attan - YouTube
^^ well I still have reservations on this distinct connection wikipedia author is trying to establish...

Rumi was a sufi saint, whatever he originated was spiritual not cultural. his whole philosophical orientation was spiritual, not cultural...

and above that he was not a conformist, he created a world of his own. just spinning in circle doesnot make the two things similar or one being the off spring of the other...

and the whole idea behind the Rumi dance and Attan are different. its like trying to belittle Rumi's spiritual attainment.
I am a Pukhtun and I doubt that there is direct correlation b/w Attan and Rumi's dance of the dervish.
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