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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

NO. The Admiral knew nothing what he was talking about. While I listened to that moron speak I felt as if he is cheif of Taliban Navy praising the ferocity and tenacity of his troopers. He failed to not only acknowledge his incompetence instead made those taliban terrorists look like ten feet men, further demoralizing the security forces. He just failed to see his own force failure and choose to blame terrorist training. The journalist was right to question him as to when he will sending his men for training there.
There is no doubt now he is incompetent of extreme proportions. If it would have been any other place then Pakistan his bum would have been on his way home already but thankfully we live in MoronISTAN.

Nope. I find nothing wrong in what Pak-Navy admiral said. He is just doing his duty, i.e. briefing media about profile of attackers. There is nothing wrong with it.

There is no point in shooting the messenger. The question of 'security breach' is different.
What would you say, if India started building an airbase in Taiwan? Think before you speak.

Taiwan does not consider itself an independent country. The Taiwanese government (KMT) follows the "One-China" policy.

India recognizes the One-China policy as well, as does pretty much every major country on Earth.

Pakistan on the other hand, is an independent country, it's internal affairs are its own business.
The Game is On!!!

No submarine conduct in NAVY since last many years
After Zardari Govt Cancelled 214 German subs Deal
Many Attacks on NAVY from past few months
26/11 Mumbai India and international media soo much blame on Pakistan NAvy even that was biggest failure fo so called blue water navy (India)
2 More very very important mari-time P3 Orion destroy

remember PAKISTAN NAVY is not power full Navy already!


When rest of the 7 P3C Orions come to Pakistan, they will more than serve all the air surveillance needs of Pakistani Navy.

In the meantime, India won't be so foolish as to start a war with Pakistan. Pakistan can always successfully drag the war to land where India does not enjoy as big a lead as it does in case of the Navies.
On top Imran Khan is doing his "dharna" another security breach and doing duwa of his favorite uncle OBL. Before i had some respect for this guy but he is literally stupid who never condemn taliban on attacking innocent civilian. You guys might notice after PNS Mehran attack he is totally out of screen, not on tv for the last two days....
The Game is On!!!

No submarine conduct in NAVY since last many years
After Zardari Govt Cancelled 214 German subs Deal
Many Attacks on NAVY from past few months
26/11 Mumbai India and international media soo much blame on Pakistan NAvy even that was biggest failure fo so called blue water navy (India)
2 More very very important mari-time P3 Orion destroy

remember PAKISTAN NAVY is not power full Navy already!


11% will not understand otherwise the whole Pakistani nation knows this.
On top Imran Khan is doing his "dharna" another security breach and doing duwa of his favorite uncle OBL. Before i had some respect for this guy but he is literally stupid who never condemn taliban on attacking innocent civilian. You guys might notice after PNS Mehran attack he is totally out of screen, not on tv for the last two days....

obviously someone with American flag will not like anyone raising voice against American terrorism in Pakistan.
This is the latest in the long list of Taliban crimes against the sovereign nation of Pakistan. Did we not just witness the murder of over 90 Frontier Corps Cadets? Taliban have been wreaking havoc on the innocent people of Pakistan and Afghanistan for over a decade. Have we not witnessed them attacking people from all walks of life in their attempt to instill fear and destabilize the nation. Have we not witnessed them attack schools, shopping centers and even mosques and shrines? And now we see them attacking the largest naval base in Pakistan. How can these Taliban terrorists who keep attacking Pakistanis and Pakistani Assets ever be friends of this great nation? They are nothing but insurgents hell bent on destroying the peace loving nation of Pakistan.

Pakistanis who have any soft corners for these murderers should realize that they are the real enemy who will not stop until they achieve the goal of revenge against Pakistan; and for whom? A terrorist who killed more Muslims then non-Muslims and who was not even a Pakistani. We have said before and we say again that peace in the region can only be achieved when the Taliban & Al-Qaeda terrorists along with their leadership is destroyed. It is time for the Pakistanis who support these terrorists to realize that they are the true enemy and until they are destroyed these attacks will not stop! We have the resolve along with Pakistani forces to focus on and to destroy Taliban and Al-Qaeda enemy and make this world a better and more peaceful place for our future generations.

CDR Bill Speaks
DET-United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command

How I wish somebody could forward my msg to the speaker:

Sir, Pakistan is fully aware of who her enemies are, both domestic and foreign. Talibaan were never our enemies, neither are they our enemies today. If you understand the talibaan ideology you will know for a fact that they promote education of men and women alike which destroys your first pathetic lie that they blow up schools. Talibaan never blew any place of worship/hospital or shopping markets when they were in power in Afghanistan which exposes your other lies.

However, schools are being blown up, people slaughtered, women punished barbarically, targeted and random bombings of military installations, places of worship and busy markets killing innocents. But these are being carried out by mercenaries that are hired to pose as Talibaan and to blame every crime against humanity on Talibaan. TTP, mainly responsible for almost 90% of the bombings in Pakistan, are bred, trained, armed and provided intel by some of our closest enemies and some of our closest 'friends'. These TTP mercenaries, mostly illiterate young men/women who are swayed easily by lure of heaven or money for their family, are being used by external anti Pakistan elements. Even our agencies are well aware of it.

Why a full on confrontation is not forthcoming, even yet, is beyond me. The only thing that I can think is that the US$ to our top military and political hierarchy is more powerful then the pride and nation of Pakistan. This is why we desperately need the military to cleanse itself from within and then to cleanse the judiciary, bureaucracy, establishment and political system. We most desperately need a military and political establishment that thinks about Pakistan above everything else. We most desperately need to set out our alliances where our interests belong and to weed out the criminals that call themselves our allies and friends!
How I wish somebody could forward my msg to the speaker:

Sir, Pakistan is fully aware of who her enemies are, both domestic and foreign. Talibaan were never our enemies, neither are they our enemies today. If you understand the talibaan ideology you will know for a fact that they promote education of men and women alike which destroys your first pathetic lie that they blow up schools. Talibaan never blew any place of worship/hospital or shopping markets when they were in power in Afghanistan which exposes your other lies.

However, schools are being blown up, people slaughtered, women punished barbarically, targeted and random bombings of military installations, places of worship and busy markets killing innocents. But these are being carried out by mercenaries that are hired to pose as Talibaan and to blame every crime against humanity on Talibaan. TTP, mainly responsible for almost 90% of the bombings in Pakistan, are bred, trained, armed and provided intel by some of our closest enemies and some of our closest 'friends'. These TTP mercenaries, mostly illiterate young men/women who are swayed easily by lure of heaven or money for their family, are being used by external anti Pakistan elements. Even our agencies are well aware of it.

Why a full on confrontation is not forthcoming, even yet, is beyond me. The only thing that I can think is that the US$ to our top military and political hierarchy is more powerful then the pride and nation of Pakistan. This is why we desperately need the military to cleanse itself from within and then to cleanse the judiciary, bureaucracy, establishment and political system. We most desperately need a military and political establishment that thinks about Pakistan above everything else. We most desperately need to set out our alliances where our interests belong and to weed out the criminals that call themselves our allies and friends!

How can Pakistan be protected from its enemy and friends of enemy?
something is fishy here...i heard the admiral live on news and he was saying that he prolonged the operation to catch them alive and that the terrorists were 12 or smething in number..Now they have changed and say they were only four and all killed..

Its not a time to joke but somehow i remember Gabbar singh..

"Kitnay aadmee thay"

"Sardaar chaar"

"Aur tumm kitnay thay"

"Sardaay poorey navy aur airforce"

"Phir bhee 16 ghantay lagaa diyey ..doo jahaaz jalwaa diyey aur 12 aadmee marwaa diyeey?"

Thats pethatic

I feel very sad reading your post. You just cant compare the casualty lists like this. The terrorists were armed for that particular operation and I believe these guys are trained enough to hold on best of the troops in world for several hours. The priority of the commandos were to save the rest of the air-crafts and they dared their lives for that. Only after securing the aircrafts they went for full offensive. Today's Bengali news paper in Kolkata says that the soldiers literally pushed away the aircrafts by hands under heavy firing from the terrorists. Plese dont say anything that insults their sacrifice.
Do you mean to tell me that the last paragraph of my post does not provide an answer to the question you raised?

You have identified problem but not provided practical solution.You know ex military dictator involved Pakistan in WOT and present government is bound to obey the agreement signed by them.

What you expect from NRO Government or Present Military leadership ?

Peace in Pakistan can only be restored when NRO government sagged by mid term election or revolution like Egypt , Tunisia and true leadership took control of government .
According to BBC, there were 11 Chinese , 6 American were there during raid... 15 innocent died, all foreigners are safe.
Where is our ISI MI IB ARE the sleeping on american pillows ???What the hell is with these guyz they know usa & all other badboys are chasing PAKISTAN very badly but still THe bases are not save this makes a big question on our intelligence however its one of worlds most fastest intelligence frim.Wake up guyz R.A.W C.I.A MOSSAD BLACKWATER ARE CHASING US.THING WE NEED NOW very badly is the that"UNITY"
Was raid on Pakistani base an inside job?

Assault in Karachi is one of several attacks in recent years linked to Islamists working within Pakistan's military

Declan Walsh guardian.co.uk, Monday 23 May 2011

The loss of two Orion P-3C aircraft, valued at $36m (£22.3m) each, is a deep blow to Pakistan's military. But the greater worry is how the Islamist fighters who destroyed them accessed the airfield in the first place.

Everything about the assault on Monday, from the methodical tactics to the targeting of sensitive aircraft suggests the attackers used inside information. "It looks like an inside job. That should be the biggest worry for the military – and for all of us," said security analyst Imtiaz Gul.

The spectre of Islamist infiltration has haunted the army for decades. After surviving an assassination bid in 2003 – one orchestrated by air force officers – General Pervez Musharraf purged the superior ranks of known Islamists.

Extremists are still sprinkled within the lower ranks, however, and have been suspected of involvement in several atrocities, such as the 2007 suicide attack on a commando base and the spectacular assault in 2009 on army headquarters in Rawalpindi. Air force officers were arrested for a separate plot against Musharraf in 2006. perpetrators of some attacks have fled to Waziristan, where they find shelter among jihadi groups that allegedly enjoy covert army support.
I feel very sad reading your post. You just cant compare the casualty lists like this. The terrorists were armed for that particular operation and I believe these guys are trained enough to hold on best of the troops in world for several hours. The priority of the commandos were to save the rest of the air-crafts and they dared their lives for that. Only after securing the aircrafts they went for full offensive. Today's Bengali news paper in Kolkata says that the soldiers literally pushed away the aircrafts by hands under heavy firing from the terrorists. Plese dont say anything that insults their sacrifice.

No the media is firing baseless stats from their hips..
they were not four they were 20..and the commandos were trying to catch them alive in which they partially succeeded.

Latest Pakistani News, Breaking News, PNS Mehran Karachi under attack
this news says 20 attacked and atleast one arrested

Operation at PNS Base in Karachi comes to an end | Metropolitan | DAWN.COM
this website says 20 attacked , 6 killed but says nothing about the other 14...in a previous report on this well known website they were saying 4 arrested but that page is now removed.

Four militants arrested in Karachi attack - Hindustan Times
says four arrested

says ten or fifteen terrorists attacked the base.

the figure of just 4 terrorists taking over the airbase was from delusional interior minister and nobody else.
all the above reports and many more are conflicting about how many terrorists attcked the base and how many were killed or arrested...but yesterday #pn cheif did mention some arrests during his press conference..
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