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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

They all,all those mehsuds and mullahs you mentioned,are pashtuns from nwfp.Not indians or americans.There lies the root of the problems.

The point he's making is how did they get access to a military facility. People don't usually walk into these places and get to fire rockets at million dollar hardware.
The point he's making is how did they get access to a military facility. People don't usually walk into these places and get to fire rockets at million dollar hardware.

You might want look deeper into your security forces deployed on the base for terrorist sympathizers..who might provided have detailed layout the facility..CCTV blind spots etc ..after all people from your own forces have been found to be involved in other terrorist attack in Pakistan previosly.
What I don't understand is, why is everyone speculating that these terrorists weren't Pakistani cause they had pale skin and sharp features. I thought pale skins and chiseled jaw bones is what Pakistanis were all about?
India doesnt make its own decisions. All we ever hear is India says xyz and noone believes them. Then USA says xyz because India is regarded as irrelevant or illegitimate.

start hearing from better and more neutral sources.
PNS Mehran attack: Police kept out

As soon as news of an attack at the naval base spread, a posse of civilian law-enforcement agencies, including the police, Crime Investigation Department, Special Investigation Unit, Special Protection Group, Anti-Extremism Cell, Counter-Terrorism Unit, reached the spot. But the navy personnel did not let them in.
“This is not good,“ fumed Anti-Extremism Cell chief SSP Chaudhry Aslam Khan. “What can we do now? They are not providing us access.
No need to stay here. We are going back.“
Angry officers were turned away from the gates of the PAF Museum, PNS Mehran and PAF Faisal through which army trucks whizzed past.
Many officers just hung back, too cagey to risk being embarrassed by rejection.
“Leave it, yaar,“ said a CID official. “Yahan par kharey ho kar apni beizzati karwaien kya?“ He grabbed Aslam’s arm and steered him away too.
Later, some police officials also entered but according to reports all of them had to stay at the guardroom.
The vehicles of intelligence officials went through as did about three ambulances and fire engines. It seemed as if the entire city’s ambulances had reached the spot but all of them were turned away.
Even Karachi police’s Special Investigation Unit SSP Raja Umer Khattab, in his silver SUV, was denied entry. However, a convoy of the Ranger’s wing commander was immediately let in.
Sindh Police Crime Investigation Department’s senior officials SSP Omer Shahid and SSP Chaudhry Aslam in their black SUV managed to reach just the parking lot of the museum, but returned when the Navy Marines began engaging the militants in a fierce gun battle. One or two journalists too sneaked in with the convoy of some of these police officers, but they, too, returned, in one case with bruises on their arms, minutes later. The convoys of Pakistan Army and Rangers, however, continued pouring into the base unhindered till early morning.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 24th, 2011.
You might want look deeper into your security forces deployed on the base for terrorist sympathizers..who might provided have detailed layout the facility..CCTV blind spots etc ..after all people from your own forces have been found to be involved in other terrorist attack in Pakistan previosly.

noone knows. perhaps an investigation might point some fingers :)
India doesnt make its own decisions. All we ever hear is India says xyz and noone believes them. Then USA says xyz because India is regarded as irrelevant or illegitimate.

Err...okay! However you guys are the ones saying abc when the rest of the world joins India in saying xyz and you are arguing that India is the one which is irrelevant??:disagree:
the whole world doesnt say xyz. it's just you think the whole world is India and some media outlets.
a very detailed tbread abkut the incident exists. why create new threads?
USA and Europe are just trying to keep alive their dying influence in the region -

1. If USA and NATO wants, it can finish off this Taliban business very quickly. But they won't.
2. Pakistan is not allowing US investments into its economy the way americans want it. This will allow USA to take control of Pakistan in more comprehensive way. This is a major contention between US and Pakistan, OBL is only a smaller drama and irrelevant here.
3. USA wants to cut off Pakistan from India and sabotage SAARC economic block. SAARC currency will single handedly over-shadow Euro as single biggest currency block in just 10 years, if you look at market size of SAARC.
4. Keeping TTP alive helps in accomplishing 2 and 3.
5. After the Civilian Govt. (zardari) came to power, 2 and 3 are becoming more difficult because Civilian politicos of Pakistan are in favour of good economic relations with India.
6. The recent OBL episode took place due to event 5. Otherwise, there was no hurry to do 5. OBL episode is convincing me that, USA will attempt something more desperate in coming months to take control in the region.

Now, some obervations:

1. Let it be clear, that an unstable Pakistan in hands of Jihadis is bad for India and China both. But it fully achieves USA+British European agendas for region.
2. There might be some temptations in China to let this unstable situation carry on for few more years or a decade, to slow down regional growth. It will help China push up its own profile in Asia.
3. China has no stakes in SAARC or rupee block. In fact, it will only hurt China(renmibi) as competitor. Same is true with Dollar and Euro. Noone likes a new competitor.
4. Saudis have no role in this region and never had in history. Those who think they have, are fooling themself and only helping outside agendas. Saudis have sold out their own state to west, why they will fight for you? The recent attack on Saudi diplomat was showing this frustration of a segment in Pakistan who believed in that idea. Its a wake up sign.

Points 3,3 above are very important. That's the reason China, USA and Europe all have common objective here. They will keep region boiling forever and break it if possible.

I think the end-game here is, India and Pakistan should join hands to finish off this western funded terrorism mess(started with Saudi+USA funded Jehad war on Soviets) and form an economic union. Lets bring peace and prosperity for our brothers. Its time to complete what was left in 1947.
Man this is shameful man why were the post along with the wall empty and second thing is how many PC 3 Orions did we have and I just read the news that Pakistan is going to ask for two PC 3 Orions
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