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Attack & Assault Helicopters Comparison

Do you think a 5tons max weight helo is going to carry more weapons than a max weight 7tons helo?
Do you think a 5tons max weight helo is going to be better armour than a max weight 7tons helo?

Its clearly that T129 is better than WZ-10 is based on basic stereotyping with no merits to data or hard facts.
Where did I say that one helo is inferior to the other? I just asked the useful load for both choppers so as to compare to the useful load of cobra. Personally it doesnt seam to be much of a difference.


Mi-24/35 is assault helicopter, not attack. Mi-28 and Ka-52 are attack.


I just made it

Was thinking of comparing the first 4 but decided to add some more during the process. Didnt add alligator,commanche,rooaivak as pak wont be getting them. Added apache, old cobra etc just for reference. z10 and t129 seem quite close. In terms of hard points all have 4-6.



here is the part2

An excellent read!! Recently I read here that AH-1W Super Cobra, attack helicopter is upgraded to advanced four-bladed configuration, which will operate to beyond 2020. An upgraded cockpit configuration allows easy co-pilot access to the night targeting system (NTS). These are also remanufactured with "zero-time" airframes comprising advanced technology.
An excellent read!! Recently I read here that AH-1W Super Cobra, attack helicopter is upgraded to advanced four-bladed configuration, which will operate to beyond 2020. An upgraded cockpit configuration allows easy co-pilot access to the night targeting system (NTS). These are also remanufactured with "zero-time" airframes comprising advanced technology.


all the attack hellis are created eqeal. But if it was my decission I'd go with appache, Z-10 for one reason to me their service ceiling is too high plus they are advanced but the only problem with apache is that it is so expensive to a country like Iraq so the z-10 is a good choice.

the MI-28 is good no doubt but it is heavy bulky and it's service ceiling is less than 5000 other wise it is as I said not leass than any one of them.

I love the mi-35 for it's ability to carry 8 full equepped soldiers. but it's service ceiling making prone to the manpad AS missile as it happend in Iraq.
The Newest System On the Market

Last edited:

Mi-24/35 is assault helicopter, not attack. Mi-28 and Ka-52 are attack.
Posted part2 as an after thought
Which helicopter was used in the Osama raid?
Posted part2 as an after thought

Sir for more info on LCH from AERO 2015.






AH-1Z are cleared for operating from Naval platforms, which gives them great operational advantage.

Mi-28N - HAVOC-B

Weatherproof night-day attack helicopter. In 1993, after the end of the first stage of state trials attack helicopter Mi-28A was obtained preliminary conclusion on the issue of the initial batch of helicopters equipped with complex equipment and weapons for use in day-limited and adverse weather conditions. However, MV Weinberg, who by that time chief designer "Mil. ML Mile ", has decided to discontinue the development of the Mi-28A at the final stage of state trials and concentrate all forces and financial opportunities for the development of a combat helicopter Mi-28N (" H "- a night) - ROC" Vanguard 2 "- around the clock and all-weather, with essentially a new integrated set of on-board equipment of the fifth generation.

. The first experimental helicopter Mi-28N was built in August 1996 and made its first flight 14 November 1997 (test pilot and navigator V.V.Yudin S.V.Nikulin), and on April 30, 1997 began to pass the factory flight tests. Four years later, the Mi-28N entered the state joint tests (2001). Given the high demand for military vehicles of this type, the command of the Russian Air Force in 2002, took the Mi-28N as the main combat helicopter promising future, without waiting for the completion of the test.

In June 2005, the program has begun testing the second prototype prototype of the Mi-28N. March 4, 2006 after the successful completion of the first phase of the state joint tests the state commission chaired by Chief of the Russian Air Force, Army General V.S.Mihaylova issued a conclusion on the issue of the initial batch of Mi-28N. In May 2006, state tests to join the first serial Mi-28N board №32. State joint tests of the Mi-28N completed December 26, 2008 signing of the act on their end. At GSI participated 2 experienced and 7 pre helicopters. October 15, 2009 order of the President of the Russian Mi-28N officially adopted for use as the primary attack helicopter.


Mi-28N and 10 onboard №№09 yellow, summer 2012 (photo - A.Blogin, http://ruforces-com.livejournal.com ). Mi-28N built in 2012 at the airport by "Rostvertol" Rostov-on-Don, March 9, 2012 (photo - Michael Mizikaev, ✈ russianplanes.net ✈ наша авиация ).

The first prototype of the Mi-28N - OP-1 helicopter, board №014 after modifications to the air show MAKS-2003 , 23.08.2003 (photo - Flavien Breitenmoser,http://www.airliners.net ). The Mi-28N - a prototype of the Mi-28NE participated in the demonstration flights in India at MAKS-2011 August 16-21, 2011 . (photo - VLAS, Отечественная военная техника (после 1945 г.) • Главная страница ).




Author: Dimmi Created: 04/16/2011 22:50:38 Comments: 137 READ FULL ARTICLE
Mi-28N - HAVOC-B (Register helicopters)
Registry of the Mi-28N - HAVOC-B (revision of 22.10.2012)

Article on the Mi-28N - HAVOC-B


Mi-28N with onboard white number 01, 03 and 04 aerobatic team "Golden Eagles", Ramenskoye, August 22, 2013 (photo - Yevgeny Volk,✈ russianplanes.net ✈ наша авиация ).

Mi-28N aboard blue №208 reg.№RF-production probably 91,097 in 2013, the airfield Rostov-on-Don, 08/17/2013 (photo - Oleg Zimin, ✈ russianplanes.net ✈ наша авиация ). Mi-28N serial №07-01 board №26 blue Rostov Day Air Fleet of Russia, 19.08.2012 (photo - ErikRostovSpotter, http://aviaforum.ru ). The Mi-28N board №50 yellow helicopters from the party, the BBC reported on an air base 344 TsBPiPLS AA 8 October 2011, Torzhok, Tver region (author photo - Sergey Ablogina, Фабрика Хостинга - правильный хостинг по низким ценам ).





Mi-28N OP-1 and the first copies - a prototype of the Mi-28A. Probably far left - board №014. The first photo is made no later than June 2009, the second - Summer 2010 ( http://www.liveinternet.ru , from the archives of Dmitri Mironov, Отечественная военная техника (после 1945 г.) • Главная страница ). Mi-28N aircraft number 33 yellow on the training airfield Voronezh VVAIU, March 20, 2011 (photo - Alex Filatov, http://russianplanes.net ).

Mi-28N board №33 yellow helicopter training Voronezh VVAIU, February 29, 2012 (photo - Aleksandr- 30-36, http://russianplanes.net ). Mi-28N yellow board 35 at MAKS-2011, 17.08.2011 (photo - lusika33, http://military-photos.livejournal.com ). MI- 28N board №35 yellow air show MAKS-2011, 18.08.2011 (photo - Pavel Vank, http://russianplanes.net ). Mi-28N board №36 yellow at the MAKS-2007, Ramenskoye, 23.08.2007 Mr. . (photo - Oleg Belyakov, http://www.airliners.net ). Mi-28N board №37 yellow at the MAKS-2007, Ramenskoye, 26.08.2007 (photo - Fyodor Borisov, http: // www. airliners.net ). The Mi-28N - a prototype of the Mi-28NE participated in the demonstration flights in India at MAKS-2011 August 16-21, 2011 (photo - VLAS, Отечественная военная техника (после 1945 г.) • Главная страница ). Mi -28N board №41 yellow at the airport Troekurovka under Syzran, May 2010 (photo - Dmitry Pichugin, http://www.airliners.net ).

According to unconfirmed information in the image Mi-28N board №43 yellow, disaster recovery 19.06.09 The helicopter was installed a new type of heat exchangers for the main gear, equipment, airborne defense - will also be finalized previously issued helicopters. Photos April 2011 (from the archive Dmitri Mironov, Отечественная военная техника (после 1945 г.) • Главная страница ).

According to unconfirmed information in the image Mi-28N board №43 yellow, Disaster Recovery 19.06.09, on the set of the new helicopter type heat exchangers for the main gear, equipment, airborne defense - will also be finalized previously issued helicopters. The picture was taken on the basis of a test of "Rosvertol" in pos.Krestovka, Rostov-on-Don, of 10.05.2011 (author photo - Michael Mizikaev, http://russianplanes.net ).

Mi-28N board №03 blue Kubinka airbase, May 9, 2010 (photo - Stanislav Bazhenov, http://www.airliners.net ). Mi-28N board №04 blue airbase Kubinka, May 9, 2010 (photo - Stanislav Bazhenov, http: //www.airliners.net ). Mi-28N board №05 blue airbase Kubinka, April 2010. This helicopter crashed Feb. 15, 2011 (photo - Maxim Bryansk,http://www.airliners.net ).

Mi -28N board №08 blue at the airbase in Budennovsk 2010 Helicopter oorudovan a full set of on-board defense system - containers with IR-traps, sensors, etc. ACT (Photo - Alex Beltyukov, http://www.airliners.net ). Mi-28N board №17 blue in Moscow, October 2010 The helicopter is equipped with sensors BKO ACT. (Photo - Maxim Bryansk, http://www.airliners.net ). The Mi-28N board №09 yellow manufactured in 2011 Korenovsk Squadron at MAKS-2011 August 16-21, 2011 (photo - VLAS, http: //militaryrussia.ru/forum ). The Mi-28N board №09 yellow manufactured in 2011 Korenovsk Squadron at MAKS-2011, August 19, 2011 (photo - Taras Bazhansky, http://russianplanes.net ). Helicopter Mi-28N board №12 Korenovsk Squadron airbase in Torzhok, summer 2011 ( http://4044415.livejournal.com ).

The Mi-28N board №12 Korenovsk Squadron airbase in Torzhok, summer 2011 ( http: //4044415.livejournal.com ). The Mi-28N from the party posed by "Rostvertol" in the Russian Air Force October 8, 2011 at the top of the helicopter in the usual camouflage, at the bottom - in the new "gray." (File photo Dmitri Mironov, Отечественная военная техника (после 1945 г.) • Главная страница ). Mi-28N board №07 Red RF-95653 probably Korenovsk airbase, March 2012 ( http://www.function.mil.ru ). Mi-28N board №№10 and 49 yellow manufactured in 2011 at the helicopter plant im.Milya, Moscow, 30.03.2012 (photo - kabuki, ✈ russianplanes.net ✈ наша авиация ). Mi-28N Release 2012 aboard №09 red, Rostov-on-Don, 06.06.2012 (photo - Mi-26, http://aviaforum.ru ).













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