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At least 37 killed in Pakistan terror attacks

I knew that gonna happen, don't mis-understand me. Every Pakistani is free to choose and follow his religion and no one should object to it. what i am saying is, doing your religious rituals (all sects) is you right and you should do it, but is doing that ritual on the street a part of that ritual? would it be incomplete if done in designated prayer place like Masjid, Imambargah, Church, Singogue, Temple, whatever?

Why is it that a religious ritual should be performed on the streets?

And I am totally against Rabi-ul-awwal juloos as well. It is a lot better tostay home and offer drood, rather than loitering on streets wasting time. Thos juloos are total kharafat and has not religious value, infact they should not even be termed as relogious congressions. (now people will start calling me Whabbi).

It must be said that Muharram processions are going OTT. I remember during my childhood days main Muharram processions in Sargodha were on 10th Muharram and on Chehlum only. The excessive number of Muharram processions cause huge traffic jams and disrupt normal business activity.

This can be easily resolved by getting Shia Ulemas together and arriving at a consensus on the number of occasions the Muharram processions can be taken out,. However no restrictions on holding Majaalis inside the Imambargah or at homes such as Nisaar Haveli inside Mochi Gate Lahore. I am sure that better sense would prevail.

After all the above is said and done, it must be clearly understood that it is a crime against humanity to kill anyone just because he/she belongs to a different sect or religion. I don’t claim to be an Islamic scholar but I am a Muslim and have read Quran. No point quoting the verses in Arabic as most won’t understand it. The translation in English as under:

In Sura Al Mai’dah. Allah Says:

It is because of this that We ordained for (all humankind, but particularly for) the Children of Israel: He who kills a soul unless it be (in legal punishment) for murder or for causing disorder and corruption on the earth will be as if he had killed all humankind; and he who saves a life will be as if he had saved the lives of all humankind. Assuredly, there came to them Our Messengers (one after the other) with clear proofs of the truth (so that they might be revived both individually and as a people). Then (in spite of all this), many of them go on committing excesses on the earth. (Holy Quran 5.32)

In Sura Al An’am. Allah says.

"Come, let me recite what your Lord has made unlawful for you: that you associate nothing with Him; and (do not offend against but, rather) treat your parents in the best way possible; and that you do not kill your children for fear of poverty – it is We Who provide for you as well as for them; and that you do not draw near to any shameful thing (like adultery, fornication, and homosexuality), whether committed openly or secretly; and that you do not kill any soul, which God has made sacred and forbidden, except in just cause. All this He has enjoined upon you, that you may use your reason (and so believe, know right from wrong, and follow His way). (Holy Quran 6.151).

Pray tell me is there any ambiguity in these verses. Now you can understand why I hate TTP/Lashkar Jhangvi & sectarian parties as I believe that these people are enemies of Islam. Also I fail to understand how any Mullah or even ordinary Muslim can help or provided direct or indirect assistance to sectarian killers.
We should stop diffrentiating btw all banned outfits be it TTP / LJ / LET / JUD /SSP / SMP and many others , the aims ,ideology , mission , modus operandi are all same ... its does not take a rocket scientist to figure out they are all interconnected ... Categorise them & their members as one - this will give the nation a platform and identify the enemy.

Also any actions againsts above criminals will be same - its either jail or bullet for these scum bags
What we need to understand here is that our enemies are doing what ever they can to start a civil war in Pakistan, they are desperate to see a civil war.

We know who is financing TTP, BLA, BLF, BSO & other small terrorist groups in Pakistan, so our enemies are known to us US, India, Afghanistan, Israel, NATO & allies are openly supporting terrorism in Pakistan.
The terrorists should be kicked out, there is no second opinion on that here.

But Shia people should also show a little bit of restraint considering the law and order situation in the country, and be a bit more reserved and tone down their activities. Years back, only procession you saw on Muharram were on 9th and 10th, and sometimes 8th in some areas, But now starting from first day of Muharram to some days after 10th, everyday there is a procession.

people should also understand that the situation in the country is not really good at this moment, so they should be cooperating. Now they are banning motorcycles, phones and schools will be closed,. This was going to happen. people should now cooperate with the government.

Should be killed without mercy...only thing that should be free to military are bullets.

What we need to understand here is that our enemies are doing what ever they can to start a civil war in Pakistan, they are desperate to see a civil war.

We know who is financing TTP, BLA, BLF, BSO & other small terrorist groups in Pakistan, so our enemies are known to us US, India, Afghanistan, Israel, NATO & allies are openly supporting terrorism in Pakistan.

After understanding then what ?
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