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At least 10 local COVID cases of Indian variants in Singapore, half in TTSH cluster

GoS rather Singapore not use China vaccine and fall sick. Using evaluation as a pretext, GoS keep saying lack of data about China vaccine. Meanwhile neighbours of Singapore and many others are already deploying Sinovac/Sinopharm large scale.

In fact, China vaccine is the most widely deployed in the world due to Chinese superior manufacturing capabilities. By now China vaccine would have more data points than Pfizer or Moderna.


The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) is still evaluating the safety and efficacy of the Sinovac vaccine and waiting for data from the manufacturer, Associate Professor Kenneth Mak, director of medical services at the Ministry of Health, said yesterday.

Singapore received its first shipment of Sinovac's Covid-19 vaccine on Feb 23 as part of its advance purchase agreement with the manufacturer, but it has yet to approve the jab for use here.

Yesterday, Prof Mak said that while HSA waits for the outstanding information, it is continuing to do its due diligence and is tracking how the vaccine is used in other countries.

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Singapore is so tiny...u can literally round the whole country in 1 day...unbelievable they cant be covid free.
GoS stage a show with prostitute media, painting China as thick skin forcing Singapore to buy Sinovac. Some goon journalist keep asking "Is Singapore forced by China to buy?"... Then GoS smile and say "no no..."


Education Minister Lawrence Wong said in reply to a reporter's question on whether it had received Sinovac vaccines ahead of time to not anger China.

Given the high levels of vaccination in Singapore - it is a bit of a petri-dish to see how effective the current suite of vaccines are against the Indian variant - and that is useful information to fight this virus

(and yes, what i said is morbid - but is the reality of the situation ).
Singapore is using the two USA Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines which has prove to be ineffective against the Indian strain becuase a Nurse who has veen vaccine with one of the two vaccines got infected by the Indian strain.
Singapore is using the two USA Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines which has prove to be ineffective against the Indian strain becuase a Nurse who has veen vaccine with one of the two vaccines got infected by the Indian strain.

Despite all medical workers are inoculated by Pfizer or Moderna, Indian strain spread like wildfire in hospital clusters, creating a medical disaster at the moment.

This already shows Pfizer and Moderna ineffectiveness against Indian strain.

I am not saying Sinovac/Sinopharm is perfect, but GoS has been hyping the Pfizer and Moderna like a supervaccine. Whenever Pfizer and Moderna are mentioned GoS always say 95% protection. Then Singapore media accuse China vaccine lousy, only 50%.

Now GoS ask expert come out and say all vaccine are imperfect.... bla bla
****, BJP virus India variant gonna drag the neighborhood down and ruin the whole world
It is China who has invented the Virus and spread to whole world and ruined it at the first place. Don't blame India for you wrongdoings..
Indian variant virus, BJP modi virus is the most virulent, most deadly, most infectious, can pernitrate vaccine protection, Indians neighbors and whole world got to be super careful
China is the nation which plunged whole world in to crises.. Wuhan is not in India mind you..
Singapore is using the two USA Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines which has prove to be ineffective against the Indian strain becuase a Nurse who has veen vaccine with one of the two vaccines got infected by the Indian strain.

Please don't spread fake news. Singaporeans even those given a single dose are either asymptomatic or have mild symptoms- so far

Several TTSH staff who have been vaccinated are among the more than 40 people infected in the cluster. But they appear to be either asymptomatic, or only mildly or moderately ill.

A 70-year-old Singaporean man, identified as Case 62687, died from complications due to COVID-19 infection on Thursday, said the Ministry of Health (MOH). He had previously been linked to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) cluster.

The man had been warded in Ward 9D at TTSH on Apr 22 and was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on Apr 30. MOH said the man had not been vaccinated against COVID-19 and had a history of lung cancer and atrial fibrillation.

Singapore is so tiny...u can literally round the whole country in 1 day...unbelievable they cant be covid free.
All the region with large Indian community and open Indian inbound policies will likely face similar issue..England may soon feel similar heat ,so will the US .
Please don't spread fake news. Singaporeans even those given a single dose are either asymptomatic or have mild symptoms- so far

Several TTSH staff who have been vaccinated are among the more than 40 people infected in the cluster. But they appear to be either asymptomatic, or only mildly or moderately ill.

A 70-year-old Singaporean man, identified as Case 62687, died from complications due to COVID-19 infection on Thursday, said the Ministry of Health (MOH). He had previously been linked to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) cluster.

The man had been warded in Ward 9D at TTSH on Apr 22 and was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on Apr 30. MOH said the man had not been vaccinated against COVID-19 and had a history of lung cancer and atrial fibrillation.

How about you stop spreading fake news, I'm referring to the health staff who are suppose to be vaccinated by Pfizer or Moderna with 2 doses and they are still included in the cluster. I do know some are using BS that they have 94% antibodies which still can't protect them against the Indian strain.
How about you stop spreading fake news, I'm referring to the health staff who are suppose to be vaccinated by Pfizer or Moderna with 2 doses and they are still included in the cluster. I do know some are using BS that they have 94% antibodies which still can't protect them against the Indian strain.

its not your fault if its all too complicated for you. No COVID vaccine grants full immunity from infection. Efficacy rates are linked to hospitalization and deaths not immunity from infection. If you don't know please ask a responsible adult.
its not your fault if its all too complicated for you. No COVID vaccine grants full immunity from infection. Efficacy rates are linked to hospitalization and deaths not immunity from infection. If you don't know please ask a responsible adult.
So you admit your vaccines are ineffective at stopping the spread because infected people can all spread even if they do not die.
So you admit your vaccines are ineffective at stopping the spread because infected people can all spread even if they do not die.

I admit Pfizer and Moderna is more effective than any other vaccine at preventing hospitalization, death and infection against all known variants.

The LANCET shares my opinion. :lol:

I admit Pfizer and Moderna is more effective than any other vaccine at preventing hospitalization, death and infection against all known variants.

The LANCET shares my opinion. :lol:

Good to know you are pleased with your country's handling of covid-19 :rofl:
This Indian woman so happy and delighted she fooled Singapore by going first to Nepal and flying in from there. And she now blaming Singapore for getting Covid19 in Singapore airport.

More likely she already carrying it into Singapore and spreading it where ever she went. And blaming Singapore so she be treated free for a disease she carried here

Beat the travel ban. She went to Nepal, stayed 15 days, and entered Singapore from Nepal. Hor Bor??? Shiok or not!!

Wah! She got no f*****g IT experience wor! Still she got put into IT in Singapore . While our own Singaporeans who study hard in proper IT institutes in Singapore go be hawker assistants and GRAP PANDA delivery boys and girls.
Hor boh?



To rub salt into injury the company that brought her into Singapore so proudly declared she got no experience in IT

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