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ASWJ-backed candidate wins PP 78 by-elections

It is curable by strong military operation. Jhang is hub of extremism. & sectarianism . They are threat for Peace. They don't deserve to stay alive. Better we impose curfew there, and arrest everyone, do interrogation , if people found in sectarianism , Its better to kill them in fake encounter. If they protest against military action, use Pellet guns .This is in the interest of our country to eradicate extremism before this explode.
We have not option of soft corner.
If you think killing is what they deserve then such operation would have to be done in all cities because now ASWJ has become a national phenomenon.
If you think killing is what they deserve then such operation would have to be done in all cities because now ASWJ has become a national phenomenon.
Obviously,in every part, in every corner of country . But jhang is hub of extremism & sectarianism . Majority support this. First we need to root out this menace from jhang. Any political party should not support them for few votes.
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Why bro? If Sipah Muhammad can join politics with different names then why not their adversaries?

Welcome back from journey, bro. :)

I and most of the people will tends to find us in agreeing with you, somehow but still bro...Sunnis are in majority so they need to be more responsible, mature and wise...shouldn't elect any idiot, who spouts non sense regardless what Shias do (electing sectarian people , MWM etc).

I hope, after getting elected, he won't be the one he used to be in past...

I also hope LEAs must be working to find out with whom Faisal Raza Abidi was in contact in Iran through email. I say that LEAs need to tighten the screws on MWM, Sipah Muhammad, Sipah Sahaba, ASWJ and other buffons so that we can send the message to their masters that.

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The guy will continue to push his father's fundamentalist philosophy and would not benefit anyone. Voters in Pakistan need to be aware of responsibility of a vote and its consequences .
Obviously,in every part, in every corner of country . But jhang is hub of extremism & sectarianism . Majority support this. First we need to root out this menace from jhang. Any political party should not support them for few votes.
Looking at the results, i don't believe any of the political parties could be in a position to support them. Add the votes of all the political parties and they would again fall short of the votes tallied by the ASWJ candidate.

The guy will continue to push his father's fundamentalist philosophy and would not benefit anyone. Voters in Pakistan need to be aware of responsibility of a vote and its consequences .
Just like people of your country voted for trump on hate mongering agenda. Hate is easy to sell and sells like hotcake in any part of the world ASWJ is no exception. The rise of hate vote across the globe indicates how world is transforming into a narrow-minded place in the era of globalization.
Sadly till last moment Punjab govt didn't let Gen Raheel to conduct operation against terrorist den.
Terrorist like him still free.
Donald J Trump is the president elect of the United states and Pakistanis are on here shocked that this guy got into office.

isn't this the beauty of democracy that everyone craves
Why bro? If Sipah Muhammad can join politics with different names then why not their adversaries?
How many innocents has sipah e mohammed killed compared to ASWJ? They only target terrorists and commanders of ASWJ. ASWJ targets innocent shias. This thinking is exactly the problem.
If you think killing is what they deserve then such operation would have to be done in all cities because now ASWJ has become a national phenomenon.
If operation against mqm is justified why not against ASWJ
Ab ki bar, Mullah Sarkar. :lol:

I am sure in next elections in Karachi, as MQM weakens, one of the radical Shia Mullah is also going to win. We as a people are too divided.

@Zibago @Musafir117
Khi will surely be molvi sirkar but split in aswj , mwm & st and funny enough but most liberal form will be from ji .. lol

Imagine khi mayor cum ameer from one of these extremes implementing his sharia .. imagine what a fck up will that be !!
4 million population, no University, shit schools and too many madrassas. Jhang is a powder keg waiting to explode. @Icarus @Oscar @Irfan Baloch
These places are kept in these conditions purpose fully by which some delusionled thought they are getting some man power but in near past we have seen the devastation which has been faced by whole nation.
I still remember the Saudis announced for 4000 Masjids in the name of gift! Don't know what has happened to those petro dollars. I wish it all happens back with them they would have run out of their resource and some how we would get rid off them and their petro dollars.
I am so much restricted in my post or I would have been triggerd a long debate for which I seldom have time to reply.
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