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ASSange: Diarrhea Of The Mouth, Begs U.S.

Sweden has laws that would prevent Assange from being extradited to the US if he faced the death penalty as you said, of course this is beside the point as the US has given no extradition request to either the UK or Sweden.

I hope you don't expect me to believe Correa actually cares about Julian Assange, the Correa whose not exactly an advocate of free speech and transparency himself.
Try this...

Ecuador Grants Assange Asylum, to Extradite Whistle-Blower | World | TIME.com
Indeed, the hospitality that Ecuador extends to Assange is withheld from Ecuadorians who may try to emulate his online whistle-blowing tactics. Since Assange entered the embassy, Ecuador’s government has scrapped the need for a warrant to investigate private Internet Protocol addresses. Additionally, for the second time in 18 months, on July 31 government officials and police seized the computers of the newsmagazine Vanguardia, which has been critical of the Correa Administration. The charge: that the publication had violated labor laws. As a result, Vanguardia only managed to go to print this week with the help of donated computers.

Read more: Ecuador Grants Assange Asylum, to Extradite Whistle-Blower | World | TIME.com
Assange knows full well Ecuador's current record on freedom of the press. He knows full well he is being used by Correa to jab the US in the eye. He knows he is Correa's *****.
Try this...

Ecuador Grants Assange Asylum, to Extradite Whistle-Blower | World | TIME.com

Assange knows full well Ecuador's current record on freedom of the press. He knows full well he is being used by Correa to jab the US in the eye. He knows he is Correa's *****.

I have no doubt Assange knows it, he is a man with no principles, or at the very least he has discarded them. At this time if he happened to come across a treasure trove of corruption/oppression linked documents in the embassy, I have no doubt he'd keep them secret.

That said I can only shake my head in wonder at Correa's logic. He pisses off Britain and Sweden more than he pisses off our government.
If Correa goes to the UN about this, it could drag on for a long time.
If he believes so much in justice, he'll go to Sweden.
Correct. Ecuador does not control its media, it only oppresses them...

The World Today - 'Climate of fear' for local journalists in Ecuador 17/08/2012

China could teach Ecuador a few lessons in how to control the media.

He does not know it but Jews control Chinese media as well. The Jews does it so well that it gives the Chinese the illusion that 'The Party' control the Chinese media.

Correct. Ecuador does not control its media, it only oppresses them...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/americas/203549-assange-diarrhea-mouth-begs-u-s-2.html#ixzz24BCqjY1P

So,like when media prints libel ,should it not be sued for disinfo? And if the media is printing enemy propaganda,I am fine with it and their funding should be checked.Your nation has laws like NDAA,Patriot Act and they recently illegally detained a veteran for speaking his mind on facebook with regards to 9/11,also a certain law was used against veteran libertarian dissident Adam Kokesh when he tried to endorse Ron Paul on RT.

Its hiliarious.I am happy that Ecuador's govt is not run by Goldman Sachs,JP morgan and co.Because the world is seeing what happens when the banks run media and the govt i.e EU economic crisis neverending,Huge derivatives fraud in the USA,Black slush funds,Banks defrauding mortagage holders etc.

Wait, don't the 'Jews' control the media ? Isn't that one of the basic conspiracy theories ?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/americas/203549-assange-diarrhea-mouth-begs-u-s-2.html#ixzz24BFXKj9F

Banking megacorporations and other corporations who have certain agendas do control the media and media writes what the corps tell them to.Thats clear by the media having the audacity to cover up the multi-trillion dollar Libor scandal and try to whitewash it ,the sovereign debt fraud in hundreds of billions,The MFglobal fraud of its clients in tens of billions,the narco money laundering in hundreds of billions.

If the same banks and corporations or affliated interests have investments in Ecuador media,I am fine with lynching or shooting them.

I have no doubt Assange knows it, he is a man with no principles, or at the very least he has discarded them. At this time if he happened to come across a treasure trove of corruption/oppression linked documents in the embassy, I have no doubt he'd keep them secret.

That said I can only shake my head in wonder at Correa's logic. He pisses off Britain and Sweden more than he pisses off our government.

He's giving the West a taste of their medicine of human rights and freedom ,which the West keep chirping,but themselves refuse to follow for themselves.
He's giving the West a taste of their medicine of human rights and freedom ,which the West keep chirping,but themselves refuse to follow for themselves.

As if we are not used to hypocrisy from tin pot dictators, personality cult goons, and all their myriad supporters.
As if we are not used to hypocrisy from tin pot dictators, personality cult goons, and all their myriad supporters.

Seems what you say represent the characteristics of Obama and Bush and their republithug and demonrat supporters.:enjoy:
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