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Asia’s overlooked Great Power

Indians have more thoughts than the Japanese, Anyways US will have to deal with India and Japan, in a very differnet way than its usual ways
Japan needs to change her pacific policies if she wants to counter China and start to build up aggressively.

China would be a bigger threat to japan than USSR ever was.
china never invade japan,if i am not wrong china not used A-bomb against japan,i think japanes will never forget who is thier real enemy
china never invade japan,if i am not wrong china not used A-bomb against japan,i think japanes will never forget who is thier real enemy

Well believe me they know. the war temple, sex slaves etc etc,..
Is that all you "wet dream" about? For god sakes its just a damn exercise, their's nothing concrete right now, their are just pitty talks right now as well, I don't see any alliance happening in the future. So you can snap back to reality now.

Why wouldnt US wants to bring together the players around China together? Wel they are trying to do that to their erstwhile enemy Russia even now.

Why wudnt India want to play the 'string of pearls' starategy against China?
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