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Asad Umar’s ‘favourite’ appointed chief of KP energy department

The only support this guy is ever going to get is from overseas Pakistanis like you.

He raised more money locally than he did from overseas Pakistani's. Try keeping up with News

The land was given to him by Sharifs

Spoken like a true slave. Who the fu** are the Sharif's to give IK any land. The land was given to him by the People of Lahore, and Nawaz Sharif was only the agent of that transaction. Nawaz Sharif did not give him the land out of his own pocket, that land belongs to the people and not Nawaz Sharif. Get out of this nokar mentality.

and he is so ungrateful that these days he is acting like badmash in Mianwali threatening people to give up their lands for Namal college.

He later clarified it that he said it as a joke. Gosh, how many times will i expose you man? Don't you have any self respect. You're officially a joke, you have proved yourself to be a good slave.

Who is the patwari now ? :rofl:

You, who believes that the Sharif's gave the land to IK for Shaukat Khanum. You have indeed proved yourself to be a real patwari with a nokar slave mindset.

Just one question, is Nawaz Sharif corrupt or not? Only Answer This.
He raised more money locally than he did from overseas Pakistani's. Try keeping up with News

Spoken like a true slave. Who the fu** are the Sharif's to give IK any land. The land was given to him by the People of Lahore, and Nawaz Sharif was only the agent of that transaction. Nawaz Sharif did not give him the land out of his own pocket, that land belongs to the people and not Nawaz Sharif. Get out of this nokar mentality.

He later clarified it that he said it as a joke. Gosh, how many times will i expose you man? Don't you have any self respect. You're officially a joke, you have proved yourself to be a good slave.

You, who believes that the Sharif's gave the land to IK for Shaukat Khanum. You have indeed proved yourself to be a real patwari with a nokar slave mindset.

Just one question, is Nawaz Sharif corrupt or not? Only Answer This.
See i am not supporting anyone but what will you say about Edhi? I don't think he is lying
He is obviously aware of everything.

Wouldn't had brought in corrupts like Aleem Khan, Shah Mehmood, Jahngeer Tareen, Kasuri, Ibrar ul Haq, Ejaz Chaudhry and dozens of lotas from PML-N, PPP, and PMLQ etc

Wouldn't had made alliances with Sheikh Rasheed, Chaudharies, Qadri, and Sherpao.

Listened to Justice Wajjudin and Hamid Khan about corruption in PTI.
shiekh rashid is not corrupt. He is not even rich., any proof of that. when he was in PMLN , was he corrupt then as well. PTI has no alliance with chuadries ,neither they are both in power to share power like PMLN did with PPP in punjab and federal for years ,

At the end of the day people elect who they feel can perform and so far PTI is a looser in Punjab with a mere 31 seats out of 312. So much so of that trust Imran Khan is getting. Guy even lost his seat in Mianwali :lol:

The only support this guy is ever going to get is from overseas Pakistanis like you. Its funny that you bring Shaukat Khanum into this. The land was given to him by Sharifs and he is so ungrateful that these days he is acting like badmash in Mianwali threatening people to give up their lands for Namal college.

Who is the patwari now ? :rofl:

PTI Junoon: Imran Khan warns of ‘use of power’ to get land for NAMAL - Daily Pakistan Global
Imran ‘makes jibe’ at land owners - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

No one can be a better philanthropist and a true nationalist than Edhi. He neither needs to go overseas nor needs to be in politics. Poor guy was not even spared by none other than Imran Khan and his cronies :angry:

by that logic PPP did best performance in sindh, MQM was best in karachi. Bro our society doesnt vote on honesty, they vote on baradari, they vote him who will give them more personal benifit. like u shamelessly mentioned Mianwali seat, imran was elected in 2013, but lost in mianwali as people knew PMLN is in power both in Punjab and center. Moreover rigging added to their recent wins . most PMLN minster was involved in rigging .

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