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As COVID numbers climb again, Israel eyes reinstating some restrictions

If it was not for the Indian variant - the UK would have conquered covid by now .....
Go ahead - i will continue to call it the Indian Variant..
Dont get me wrong, I totally see the hypocrisy, it was Kent, SA, Brazilian and then D variant, give me a break. But can you call it Indian variant out on the streets>?

I told u it will happened. Soon maybe a full lockdown again.

A lot over hype covid-19 vaccine brag by the west.

Stop your lies please. Should we believe a troll or the head of the Israeli health ministry?

Some 307 new coronavirus cases were identified on Wednesday, according to a Thursday update by the Health Ministry. The figure marks the highest number in over two months and according to health officials and experts might rise further next week, up to 500 or 600. However, serious morbidity remains limited and June was the month with the lowest number of COVID victims since the beginning of the pandemic: Only six people succumbed to the virus.

“I think that we are entering a new phase in which we have a very high vaccination rate and the vaccine is quite effective against the new variant, but at the same time the new variant is very infectious and there is ongoing community transmission,” said Prof. Nadav Davidovitch, director of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s School of Public Health, an epidemiologist and a member of the expert committee advising the ministry on the crisis.
Israel has the highest vaccination country, but people still get infected.

Assuming that only small numbers get infected, and even most of them are asymptomized...

But if the virus is still inside our body, it can still be mutated.

In several years later, coronavirus will resurface again and makes another pandemic.
I still wear a mask despite vaccination. It's also better for your lungs to not breathe filthy air.
Kind of amusing that China contain the delta strain while Israel with it’s herd immunity with Pfizer has more outbreaks than China.
It's becoming endemic as long as death rates remain low.

The number of cases is not important - it is hospitalisations and deaths and on those accounts, they have beaten Covid.

We all have to learn to live with covid - it is never going away.

Vaccines are only defence against it.
The number of cases is not important - it is hospitalisations and deaths and on those accounts, they have beaten Covid.

We all have to learn to live with covid - it is never going away.

Vaccines are only defence against it.
Not really, the key is to have low cases because the Virus can mutate as long as there are infected cases like what we see in India.
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