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As $2.5b import bill looms in Ramadan, Bangladesh Bank opens crisis cell

BD has vast farmland

It also has 170-180 million mouths to feed. The fact of the matter is BD is a net food importer by a huge margin. It's easy to blame the GoB. But plenty of countries are in the same situation.

Cheap food policy has its own advantages. It keeps cost of industrial labour low and helps in industrialisation in the long run.

You are getting your hopes a little too high. BD is a massive food importer, to the tune of 7-8 billion USD/year. And it's not like they are importing raw material for export processing (like they do with cotton). Most of that import is for domestic consumption.

You want cheap food? Well, be more productive. The tariffs aren't their to protect BD farmers. It's there to save hard earned forex.

The rest of the wordcelling in this thread is just fluff. It doesn't matter where they import from, import they will have to.
It also has 170-180 million mouths to feed. The fact of the matter is BD is a net food importer by a huge margin. It's easy to blame the GoB. But plenty of countries are in the same situation.
I have discussed this matter many times. But, the born imbeciles with the lowest IQ cannot comprehend the meaning of one simple word called YIELD per acre or per unit area whatever may be the unit.
I have discussed this matter many times. But, the born imbeciles with the lowest IQ cannot comprehend the meaning of one simple word called YIELD per acre or per unit area whatever may be the unit.

It isn't that 'simple'. BD's rice yield is a perfectly respectable 4.7 ton/ha, higher than world average (4.6 ton/ha), higher than India (4 ton/ha).

BD climate doesn't allow wheat cultivation. Wheat import alone eats up 1.1 billion USD from the treasury each year.

BD can certainly improve yield further, but it will always remain an importer and the situation will continue to get worse as people switch from basic staple grains to more animal protein.

There is no country/region in the world with BD tier pop density per arable land that is self sufficient in food. Japan and Egypt are import dependent for the same reason. Same with China. Within India, WB/Bihar/UP have BD level pop density and they are dependent on other states. The only reason India is still a net food exporter is due to very low level meat consumption. As Indians are starting to consume more meat, fruit and milk, India too will turn into an importer like China did.

Barring some biochemical miracle - like factory grown meat - The entire third world will remain net food importer for the foreseeable future. You don't get to increase your population three-fourfold in just 50 years and still somehow remain self-sufficient in food.
It isn't that 'simple'. BD's rice yield is a perfectly respectable 4.7 ton/ha, higher than world average (4.6 ton/ha), higher than India (4 ton/ha).
Where did you see the rice yield in Bangladesh is so high at 4.7 tons per hectare? It is only 2.74 tons.

It means there is a real prospect of raising the yield to at least the international average. BD rice yield can be raised to that of Japan and also Taiwan.

Now, find out the yield of these two countries by yourself.
Where did you see the rice yield in Bangladesh is so high at 4.7 tons per hectare? It is only 2.74 tons.

It means there is a real prospect of raising the yield to at least the international average. BD rice yield can be raised to that of Japan and also Taiwan.

Now, find out the yield of these two countries by yourself.

My source is FAO - https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QCL


The 2.74 ton/ha figure is probably post milling figure.

Secondly, you can raise yield to 7 ton/ha, but you will still remain a massive net importer overall.
My source is FAO - https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QCL

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The 2.74 ton/ha figure is probably post milling figure.

Secondly, you can raise yield to 7 ton/ha, but you will still remain a massive net importer overall.
Your FAO report nothing says about the yield of rice. My sources say it is 2.47 tons per hectare. I have better knowledge than FAO because I am a son of that land. I am a keen student. Do not try to sway my opinion by talking arbitrarily.

But, it is not the issue. The issue is why our BAL traitors should be so eager to waste our hard-earned dollars to import food from India and not try to increase the yield by making inputs at the optimum level,
Your FAO report nothing says about the yield of rice. My sources say it is 2.47 tons per hectare. I have better knowledge than FAO because I am a son of that land. I am a keen student. Do not try to sway my opinion by talking arbitrarily.

But, it is not the issue. The issue is why our BAL traitors should be so eager to waste our hard-earned dollars to import food from India and not try to increase the yield by making inputs at the optimum level,

It says 'Yield' right there in the screenshot, black on white. What do you mean you can't see?

If you are checking the link, you need to filter using the options.

And what is your source?

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