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Army jawan Dhan Bodo from Biswanath dies in Kashmir

Feb 22, 2014
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Army jawan Dhan Bodo from Biswanath dies in Kashmir
October 17, 2019 4:19 pm



BISWANATH CHARIALI: Dhan Bodo, a porter with 12 JK Rifles posted in Kashmir, died on October 14 while he was carrying food items for the army personnel and fell down from a height of 300 metres. He was 21.

Bodo was the son of Lakshman Bodo and Munu Bodo of No 1 Bhimajuli, Bathoupuri village under Biswanath Chariali police station in Biswanath district. The entire village plunged into grief when the news reached the village on Wednesday. His body is expected to arrive at the village on Wednesday night.
Sad. I can't imagine his terror as he was falling.

And I don't want to derail this thread but just something to mention : the talented young singer, Nahid Afrin, is also from Biswanath Chariali.

From his job description he must be a dalit

What is your point ??
Sad. I can't imagine his terror as he was falling.

And I don't want to derail this thread but just something to mention : the talented young singer, Nahid Afrin, is also from Biswanath Chariali.

What is your point ??
If he is a dalit then no one gives a damn about him in Gangadesh
Sad. I can't imagine his terror as he was falling.

And I don't want to derail this thread but just something to mention : the talented young singer, Nahid Afrin, is also from Biswanath Chariali.

What is your point ??
Doesnt our brain stop functioning out of shock when we are falling from such heights? I think we wont feel pain too once we fall as we go into unconscious state.
Doesnt our brain stop functioning out of shock when we are falling from such heights? I think we wont feel pain too once we fall as we go into unconscious state.

Maybe we won't become totally unconscious but I think we will become calm and forget some of the episode, if we remain alive.

I will relate a story of a bicycle fall that happened with me years ago. In front of my house was a sloping road and my brakes failed. I continued past my house. Some distance away horizontally was the main road on which on which there were vehicles passing by. Before I could approach the main road, on either side of my road, were open areas. I should have turned towards either of them and fallen, but I was terrified of falling. So I continued towards the main road, and the traffic. I remember thinking calmly "So this is what death is like". I don't know how I went between the traffic and when I hit the parapet of the concrete drain tunnel but I found myself lying on an open site on the other side of the main road. People had collected and some said this was like a stunt in a film and the local cycle repair shop man admonishing me that I hadn't listened to him and got the brakes replaced.
Maybe we won't become totally unconscious but I think we will become calm and forget some of the episode, if we remain alive.

I will relate a story of a bicycle fall that happened with me years ago. In front of my house was a sloping road and my brakes failed. I continued past my house. Some distance away horizontally was the main road on which on which there were vehicles passing by. Before I could approach the main road, on either side of my road, were open areas. I should have turned towards either of them and fallen, but I was terrified of falling. So I continued towards the main road, and the traffic. I remember thinking calmly "So this is what death is like". I don't know how I went between the traffic and when I hit the parapet of the concrete drain tunnel but I found myself lying on an open site on the other side of the main road. People had collected and some said this was like a stunt in a film and the local cycle repair shop man admonishing me that I hadn't listened to him and got the brakes replaced.
Yeah...once I applied sudden brakes on a wet road as the biker ahead of me hit the brakes to allow the crossing buffalos to pass by...my motorbike skid and I fell off my bike..I got so shocked that I didnt feel any pain at that moment..later when i reached home I started feeling pain...but I fell of my bicycle many times in my childhood...I felt the pain immediately..because i might not have felt it was very dangerous so my mind didnt go into shock.
If he is a dalit then no one gives a damn about him in Gangadesh

Not so. There are still some organized people - Leftists mainly - who care about Dalits. The Leftist former student leader in the JNU university, Kanhaiya Kumar, and his comrades had this as their slogan ( though it's longer than this ) :

Bhramanvaad se aazadi ( Freedom from Bhraminical oppression )

In addition, there is the Dalit group, Bhim Army. There could be more Dalit organizations who agitate.

@baajey, you are from Northeast, yes ?? Are there Dalits in NE ??
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Yeah we both know... that's just a stunt to fool people...even your president cannot enter certain mandirs ..
haha right and people are fooled by seeing Dalits as President, Cabinet ministers.
When there are no Dalits, you claim Dalits are not given a chance, when they make it to top it's to fool public. lol
@baajey, you are from Northeast, yes ?? Are there Dalits in NE ??
yes sir, i m from the NE.
regarding dalits, its a difficult scenario to explain.
if by dalits, u mean the ppl who suffer ostrasization and ghettoization; then NO.
however, there are lots of scheduled castes here who will get treated as a dalits if they would have been residing in the cow-belt areas.
historically, the so called SCs and dalits (if this term can be applied), were largely migrants from Bengal, which is comparitively less casteist than the rest of the country.
another perspective one should know is that although socially its largely tolerant society (very tolerant if compared to the rest of the country), administrative lack of will to upgrade the wards/administrative blocks' developement where SCs are more widespread is somewhat apparent.
in short, there are many SCs are there in NE region, esp assam n tripura, none are treated as "dalits". the concept of dalits is somewhat alien here.
no wonder our folks from bihar and UP come in droves.
NE region has less of a problem in the form of communalism than that of linguism.

@baajey, you are from Northeast, yes ?? Are there Dalits in NE ??
@Axomiya Lora
yes sir, i m from the NE.
regarding dalits, its a difficult scenario to explain.
if by dalits, u mean the ppl who suffer ostrasization and ghettoization; then NO.
however, there are lots of scheduled castes here who will get treated as a dalits if they would have been residing in the cow-belt areas.
historically, the so called SCs and dalits (if this term can be applied), were largely migrants from Bengal, which is comparitively less casteist than the rest of the country.
another perspective one should know is that although socially its largely tolerant society (very tolerant if compared to the rest of the country), administrative lack of will to upgrade the wards/administrative blocks' developement where SCs are more widespread is somewhat apparent.
in short, there are many SCs are there in NE region, esp assam n tripura, none are treated as "dalits". the concept of dalits is somewhat alien here.
no wonder our folks from bihar and UP come in droves.
NE region has less of a problem in the form of communalism than that of linguism.

@Axomiya Lora
Historically speaking, caste system as we know of in the rest of India was almost non existent in the NE. Certain tribes are infact matrilineal with no prevalence of dowry or other vices that plagued other parts of the subcontinent. There was a system of social hierarchy though in the Ahom kingdom owing to the Paik system which classified people into agrarian, soldiers, nobles or the priestly classes according to their competence. Priestly classes existed amongst all tribes of NE even prior to their Sanskritization.

Upon the advent of Hinduism in NE and the subsequent royal patronage, we saw the immigration of the Brahmins(Bamuns) and other upper castes like the Kalitas to Assam. Hindu deities started to be worshipped alongside the animinstic pantheons but a definite caste system wasn't in play even then, partly due to the efforts of Srimanta Sankardev and his Bhakti movement- Eksarana Dharma noted for its egalitarian principles.

British colonial rule brought about some changes as bonded labourers were brought into NE from Central India to work in tea plantations who can be considered as the first Dalits in the true sense. There also arose a new group of local officials who worked for the British- like the revenue collectors known as Talukdars who belong to the upper caste.

Present day scenario is a bit complex, Bamuns/Kalitas are obviously upper castes. Ironically, the Ahoms or the Koch Rajbonshis who belonged to the ruling class and are now OBC are clamouring for their inclusion as Scheduled Tribes(big political issue here). Hill tribes of Assam have already been accorded ST(hills) status and plenty of ST plains too.. I think the final solution is to provide reservation to everyone as that would essentially mean reservation to none. This information is for Assam only and other states have their own intricacies.

Finally, the motive of @jamahir s question seems to be whether untouchability is practiced in Assam, the answer to that is a big NO. There is no concept of Dalits or Shudras in our tribal society, barring perhaps the TGLs.

PS: For the information of the ill informed Pakistani members, the deceased army porter is from the Bodo community and is not a Dalit. Such practices of ucch-neech exist in North India and in your country even amongst the muslims.

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