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Army chief vows commitment to democracy


Feb 2, 2007
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ISLAMABAD - Reiterating commitment to strengthening of democracy and upholding the supremacy of constitution, Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif has said that Armed Forces drive their strength from the people and they would never hesitate from giving any sacrifice for safeguarding the ideological and territorial integrity of the motherland.
Addressing a function organised in connection with fifth Youm-i-Shohada to pay homage to the martyrs in Rawalpindi on Wednesday night, the army chief was all praise to responsible media, which he said had always played a positive role in moulding the public opinion on issues of national importance.
Addressing the gathering comprising the families of martyrs, high ranking civil and military officers, diplomats and people from different walks of life, Gen Raheel said that country is passing from a critical phase wherein all the state institutions are required to work in full harmony with all their strength.
In his first public speech since he became the army chief in November last year, he said, “Pakistan Army supports all efforts to eliminate terrorism and restore peace in the country, and it is our earnest desire that all elements fighting against the state should unconditionally submit to the country’s constitution and law and come back to the national mainstream,” warning that otherwise the military “with the support of people will take them to task”.
General Raheel said that ‘democracy is the only way forward’ to join developed nations of the world. Defence Minister Kh Mohammad Asif and Information Minister Pervez Rashid were conspicuous by their presence in the event and were sitting in the front row. And, General Raheel’s carefully worded speech indicated that tensions between the civil and military leadership had defused.
The COAS praised the people for standing by the forces in all difficult times and said that the relation between the Army and the people will be further strengthened in the days to come. However, he made it clear that there was no room for any doubt about ‘our ability to deal with’ insurgents. “The brave people of Pakistan and the army has the full capacity to take such elements to task,” he stressed.
The army chief also spoke of the development work undertaken by the military in the restive Balochistan. He said the Army belongs to whole of the country, and it is the key for the national unity, symbol of nationalism and guarantor of the defence of the country.”The induction of over 20,000 officers and soldiers in the Pakistan Army from Balochistan is a testament to the province’s trust in the military.”
He termed Kashmir a ‘jugular vein’ of Pakistan and called for resolution of the issue as per the UN resolutions and in line of the aspirations of the Kashmir people. He made it clear that without resolving the core issue between the two neighbours, permanent peace in the region could not be achieved. “Sacrifices of Kashmiris will not go in vein. Pakistan Army is in favour of peace but is always ready to respond to any aggression in befitting manner.”

Army chief vows loyalty to democracy
Sure. Pakistan army has a glotius tradition of loyality to democracy. Ayb, Yahya, Tikka, Parvez etc were die hard democrats, were they not? Bas ek mauka milna chahiye.
Sure. Pakistan army has a glotius tradition of loyality to democracy. Ayb, Yahya, Tikka, Parvez etc were die hard democrats, were they not? Bas ek mauka milna chahiye.

Kya baat kahdi sir apne, hum idhr phuddu baithe hain?
Sure. Pakistan army has a glotius tradition of loyality to democracy. Ayb, Yahya, Tikka, Parvez etc were die hard democrats, were they not? Bas ek mauka milna chahiye.
But Gen Raheel seems to be a refreshing change from the mindset of the previous Chiefs you have mentioned.

However, it could be because of the fear that any coup would result in what Gen Mush is facing today. And no Chief would like to go through that agony and humiliation.
But Gen Raheel seems to be a refreshing change from the mindset of the previous Chiefs you have mentioned.

However, it could be because of the fear that any coup would result in what Gen Mush is facing today. And no Chief would like to go through that agony and humiliation.
This is a misconception.
It is said that we should learn lessons from history, yet history is always repeated. Decision to take over by army is not an ambitious notion in the mind of chief. It is driven by a number of factors, which are in fact pressure mounting factors. When that thrash hold is crossed, a take over will take place. Now it depends on the chief how much pressure chief can sustain, rest assured no general is weak enough to start moving at the very onset of pressure. These professionals are trained to take high pressure and if a stage comes where takeover happens rest assured that the pressure is definitely beyond the level of sustainability. And then no body turns back to history to take the lessons or fear from repercussions. The decision is on the spot, how to avert repetition of history is the game after.
The speech was well articulated. Kuch bhi na kaha aur keh bhi gaya kuch kehtay kehtay reh bhi gaya.
It is very clear from his speech that he does not endorse any negotiations without criminals accepting constitution and GoP. He mentioned time and again that PA is keeping a close watch on internal and external threats. And after a long time someone in official capacity used the words Kashmir Pakistan ki Shah Rag hai. There is a lot to read between the lines.
This is a misconception.
It is said that we should learn lessons from history, yet history is always repeated. Decision to take over by army is not an ambitious notion in the mind of chief. It is driven by a number of factors, which are in fact pressure mounting factors. When that thrash hold is crossed, a take over will take place. Now it depends on the chief how much pressure chief can sustain, rest assured no general is weak enough to start moving at the very onset of pressure. These professionals are trained to take high pressure and if a stage comes where takeover happens rest assured that the pressure is definitely beyond the level of sustainability. And then no body turns back to history to take the lessons or fear from repercussions. The decision is on the spot, how to avert repetition of history is the game after.
enough said beautifully described!
but its not just COAS,s responsibility to keep supporting democracy?

The speech was well articulated. Kuch bhi na kaha aur keh bhi gaya kuch kehtay kehtay reh bhi gaya.
It is very clear from his speech that he does not endorse any negotiations without criminals accepting constitution and GoP. He mentioned time and again that PA is keeping a close watch on internal and external threats. And after a long time someone in official capacity used the words Kashmir Pakistan ki Shah Rag hai. There is a lot to read between the lines.
setting perametters, for the civillian govt, to look after, if not then be ready for the music, without blames on militry?

by the way why, PM avoided this great, opportunity to show the families of shaheeds that civillian govt stand with them not the terrorists, who have been awarded "LAHORI BRAEKFAST" every then & now, while more pakistanis been killed by terrorists every day?
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enough said beautifully described!
but its not just COAS,s responsibility to keep supporting democracy?

setting perametters, for the civillian govt, to look after, if not then be ready for the music, without blames on militry?

by the way why, PM avoided this great, opportunity to show the families of shaheeds that civillian govt stand with them not the terrorists, who have been awarded "LAHORI BRAEKFAST" every then & now, while more pakistanis been killed by terrorists every day?
It is a shame that he spent this day in UK
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