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Army Chief dispels notion that India has defence capability gap with China.


Aug 8, 2012
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This interview was published last month, as it was not posted here I took the liberty.

The Indian Army Chief, General Bikram Singh has emphatically stated that India is in the process of building its defence capability, without being border-specific, and it was in accordance with national security.

Responding to a question by Jayant Baranwal, Editor-in-Chief of SP Guide Publications, whether 1962 (when India-China went into a war) would be repeated, the Army Chief affirmed at the annual press conference that ‘there would not be a situation like 1962’. He said “No it shall not happen again. It is a professional army and efforts have been taken to enhance its combat power. By no means I am speaking of any border..but of capabilities that will safeguard our national interests and which will enable the Indian army to fulfil its constitutional obligation.”

Jayant Baranwal (SP's): How do you see the capability gap, if it is widening or not, of the Chinese and our army in terms of quality, if not in terms of numbers? Are we ensuring that we are not complacent on this front?

General Bikram Singh (General): Let me answer your last part of the question first on being complacent. Let me state we are not complacent. We are moving ahead as per our road map. We are looking at all areas and we are creating capabilities and it is not border specific. While creating this capability, there are gestation periods of two to three years, it cannot be done overnight. It takes minimum two to three years time. When you raise formations, it requires training of personnel. The capabilities we are creating, as far as our neighbours or borders are concerned... we are proceeding in a systematic manner... there is no complacency. The approval which has come for the Mountain Strike Corps, is an indication of the kind of stance the government has taken in enhancing our combat power. There are delays and cost overruns and these are being addressed.

The excerpts of the press conference are :

In his opening statement, the Army Chief said that he had identified a vision, keeping in mind the ground realities and where the Army needs to go over the next five years. The vision was to enhance the operational effectiveness of the army, to ensure it remains a potent, accountable, disciplined and ready instrument of national power. Keeping this in mind, certain focus areas were identified as to ensure that the vision is accomplished.

First of course being operational readiness. The endeavour was to ensure that we acquire capability, hone and augment our capability to be able to fulfil our constitutional obligations, both in the internal and external security dimensions. As far as the external security is concerned, we are in the process of augmentation of our combat power and we have got sanctions for the Mountain Strike Force, additional division that is being raised. We are in the process of converting our combat power into quick reaction force capability, the attack helicopters are with us. We have taken up a large scale modernisation of our forces and we have systems or acquisitions to revitalise /revamp the same and within timelines. All stakeholders operate under the Vice Chief wherein various schemes are taken to the logical conclusion as per the stipulated timelines.

In the current financial year 17 contracts have been signed amounting to about Rs. 11,777 crores . We have another23 contracts in the pipeline valued at about Rs. 12,000 crores and we are hoping that it would be signed this current financial year, taking the total contracts to 40, totalling about Rs. 24,000 crores. The endeavour is to enhance our capability of our acquisitions mechanism to 60 to 70 a year, from the present 40-50. Since our items are not big ticket deals like the Air Force, the cash outflows would be 3000-3500 crores a year ... it is an upward trend, marked by transparency, accountability.

Our focus is on force modernisation and augmentation of combat potential. We have a road map which has been sanctioned by the Defence Minister. The roadmap is pragmatic which is going to cost the exchequer Rs. 19,252 crores. This will be realised over a period of time. By 2015, we would have 50 per cent War wastage reserve (WWR) training and by 2018-19, making the entire 100 per cent WWR. There is a focused effort to enhancing the combat power in a pragmatic and systematic manner as per laid down timelines.

As regards, human capital development the focus has been to address the aspirations of all ranks of officers, specifically women officers. We are looking at enhancing their opportunities, the avenues in the Army. We are strengthening our work culture, strengthening our secular fabric. They are the core values in terms of integrity, loyalty, duty, responsibility, selfless service, courage etc.

We are enhancing security consciousness in our forces, ensuring cyber security aspects are looked into and is put into place. We are focusing on jointness of the armed forces. It is to optimise our combat power on the battlefield and is being looked into a focused manner. And also the welfare of ex-servicemen, valuable resource of ours.

Q: After signing of the agreement with China, has there been a decrease of Chinese incursions?

General: Somehow the incidents got hyped. Our soldiers are carrying out patrols to our perception of LaC... so also they have been patrolling according to their perception of LaC. Since October 2013, there is improvement in the situation. The agreement of 2013 hinges on the 1993 and 1996 agreements and the 2005 protocol. The Initiative is to engage at regional level. Engagement is very important and with this positive engagement, we create a better climate.

Q: Last year we had border development cooperation (BDC) agreement with China and then had face-to-face level DGMO talks with Pakistan? How do you see the developments on the line of actual control and line of control?

General: We had signed the BDC agreement in October last year during the visit of the Prime Minister of China. This agreement aims at enhancing the confidence building measures, strengthening the existing mechanisms such that there is better understanding, peace, bonhomie at the borders. It endeavours there are additional lines, interface at the theatre level, army headquarters levels such that we can move ahead with military community cooperation. Also efforts are on for measures in the hinterland such as joint exercises on mutually agreed upon concepts. Otherwise, this agreement is going to further strengthen the understanding at National security council level, army headquarter level and at the national level, as to ensure that the national initiatives fructify.

The DGMO conference in Wagah in December last was at the behest of the DGMO of Pakistan. I believe it is a move in the right direction. We need to ensure ceasefire holds and that the environment is conducive for development on both sides. Large amount of locals are subjected to inconvenience and ceasefire is what they look for on either side of the borders. We will see how this moves ahead. The first meeting of the gate commanders meeting will be held soon and the DGMOs are speaking to each other on the hotline.

Q: Are we hampered by lack of infrastructure on the borders?

General: There is infrastructure inadequacy at the moment. There are plans afoot to meet the infrastructure requirements. We had finance support to create infrastructure Rs. 9242 crores allocation for infrastructure development and Rs. 28,000 crore for CSS mode. There is conscious effort to improve roads and railway lines that have been identified. There are seepages in terms of timelines, we need more focussed commitment and we are raising the issue with the government. The govt is seized of the problem and there are initiatives with renowned established players for construction roads...

What is going to be the impact on India of the US Army drawdown in Afghanistan?

General: The international community has taken security sector reforms in Afghanistan with the aim of providing capacity to the military and police forces of that country to stand on their own feet. We have undertaken training of Afghan soldiers and we are helping them in strengthening the capacity and democratic institutions. A good army man, hopes for the best, caters for the worst. It is imperative that we however be on the guard. We need to look at developments in Afghanistan in 2014, before we can look at diluting the disturbed areas. There are already some signages of some spillover in Jammu and Kashmir.

Q: There have been continuous ceasefire violations by Pakistan and the people in general feel that Indian army has not taken adequate measures? What measures have been taken to counter the Pakistani aggression?

General: This assertion is not correct. We reserve the right to retaliate. We have given powers to the commanders to take action on the ground as they deem appropriate. It is a localised situation at the LoC and your soldiers, commanders have done well. The endeavour is not to escalate tensions, but to give appropriate response. If rules are broken, then obviously we cannot stick to rules. Action has been taken. We need to give the soldiers their due, they are in a difficult terrain and any ceasefire violation, it is a mini war, and the soldiers and commanders have responded well. If you can see the media reports in Pakistan wherein it mentions killing of nine of their soldiers, this is a credit to our soldiers. Soldiers are doing a stupendous job.... suffice to tell you that the soldiers have reacted well.

Q: The beheading of our soldier has been making the rounds, has the matter being raised with Pakistan?

General: We are authenticating the video. My humble request to the media is to keep in mind the sensitiveness of the family. A jawan gives his life in the cause of the nation. A soldier makes a non-negotiable commitment to the nation. Therefore gives his life for a cause. Let them perceive him as a hero... we show inhumane manner it has been done and this affects the family. The act is no doubt a barbaric, despicable act.

Q: Why can’t they be treated as war crimes?

General: The video has come to light now... we will check the authenticity... whether it is an act of terrorist or whether the Pakistan army was involved. They however show that they are disrespecting the mortal remains of the martyr. We have taken up the incident at appropriate levels...We have asked the Pakistan government. The act is highly despicable and barbaric. Honestly we need identify whether it is an act of terrorist... or is it the army too... accordingly the case will be taken up. It has been my effort... taking up appropriate level. It defies all laws of civilized society, brutal, barbaric and condemned at all levels.

Q: The Aam Aadmi Party leader Prashant Bhusan has asked for a referendum in Pakistan and Hafiz Sayid is asking for the Indian Army to leave Kashmir, what do you have to say?

General: As a matter of principle, i don’t comment on political statements. From a military perspective, we need to be there till the situation improves. Considering the ground situation, we will have to be present in the valley. It is a part of our national strategy. Jammu and Kashmir is our State and there is no doubt whatsoever. We are implementing national strategy. The army is doing the task accordingly.

Q: Give us a low down on patribal case?

General: We have a “zero tolerance” policy towards human rights violations and the rule of law has been upheld in the Machchil fake encounter case in which two officers and four jawans have been found guilty and proceeded against. As for the Pathribal case the matter was still under investigation and sub judice. We respect human rights and there is a direction to all personnel to adhere to it. It is an important ingredient in a democracy. We ensure this. Regarding Pathribal...the process is still on... the moment inquiry is completed, we will share it with you. There are do’s and dont’s during operations and after operations... each soldier is aware of it. Zero tolerance is what we believe and there are comprehensive orders to that effect.

Q: Is there enough capital for the Mountain Strike Force? Has the government provided assurance of financial support?

General: 100 per cent. The proposal was taken up at the CCS . The Defence Minister has assured all budgetary support. I am hopeful that money will come. Ours is a long border, porous and high and difficult terrain. The Defence Minister has been monitoring regularly expenditure... i have been promised every time money will be made available. It has not impacted capital acquisitions.

Q: What about gender equality?

General: Gender equality is an issue. However, we have to consider the vagaries of battlefield before inducting women into the combat zone. We need to create conducive infrastructure for that. It will take time...taking up command posts over a period a of time. However, women will be seen in combat support arms.... we are going to... artillery, army aviation... it has to be done in a consensual manner.

Army Chief dispels notion that India has defence capability gap with China - SP's Land Forces
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