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Army chief briefs PM about security situation

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Army chief briefs PM about security situation
Updated 14 minutes ago

Army Chief Gen Raheel Sharif meets with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at PM House in Islamabad on Thursday May 8, 2014. – Photo by PID
ISLAMABAD: Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif called on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at the PM House on Thursday and briefed him about the security situation in Karachi, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA.

General Sharif also shared with the prime minister the details of today's terror attacks in Miramshah, North Waziristan which killed 12 Frontier Corps (FC) soldiers.

Prime Minister Sharif expressed his grief over the loss of precious lives of Pakistani soldiers and vowed that the sacrifices will not go in vain.

The premier also congratulated the army chief and the nation on successful training launch of the short range surface to surface Ballistic Missile, Hatf III (Ghaznavi).
The uncertain situation in regards to the ‘peace talks’ has left many perplexed at the moment. But we certainly remain hopeful for positive outcome, and have full confidence in Pakistani government’s ability to restore peace in the country. Our forces are also working hard to ensure a smooth transition across the border, and it is our wish and desire to see a safe and secure Pakistan for the sake of achieving our shared peace objectives in the region. We repeat what Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby said recently in regards to instability and insecurity in the region resulted from the killing of innocent people: “This is a threat that we share with Pakistan, and continue to want to work with Pakistan to try to eradicate it.”

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
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