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Armenians brutally killed over 50,000 Azerbaijanis – Diplomatic Star


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Armenians brutally killed over 50,000 Azerbaijanis – Diplomatic Star
Mon 31 March 2014 09:38 GMT | 14:38 Local Time

Diplomatic Star magazine, published in Urdu language in Pakistan, has published an article titled ‘31 March – Genocide Day of Azerbaijanis.’

The article tells about the history of Azerbaijan, in particular, resettlement of tens of thousands of Armenians on historical Azerbaijani lands following Gulustan and Turkmanchay treaties.

The article says that Armenian nationalists carried out a policy of genocide against Azerbaijanis together with Russian Bolsheviks beginning from 1918. As a result, over 50,000 Azerbaijanis were brutally killed in Baku, Shamakhi, Guba, Nakhchivan and Lankaran while hundreds of villages were razed to ground.

The article also notes that hundreds of thousands of Armenians were resettled in Armenia from Middle East and some European countries upon the decision of the USSR government while tens of thousands of Azerbaijanis were resettled in Azerbaijan from their lands in Armenia.

The article also focuses on eviction of Azerbaijanis from Armenia in late 1980s, occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding regions of Azerbaijan by Armenia.

Azerbaijan supports UN initiative on nuclear security and does everything possible for nuclear non-proliferation. Our stance on this regard has always been unequivocal, clear and precise.

It was stated by member of Milli Majlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan Asim Mollzade in his interview with 1news.az while commenting on the outcomes of a recent III Nuclear Security Summit that took place in Hague.

Azerbaijan is involved in an active cooperation with all international organizations in this direction, Mollazade said.

“Azerbaijan takes all necessary steps to ensure nuclear and radioactive security through close cooperation with international organizations,” the MP noted.

The MP supported President’s recent remarks about prerequisites that create conditions for transnational organized crime, illegal transport of nuclear and radioactive materials, as well as contamination of Armenian-occupied territories of Azerbaijan through the disposal of radioactive waste due to lack of ability to control properly part of the borders due to occupation of 20 percent of Azerbaijani territories.

“We have certain doubts and even facts which confirm that there may be radioactive waste on the occupied lands of Azerbaijan. The lack of a control over the occupied lands led to the fact that they have become a center from where drugs and weapons are distributed. And given willingness of certain countries in the region to breach treaties on nuclear non-proliferation, we believe that the occupied lands may be used for transport of radioactive materials. Undoubtedly, world community should respond to this situation, but due to absence of a proper approach to conflict resolution and turning a blind eye to the occupation of Azerbaijan’s land, it is forced to deal with new analogues of Karabakh in Moldova, Georgia and in the Crimea today,” added the MP.

As to Metsamor nuclear power station, the threat of which was emphasized by Azerbaijani President in the course of the summit, Mollazade said the station may be closed down if international organizations deal with this issue seriously.

“Metsamor nuclear power station represents a great threat for the entire region and not only Azerbaijan, but also IAEA is also aware of this. But, unfortunately, such major organizations still fail to take significant steps to avert this real threat. All they did was just to allot money for Armenia, but any results did not follow. The station still operates and the European investments were clearly not spent as intended,” the MP summed up.

In his address to the recent Nuclear Security Summit in the Netherlands, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stated that Azerbaijan has submitted its new report on next steps in the field of non-proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their means of delivery to the UN.

Aliyev also reiterated that Azerbaijan has made great efforts to prevent the use of the country as a transit route for illicit trafficking of nuclear materials.

The President noted with regret that the country today is unable to control properly part of its borders because of the continuing occupation of 20 percent of internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan and a policy of ethnic cleansing of Armenia against Azerbaijanis.

This situation gives a rise to transnational organized crime, illegal transport of nuclear and radioactive materials, as well as contamination of Armenian-occupied territories of Azerbaijan by disposal of radioactive waste.

The President of Azerbaijan, speaking about the dangers posed by nuclear power plant that was built in Armenia almost 40 years ago, stressed that the NPP is the biggest threat to the entire region and the nearest neighbors.
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