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Armed forces day military parade: April 17, 2016

You are mistaken. You posted a picture of the Big Bird. If you look at the radar element, you will see it has many grooves on the side . The Tomb Stone (below) does not.


Yup! without this you can't simultaneously engage 36 targets! And you'll be stuck with only 6!!! And no one is going to attack high value target in Iran with only 6 aircrafts (or missiles) and those seconds that you lose having to engage 6 at a time could result in you losing whatever it is your protecting!
If the Russians are afraid to sell Iran the PMU-2 they will never sell us the upgraded version of the Su-30!

Take it apart and reverse engineer it! Because if this is what we are getting we will need at least 20 of them to secure 5 sites

5 Bandar Abbas

btw Iran's next Mowj class frigate should be ready soon if not already!
Congrats Islamic IRAN for taking delivery of the S-300. That is the only thing remaining that infact IRAN needed to defend its important sites. Bavar373 too should come out within a year time.
Talash -3 long range missile defense system is the counterpart to S-300.
Finished but perfection takes time...

There is a huge difference between B-373 & S-300 ... But can speed up the project :)

We are developing a highly complex & effective system...

and family of missiles are the problem Im guessing, especially the long range since yavar has said they need long range missiles from the shipment that were not delivered yet so they can reverse engineer it, m I right folks???
Except for S-300 all other equipment is good for only show off and not much of a deterrence go for new equipment in large number and quickly remove these useless stuff

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