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Are the people in Pakistan really poor or they have just adopted begging as a profession?

WarKa DaNG

Aug 26, 2014
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So nowadays, wherever you go there are beggars everywhere and you cannot eat peacefully/enjoy a roadside samosa chat, coming out of masjid after prayers and there are people sitting and begging, when you go out with the family and boom beggers are coming after you. It does not matter whether they are children, women, men, young, old but are on the streets and It overshadows the real and needy people that needs support.
So nowadays, wherever you go there are beggars everywhere and you cannot eat peacefully/enjoy a roadside samosa chat, coming out of masjid after prayers and there are people sitting and begging, when you go out with the family and boom beggers are coming after you. It does not matter whether they are children, women, men, young, old but are on the streets and It overshadows the real and needy people that needs support.
Ju tumahare piche hi par jaen un ko kabi na do
Wo nashae hute hain
So nowadays, wherever you go there are beggars everywhere and you cannot eat peacefully/enjoy a roadside samosa chat, coming out of masjid after prayers and there are people sitting and begging, when you go out with the family and boom beggers are coming after you. It does not matter whether they are children, women, men, young, old but are on the streets and It overshadows the real and needy people that needs support.
Population is increasing rapidly, I guess
Trickle down effect from the PM, top down effect.

Just as if the PM and Ministers are into corruption and money laundering, others will do it without any fear and repraisal, and a licence to loot and plunder.

Ju tumahare piche hi par jaen un ko kabi na do
Wo nashae hute hain
Or, at least help the old ones. They can do much work even if they want to.
I can relate to the pain of not being able to enjoy samosa chaat in peace. :lol: For the kids that buzz around eateries and say they are hungry I buy them a samosa sometimes, instead of giving money.
But OTOH, if they don't bring home enough earning, they might get thrashed by the parents.

It's a tough subject.

Trickle down effect from the PM, top down effect.

Just as if the PM and Ministers are into corruption and money laundering, others will do it without any fear and repraisal, and a licence to loot and plunder.

Respectfully, sir. You are one of the few sensible people here and this is not even funny.
Well the modus operandi is this.

I am fortunate enough to have family members in Karachi with decent income and asking for money is frowned upon (as it should be) unless absolutely emergency and that too as a loan.

For others I see, one rich uncle, and a few siblings, nephews, phuphis feeding off. The uncle makes sure his nephews and nieces are employed in his business venture as there is inherent loyalty factor at play here.

And then there is an uncle and his family living in UK making ends meet and remitting 80% of his savings back to Pakistan, while the family members are on full ayashi mode. Have seen alot of cases of families from Azad Kashmir and Upper Punjab.

Families in US, most of them are second third generation so the association with Pakistan is at minimal.

For some unfortunate Overseas Pakistanis, they’re scammed by investing in properties or over priced DHAs or some fake files in Bahria. Generalizing it a bit but you get the gist.
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