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Are Taliban Using Iranian Made Sniper Rifle Sayyad!

War booty? Black market purchase? Smuggled from Iran? So many possibilities.
The image below shows a Taliban using an Iranian made sniper rifle Sayyad (صیاد) in Herat.

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The photos below were earlier published in Iran's state media outlets. Iranian military officials describe Sayyad as the "deadliest sniper rifle".
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If the above is true then its bad news for persian speaking Tajiks, Hazaras and other communities of Afghanistan, who traditionally relied on Iranian support in the past.
That guy is probably the most comfortably dressed sniper I've ever seen.
The AM-50 Sayyad is incredibly common in the region as shown by media releases from Iraqi police to ISIS and HTS. Most likely this rifle found it's way around the region and ended up in this Taliban sniper's hands.
Everybody wants the yanks out, and the talibunnies are arses but represent the only unified force in that $hithole.

YANKS are practically already out. The whole "Do More" business few years back was to push Pakistan to leverage Taliban for "Dignified Exit " for Yanks.
They strike a deal with Taliban and exited before the announce time , to catch Taliban unaware. YANKS were worried to be targeted during pull out, they avoided it.
Whatever remains , do not pose any kind of danger.

The only thing, which Pakistan should re-consider and immediately deny to the YANKS are the air corridors provided for bombing.

That is a daft idea, which should be stopped. YANKS are not Pakistan's friends, period.
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