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Are Indian armed forces ready for intense wars? The answer is 'not yet'


Nov 1, 2010
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NEW DELHI: It will take the 15-lakh strong Indian armed forces another couple of years to become "fully fighting fit" with "optimal" stockpiles of ammunition, spares and reserves for "short and intense wars" under the Rs 23,700 crore worth of deals inked over the last 10 months, say sources.

But this does not mean the Army, Navy and IAF cannot effectively take on any adversary, if the need arises, in the interim period in as gung-ho a manner as ever. The armed forces continue to maintain "high operational readiness" all along the 778-km Line of Control with Pakistan amid fierce cross-border shelling duels as well as the 4,057-km Line of Actual Control with China, where rival troops remain locked in a tense but non aggressive face-off near the Sikkim-Bhutan-Tibet tri-junction.

The crippling shortages in ammunition stockpiles or the war wastage reserves (WWR) came to the fore once again on Friday, with the latest CAG report tabled in Parliament holding "no significant improvement" had taken place to plug the critical deficiencies in availability and quality of ammunition supplied by the Ordnance Factory Board since March 2013.

Conducting a follow-up audit to its May 2015 report on the dismal state of "ammunition management in the Army", the audit watchdog held the stocks of 121 (80%) of the 152 types of ammunition were below the authorization level required for 40 days of "intensive fighting" as per WWR norms.

"Further, availability of 83 (55%) types of ammunition was below the MARL (minimum acceptable risk level of ammunition stocks for 20 days) and 61 (40%) types were at a critical level (less than 10 days). Availability of high-calibre ammunition for tanks and artillery are in a more alarming state. Moreover, in the absence of fuses, 83% of the high-calibre ammunition currently held by Army is not in a state to be used operationally," it added.

But the CAG report does not take into account the flurry of contracts for ammunition and spares inked by Army (19 deals worth Rs 12,000 crore), IAF (43 deals for over Rs 9,200 crore) and Navy (37 deals for over Rs 2,500 core) under emergency revenue financial powers granted to them after the terror attack at Uri in September last year.

These deliveries from Russia, Israel and others to ensure stockpiles for at least 10 days of "intensive" fighting, however, will take time. The Army, for instance, will get the bulk of its Smerch rockets, Konkurs anti-tank guided missiles, 125mm APFSDS (armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot) ammunition for its T-90S and T-72 tanks and the like by March 2019, with the rest coming by early-2020.

Deliveries to plug critical shortages in submarines, fighters, howitzers and helicopters will also take some time. The IAF, for instance, will get 36 Rafale fighters, armed with a wide array of missile and laser-guided munitions, in the 2019-2022 timeframe under the Rs 59,000 crore deal inked with France last September.

The 22 Apache attack and 15 Chinook heavy-lift helicopters ordered from the US for Rs 22,000 crore will come between March-July 2019 and March 2020. Similarly, the bulk of the 145 M-777 ultra-light howitzers, which can be swiftly air-lifted to threatened high-altitude areas along the LAC, will arrive from March 2019 to June 2021.
CAG slams OFB for critical deficiency in supply of ammunition



Modi ulu banaoing Indians for his vote bank.


As a PM of India does he not know the sorry state of affairs of India's military readiness?

Why is he itching for a war with China & Pakistan simultaneously then?

Oh I forgot.
It is easy to ulu banao those 70% villagers of India.

CAG slams Navy for delay in ASW corvettes project

Actually india has money, to be honest, sorry for saying that india has no money.

But the greatesr sin ever done and most despised of, is to have money and to waste it all and become poor.

All countries should keep ammo to fight long term war, an armed forces is especially nurtured and well trained, provided for since day 1.

that is the complete opposite for india my friends...

Have abit of national pride, just as what chinese/pakistani would ask, "whats wrong with indians?!"
Actually india has money, to be honest, sorry for saying that india has no money.

But the greatesr sin ever done and most despised of, is to have money and to waste it all and become poor.


What money?

India is a low income country as classified by IMF/WB

Look at its per capita figures = peanuts.
If they spent more time working hard to improve their country things would be different.

India came out in 1947, previously controlled by the british.

Korea came out devastated by korean war in 1953.

In fact, india is the only failed country previously controlled by the british

Country that ranks 5th in GDP is a failed country?

Brother Singa, you lower the IQ of this entire forum.
Country that ranks 5th in GDP is a failed country?

Brother Singa, you lower the IQ of this entire forum.

Thats bcos u have 1.3 billion people.

What u are saying is like you are proud to have a family income of 10,000 USD with 10 adult members in the family.

While singapore is more like drawing 9,900 USD a month with only 1 adult member in the family.

GDP per capita, india is half of the philippines lol, go check google
If they spent more time working hard to improve their country things would be different.

India came out in 1947, previously controlled by the british.

Korea came out devastated by korean war in 1953.

In fact, india is the only failed country previously controlled by the british


Look at Koreans now and compare them with Indians.

Its their people those that made all the difference.
Against this, lets not even talk about corrupt & lethargic Indians.
Thats bcos u have 1.3 billion people.

What u are saying is like you are proud to have a family income of 10,000 USD with 10 adult members in the family.

While singapore is more like drawing 9,900 USD a month with only 1 adult member in the family.

GDP per capita, india is half of the philippines lol, go check google

By this standard, Pakistan is a failed country too, do you agree? We are still a developing country, do you understand what that means? Only a joker would call the fastest growing major economy a failed nation.

Anyways, I don't even know why I am even quoting you, in fact I advice people not to engage you since you are clearly a dimwit, my bad. Nevermind
By this standard, Pakistan is a failed country too, do you agree? We are still a developing country, do you understand what that means? Only a joker would call the fastest growing major economy a failed nation.

Anyways, I don't even know why I am even quoting you, in fact I advice people not to engage you since you are clearly a dimwit, my bad. Nevermind

10 years ago, an india guy told me his country is the fastest growing economy
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