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Are Chinese members against or for this "festival"?

We have Filipinos in Dubai who do that, but not only dogs, even cats! Doesn't make it right though!
The anti-Yulin protestors mainly advanced 3 arguments about why the festival should not proceed:

1. It's inhumane.
2. The dogs are not quarantined for disease so they present a public health threat.
3. Some dogs are stolen from pet-owners.

No.1 is a silly argument which can be struck on in China's cultural context. When we raise and domesticate livestock for food, there's no reason dogs should get any special treatment. No. 2 and 3 could be problematic, but I feel they can be dealt with without canceling the festival entirely. So I think the festival should be permitted to proceed. Besides, the festival is not government-sanctioned, but instead organized by locals and business/commercial interests. It has a lot of grassroots support, and the protesters should not interfere when it's not illegal.
Is it true that some Chinese / Japanese / Korean people cook dogs/pups or cats/kittens alive because they're suppose to taste better?
As a Chinese, I for my personal point of view,
In fact, in China, on the whole, few people eat dog meat, generally in the northeast Korean community, or in the south of guangxi and guangdong.
I calculate the proportion, the Chinese eat dog meat percentage is about 0.03%, and it is only one or two times a year.
I think, you don't eat dog meat, please don't meddle in other people the right to eat dog meat.
Dog meat in some places like beef, pork is food.
These dogs, are specially bred dog , not pet dog. In addition, the dog is not endangered animals.You don't have the right to meddle in other people.
If you don't eat dog meat, don't let other people to eat, this is a very bossy behavior.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do, everyone everywhere to respect other people's customs

If you eat beef ,hindus protest u, Muslim protests you eat pork, vegetarian protest all the meat you eat, what will happen to you.

By the way, the Chinese never have eat cat tradition custom.
Don't use 0.00001%, representing 100%
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Wow that's so disgusting. Even the muslims would agree eating carnivores is horrendously disgusting and forbidden.
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