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Arab States Support Cairo, Khartoum over GERD Dispute with Ethiopia

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Thursday, 1 April, 2021 - 07:30


The Egyptian and Sudanese Air Forces carrying out a number of intensive training activities Wednesday (Egyptian Army)

Cairo - Mohammed Abdo Hassanein, Marwa Sabri

Egypt and Sudan received support from a number of Arab countries regarding the dispute with Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

The regional support came following recent statements by Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi defending his country’s right to River Nile water.

In his remarks, Sisi warned that “no one can prejudice Egypt’s right to River Nile waters.”

He also warned that any prejudice to this is a “red line”, and will have an impact on the stability of the entire region.

Both Egypt and Sudan are calling for a binding agreement with Ethiopia regarding filling and operating the massive dam, which requires a quartet mediation by the African Union (AU), the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), and the US, a proposal rejected by Addis Ababa.

For its part, Saudi Arabia confirmed its support for Egypt and Sudan and said that their water security is an integral part of Arab security.

The Kingdom also confirmed its “support for any efforts that contribute to ending the Renaissance Dam issue and take into account the interests of all parties.”

Also, Kuwait expressed its solidarity with Egypt and Sudan in their relentless efforts to maintain regional stability and to solve the crisis of filling and operating the dam. Kuwait said that the water security of both countries is an integral part of Arab national security.

The Kingdom of Bahrain further voiced its solidarity with Egypt in preserving its national and water security.

Also, the Yemeni government expressed its support for Egypt in its endeavor to find a just solution to the GERD issue. The country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted, in a statement, the importance of not taking any unilateral steps in this regard.

A statement issued by Oman’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted Egypt’s efforts through dialogue and negotiations, in a way that achieves stability for the region and preserves the interests of all parties.

The UAE also called for the continuation of the diplomatic dialogue to end disagreements over the GERD.

The UAE Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ministry said that the constructive diplomatic dialogue and fruitful talks must continue to overcome differences over GERD between Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia.

In the same context, the Arab Parliament expressed its full solidarity with Egypt and Sudan in ensuring their legitimate rights to their share of River Nile water and resolving the Ethiopian dam issue.

It stressed its categorical rejection of any unilateral Ethiopian measures regarding the massive dam and access to water. It also called on Ethiopia to move away from its policy of imposing a fait accompli, which may lead to an escalation of the crisis and an increase in regional tension.

Ethiopia’s ambassador to Cairo Markos Tekle Rike said on Wednesday that the talks between Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan over the GERD will resume soon.

In a press conference at the Ethiopian embassy in Cairo, Rike said that the talks will continue under the auspices of the African Union to discuss an agreement that satisfies all parties.

The ambassador added that Addis Ababa is keen on solving differences peacefully.

Not much they can do, unless they either bomb the Dam, or the emiratis do some emirati things and create some sort of civil war in ethiopia.
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Why not both?:rofl:

Misr wouldn't dare, for one thing, it would require either the use of Sudanese(unlikely as. Sudan benefits from the Dam) or Saudi airspace. even assuming they get those countries to go along, it will have the problem of pissing off the chinese, who are funding the dam, along with the Italians. Which will force the EU to get involved, unless Baba Sisi is expecting Macron to get involved, it will probably mean beef with the EU for attacking an Italian project.

I for one am looking forward to the Dam being completed, it will benefit Ethiopia and Sudan greatly, and have the added benefit of punishing Sisi for his foolishness, and maybe lead to his downfall..
Misr wouldn't dare, for one thing, it would require either the use of Sudanese(unlikely as. Sudan benefits from the Dam) or Saudi airspace. even assuming they get those countries to go along, it will have the problem of pissing off the chinese, who are funding the dam, along with the Italians. Which will force the EU to get involved, unless Baba Sisi is expecting Macron to get involved, it will probably mean beef with the EU for attacking an Italian project.

I for one am looking forward to the Dam being completed, it will benefit Ethiopia and Sudan greatly, and have the added benefit of punishing Sisi for his foolishness, and maybe lead to his downfall..
The Egyptian armed forces are already in Sudan.. and The chief of staff and the chief of Egyptian Military intelligence just arrived today to khartoum for meetings with their Sudanese counterparts..

Neither China nor Italy would like to intervene in a life and death question of a nation.. for guaranteed loans ..

The EU is already pushing Ethiopia for honest, clear and transparent negotiations..

You can stop your speculations now,, because reality is here..
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Why not both?:rofl:
Indeed..since..there are solutions other than striking the dam directly, such as supporting minorities and the Tigray region, which has land borders with Sudan, by helping the Sudanese army restore its entire territory, which will cause problems for Abu Ahmed with the Amhara..

And Egypt began to besiege Ethiopia in its region politically and economically with Sudan, Somalia, Congo and Tanzania. Like the idea of the railways between Addis Ababa and African countries,, Taking advantage of its location and the Suez Canal, Egypt started it own railways project that reach down to South Africa, .

Even the electricity that Ethiopia wanted to sell to neighboring countries, Egypt provides Sudan with electricity, and in understandings in this regard with Somalia.. and builds dams in Tanzania to generate electricity, as well as it will participate in building the Anja Dam in the Congo with an electrical connection..

Therefore, do not think that the conflict will end even with a binding agreement with Ethiopia. The economic and political war has just begun..
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Indeed..since..there are solutions other than striking the dam directly, such as supporting minorities and the Tigray region, which has land borders with Sudan, by helping the Sudanese army restore its entire territory, which will cause problems for Abu Ahmed with the Amhara..

And Egypt began to besiege Ethiopia in its region politically and economically with Sudan, Somalia, Congo and Tanzania. Like the idea of the railways between Addis Ababa and African countries,, Taking advantage of its location and the Suez Canal, Egypt started it own railways project that reach down to South Africa, .

Even the electricity that Ethiopia wanted to sell to neighboring countries, Egypt provides Sudan with electricity, and in understandings in this regard with Somalia.. and builds dams in Tanzania to generate electricity, as well as it will participate in building the Anja Dam in the Congo with an electrical connection..

Therefore, do not think that the conflict will end even with a binding agreement with Ethiopia. The economic and political war has just begun..

Baba Sisi can't do anything, Misr is a hollow shell completely dependent and being controlled by Khaleeji parasites, going around with a beggin bowl to Bin Salman or Bin Zayed or Macron. Sudan has more to gain from Ethiopian cooperation with regards to the dam, this much was confirmed when Sudan came out in support for the dam. Any disagreement between Ethiopia is nothing compared to the issues between Sudan and Egypt. Egypt can't sell electricity to Sudan if it has no water to generate that electricity, It will be Ethiopia not Egypt that will have surplus electricity. Ethiopia will dictate terms over GERD, and Baba Sisi will take what he is given.

Neither China nor Italy would like to intervene in a life and death question of a nation.. for guaranteed loans ..

The EU and the rest of the states will not take kindly to Sisi threatening war, not that he is capable of fighting one, this sorry excuse of a state, needs to ask the Israelis to give permission and help via air support to fight on its own soil in the sinai.
Baba Sisi can't do anything, Misr is a hollow shell completely dependent and being controlled by Khaleeji parasites, going around with a beggin bowl to Bin Salman or Bin Zayed or Macron. Sudan has more to gain from Ethiopian cooperation with regards to the dam, this much was confirmed when Sudan came out in support for the dam. Any disagreement between Ethiopia is nothing compared to the issues between Sudan and Egypt. Egypt can't sell electricity to Sudan if it has no water to generate that electricity, It will be Ethiopia not Egypt that will have surplus electricity. Ethiopia will dictate terms over GERD, and Baba Sisi will take what he is given.

The EU and the rest of the states will not take kindly to Sisi threatening war, not that he is capable of fighting one, this sorry excuse of a state, needs to ask the Israelis to give permission and help via air support to fight on its own soil in the sinai.
Keep dreaming if it soothes your soul.. you seem too ignorant of the Middle east to converse with you..
Keep dreaming if it soothes your soul.. you seem too ignorant of the Middle east to converse with you..

I don't need to "dream" about anything, I just sit back and watch the GERD get filled up, and see how Sisi can't do a damm thing about it. Time is on Ethiopia's side...
I don't need to "dream" about anything, I just sit back and watch the GERD get filled up, and see how Sisi can't do a damm thing about it. Time is on Ethiopia's side...
You;re still dreaming.. I can't help you get out of your wet dream..

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