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AQ Khan Released from House Arrest!!!

GOI's statement is not to be taken in isolation but in the entirety of the situation of indo-pak relations at this point. pakistan has promised to go after culprits once the evidence was provided. the evidence has been given, and pakistan self-set deadline has passed and yet there is no report on investigations. meanwhile, there are media reports that pakistan may shift blame on BD.

On the contrary, the GoI's statement shoudl be taken exactly as it was stated, not with the spin you are putting on it of 'entirety of Indo-Pak relations'. The statement was bout AQ Khan specifically, and AQ Khan is none of India's business. India is merely up to its old antics of badmouthing Pakistan.

Lets not turn this into another Mumbai thread, these arguments have been gone over multiple times. I'll respond once more however. India sent us a dossier full of transcripts and pictures, she has not shared any evidence as of yet with Pakistan. The FIA in Pakistan has conducted an investigation into the allegations made, and the report is due to be publicized on Monday. Whatever the investigation concludes has to be looked at in light of the information that it bases those conclusions on, not what you think the answer should be. Perhaps it will suggest a Bangladeshi linkage, perhaps it won't, but if it does, and there is evidence supporting that conclusion, that is what it is.

In the meantime almost a hundred suspects have been detained, including the two individuals alleged to be the masterminds, the JuD has been banned and its assets seized. So the Indian argument that Pakistan has not followed up on anythign or not cooperated in the investigation is utterly absurd.

It is India that has made cooperation from Pakistan extremely hard through its belligerence, warmongering, and refusal to share evidence or cooperate.

Pakistan has also from day one offered a joint investigation, dialog and cooperation on the issue, it is India that has refused to cooperate on the above, while at the same time accusing Pakistan of not being sincere. The sheer absurdity and dis-ingenuousness of India's position is apparent here. If there is any party that should feel aggrieved at how the other has behaved, it is Pakistan.

In this scenario, when a known 'nuclear peddler' is released in pakistan court for the lack of evidence, when pakistan had earlier promised to take strict action against this man as well.
this is the context, when you cant pin down a known 'nuclear smuggler' against whom there is overwhelming evidence, how can you be trusted to go after 'mumbai' perpetrators?

A Q khan and his network is also universally condemened and infact they pose a bigger threat to the world since these are ppl who have been passing nuclear know-how to different countries for some bucks.

Pakistan never promised to take any more action against him than the house arrest he was under. There was no promise made of putting him under trial and throwing him in jail. The man knew too much and there was the potential of a lot of sensitive information related to Pakistan strategic programs becoming public were a full fledged trial to be undertaken. His position and the amount of knowledge he had about Pakistan's strategic program made his case one of national security, and therefore the GoP had every right to handle him as it saw fit to protect the national interest.

There is no comparison to be made here with the Mumbai attackers.
Bro if you believe that i stupid by calling him stupid then feel free. :smitten: All i know is this I love Pakistan and I don't want anyone to hurt it. AQ Khan is hurting Pakistan by opening his mouth. He words will put Pakistan's army and ISI accountable for everything! I had respect for him but he would off been hero if he kept his mouth shut.... He didn't do anything for free he got Paid big money so what!!! He earned respect! But what happened! he lost it all! Did you see news of today? One more time doubts about Pakistan's nuclear programed.... All Pakistanis have paid for this powerful defense not him instead he got paid to do that but we just gave out the money so don't tell me that i have no rite to say anything

well there are a lot of ppl still alive who can die for him.... AQ Khan is not hurting pakistan. quote me one statement in which AQ Khan says that pakistan army was involved in all this... quote me one statement in which he says GoP was involved in all this..... all wat he says is only in his defence... if u feel ashamed coz he gave tech to other countries (with the consent of our army and establishment) then u should also be ashamed of our nuclear and missile program which which became a success coz of this so called AQ Khan network.... its always a give or take. and btw it wasnt mostly our money with which we made nuclear bomb, it was arab money or to be more specific it was saudi money mostly
also u cant simply forget about his contribution by sayin he was takin his monthly pay
Pakistan provided centrifuges to North Korea in a shipment supervised by the army under President Pervez Musharraf.

North Korean plane landed at an airport and people are saying that army had no knowledge of it?

If thats true then India might fly in without being noticed too.

I thought AQ Khan took whatever it was to NK, not the other way around.

And yes, if the guy ran a secret smuggling network responsible for providing critical technology for Pakistan's nuclear program, then it is very possible that the top command was not aware of the details of every single trip he took.
This is very bad news for Pak they should left him to fry he is brought us nothing but bad news! and i dont mean in this in the sense of wat he has done for us but with his other dealings with rough states! this is really bad news GOD help us.

so what makes u think he did all that coz of no gud reason.... do u even know what we got in return to all that tech we gave???? and how it helped our nuclear programe????
Those blueprint helped us to build IR-2 centrifuges which is far more sophisticated than P-2 versions. BTW how do you know Iran is not in the possession of Nuclear bomb? We have already more than 30 Nuclear facility and most of them are located underground (85-200 meter). But unlike North Korea we have no interest in isolation, However we wont forget kindness of our Pakistani brothers.

thats all wat we need brother. just remember us when u succeed...
if west, which has caused more distruction, can have it then y cant we...
My brothers heed my warning always protect your national assets against foreign aggressors (Im not talking about our Indian brothers here, Im talking about France, UK and US leaders). even if they're not good, But no one can deny Dr. Khan instrumental role in building nuclear bomb for Pakistan.

Respect your leaders and scientists and never underestimate your capabilities, These are my advices as a younger brother to my Pakistani brethren.
To me AQ Khan looks like a great servent of pakistan. He could have made lot of money if he wanted to. but he stood in front and did what ever govt asked from him. he took the blame on him to protect govt from USA. His contribution should be recognised...He should be honoured in public..I greatly support highest award to him.

India offered Bharat Ratna to APJ Kalam and made him president of the country. He was scientific adviser to prime minister. He is one of the most respected person in india now.

Why not to his coutnerpart AQ Khan.
well there are a lot of ppl still alive who can die for him.... AQ Khan is not hurting pakistan. quote me one statement in which AQ Khan says that pakistan army was involved in all this... quote me one statement in which he says GoP was involved in all this..... all wat he says is only in his defence... if u feel ashamed coz he gave tech to other countries (with the consent of our army and establishment) then u should also be ashamed of our nuclear and missile program which which became a success coz of this so called AQ Khan network.... its always a give or take. and btw it wasnt mostly our money with which we made nuclear bomb, it was arab money or to be more specific it was saudi money mostly
also u cant simply forget about his contribution by sayin he was takin his monthly pay
haha brother I am not gonna argue with you over this because i figured it that you will never understand my views same as i can't yousr. Go google it AQ Khan said GOP knew about it. Man in his first interview, after his release, he said that he was told if he didn't admit then Pakistan will be bombed and this is why i admitted to save Pakistan!!!!!! what does this mean??? forget the other stuff he has been saying!!!! You will never get the point you just love the guy and won't hear anything negative about him so its ok with me. Even though if Pakistan did give out nuclear .... to other countries then still why did he say that GOP knew about it. He said Musharraf knew about it!!!!!! What was Musharraf at a time. COAS of Pakistan and the president....... WHAT HAHAHA this AQ is funny.. he said everything without saying anything hahahahah HE IS A HERO HAPPY.... He is your hero to admire but he is my hero at chai shop if you know what i mean... oye hero give me tea.... He lost his respect in my sight same as Nawaz did by Now letting Musharraf's Plane land in Pakistan back in 1999!!!! Not because he was musharraf's plane, We didn't even know him by then but because he was the chief of army staff of Pakistan.... what a disgrace
It has to do with as India as it proved to the world that when a nuclear smuggler against whom a lot of evidence is available Internationally gets scot free then how can one trust Pak for conviction of Mumbai attack terrorists against whom the evidence might not be that strong.It has proved Pak's incapability and this is what he has said "Deception".It has proved Pak is not trustworthy.

What a lod of crap! :sick:

US had chance to arrest AQ Khan when he was in Holland, they let him go. Western companies kept sending assignments to AQ Khan's private company well after his conviction in Holland in 1978. Some prominent European businessmen were involved in the AQ Network, no action is taken against either of them.
If these entities are calling us incapable or untrustworthy then God save us from hypocricy. :disagree:

And this has nothing to do with Mumbai...India is not the center of the Universe!
Get ofer it! :rolleyes:
Army was in on it, how can one guy use c-130 to load material and fly it to another country? without being noticed?

basically everyone saved their a$$, and made him a scape goat. This is what he's pissed about.

If he was a traitor he would have gone to CIA and spilled all the beans.

He was given full clearence, witout notification or inspection by PA.
We paid heavily for this mistake.
This hardly constitutes as a traitor
So he says now that Musharraf's reputation took a hit. He needs to provide ACTUAL evidence that he was coerced. If he believed Pakistan would've been bombed then and stayed quite, does he not care if Pakistan is bombed now? What has changed? Only that Musharraf has gone.

He sees an opportunity and is milking it!

Foreign Minister Mr Shah Mehmood Qureshi, commenting on the release of Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan from confinement, said Friday that “Dr Khan is history” because the nuclear assets pf Pakistan were now secure under a failsafe command and control system and no longer vulnerable to proliferation. But the reaction in the West that remains worried most about Dr Khan’s confessed proliferation didn’t think so. The United States, the United Kingdom and France were outspoken while Germany, the country that has done most to punish its proliferating citizens, has yet to express its views.

The US State Department got its spokesman to say that Dr Khan “remained a serious threat” and a UK Foreign Office spokesman said, “We have read about the release of Dr AQ Khan and we continue to call on the government of Pakistan to allow IAEA access to Dr Khan in order to seek information about nuclear proliferation activities, in particular the smuggling of nuclear secrets to Iran and North Korea”. The US Democratic Representative Howard Berman, who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said: “Congress will take this into account as we review and create legislation on US-Pakistan relations and the circumstances under which US assistance is provided to Islamabad”.

The Islamabad High Court has declared Dr Khan a “free citizen” after accepting a secret compact between the government and him restricting the very freedom he has been granted. The nuclear scientist will no doubt have to be given high security against unwanted visitors and prevented from moving about freely. His announcement after the “freedom” order that he would like to go for Haj should worry the government because he remains a prize catch for a large number of entities, including the terrorists who might like to benefit from the “source” itself. Pakistan’s answer to the Western demand for his exposure to the IAEA is that all the needed information has been transmitted officially to the nuclear agency and no interviews are needed any more.

The “freedom” of Dr Khan could be a political device. Everyone in Pakistan says he is a “national hero” because he is the man who nuclear-tipped the intense India-driven nationalism in Pakistan and gave the Pakistani nation the feeling of being equal to India. The opposition parties have been calling for his elevation to the post of the president, competing with a far less favourable comment made by the late chairperson of the PPP, Ms Benazir Bhutto. One can say that today two deposed personalities, Dr Khan and Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, ride the crest of public acclaim; and the government may have “freed” Dr Khan to reduce the pressure Justice Chaudhry may bring on it with his Long March.

Since both the great men are being used as pawns by the politicians in their internecine battles, Dr Khan’s release is not going to blunt the edge of general disapproval of the PPP government. Dr Khan says he will spend the rest of his life spreading education in the country but what he might actually spread is more trouble for the government through carefully structured statements in the press. As for reaction at the international level, the PPP will face some flak, including obstruction of some funds it will need from Friends of Pakistan and the multilateral institutions to bail itself out economically. The world has forgiven Pakistan’s “covert” nuclear programme but not what Dr Khan did on his own through networks that are still functioning.
GEO Pakistan
Govt has right to appeal against Dr. Qadeer’s release: FM
Updated at: 1842 PST, Sunday, February 08, 2009

MUNICH: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi Sunday said Pakistani judiciary, being an independent institution, passed a verdict of Dr. Qadeer’s release, however, the government reserves a right to appeal.:undecided:
Speaking during Security Policy Conference here, the Minister said it is Pakistani court’s decision to declare Dr. Qadeer a free citizen, adding, courts in Pakistan function independently.

However, he said, the government reserves a right to appeal.:eek:
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