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Apple in a legal squabble for trademark infringing apps – because of Pakistan’s GEO NEWS and JANG


Jul 26, 2013
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As per CNN iReport, Apple’s motion to dismiss the case rejected by U.S Federal Court.

Apple to either remove the trademark infringing apps by Independent Media Corporation from iTunes store or face the legal proceedings

Just when you think Geo Network would not dare to create another embarrassing scene on an international level for Pakistani Media after the infamous faux pas with their rendezvous with Hindustan Times back in 2013, Geo Network proves to top their earlier mistake off by again making Pakistan’s name hit the news for all the wrong reasons. International Technological circles are abuzz with the latest Trademark Infringement suit being faced by Apple Inc for offering Geo Network’s apps: “Geo News”, “Jang” and “The News International” on iTunes store.

As per the news report on CNN iReport, Apple Inc. is facing a legal suit (No. 1:13-CV-13130-RWZ), filed by a person named Naeem Ahmed, who claims to own the copyright and trademark usage of the terms “JANG” “GEO” and “THE NEWS INTERNATIONAL”, which happen to be the names of the applications being offered by Independent Media Corporation (Pvt) Limited(Parent company of Geo Network and Daily Jang) through the Apple’s iTunes Store.

Previously, Facebook also restricted access to ‘Daily Jang’ and ‘The News International’ official facebook pages in USA, UK and Canada based on the trademark infringement. Google Play, the android app market, has already removed the trademark infringing android apps from being offered in the Play Store to android users based on the trademark infringement claim. Apple, however, opted to serve a ‘Motion to Dismiss’ the trademark infringement notice, in response to which District Justice, of United States Federal Court for District of Massachusetts, has denied Apple’s “Motion to Dismiss” the complaint.

Trademark Infringement seems to merely add a “feather in the cap” for Mir Shakeel ur Rahman, owner of Geo News and Daily Jang, who is no stranger to controversy and lawsuits. Be it tax evasions and financial misrepresentation amounting to millions of Rupees or using his media enterprise for blackmailing, manipulation and promoting paid foreign agendas, the grimy history of Mir Shakeel ur Rahman’s career offers a wide array of utter disregard to laws and ethical boundaries. Despite all the evidences available and even broadcasted on online media, talk shows as well as the “Khara Sach” book published by Mubasher Lucman, the legal and regulatory authority are continuing their act of obliviousness.

Whether Apple decides to fight the legal battle or look for an out-of-settlement after the backlash by removing the controversial infringing apps of Jang, Geo and The News International from its iTunes store, the damage done to Pakistani Media Industry’s reputation and its morality has been done irrevocably by this disregard to intellectual property practiced by Geo Network on an international scale. The Government of Pakistan as well as the concerned regulatory body, PEMRA, should also take notice of the disciplinary violence of international laws at the part of Jang and Geo Network.

Apple faces Setback in Ongoing Legal Battle for... | MyPRGenie

Pakistan Media Insider | Will Apple remove ‘Geo’,’ Jang’ and ‘The News International’ iOS apps from iTunes Store?
one scandal after another for Geo News .. The Mirs of Geo Network are the new Kennedy's of the nation i suppose. First there was Media Commission Report, then Foreign Funding Saga and now this? So much for Media Ethics.
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