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Apparently on PM’s debt relief plea: Pakistan’s dollar bonds plunge


Feb 21, 2012
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Apparently on PM’s debt relief plea: Pakistan’s dollar bonds plunge

Recorder Report Published September 24, 2022 Updated about 2 hours ago





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KARACHI: Pakistan’s dollar bond maturing in 2022 fell by 12 percent on Friday whereas dollar bond maturing in 2024 and 2025 fell by 15 percent, and 17 percent, respectively. Yields on 2024 bond have now been increased to 60 percent (up 1,400bps on day-on-day basis) whereas yields on 2025 bond are now up to 40 percent (up 800bps on DoD basis).
This interestingly comes after Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif statement who appealed for debt relief from rich nations, an analyst at Topline Securities said.
Bloomberg in its article titled “Pakistan PM says ‘All Hell’ to break loose without debt deal” quoted Shahbaz Sharif where he made an urgent appeal for debt relief from rich nations. This is on account of losses faced by the country due to floods which was exacerbated by climate change. He further stated that the government has recently signed an ‘IMF program’ with tough conditionalities which includes imposition of taxes on petroleum and electricity as per Bloomberg report.
Shahbaz later tweeted stating “There is primarily one argument I made in my interview with Bloomberg. Given the vast scale and extent of destruction caused by the floods, the rich countries should consider giving debt relief to Pakistan so that we can stand up on our feet. Climate disaster is not of our making.”
“We think Pakistan Prime Minister is referring to relief by Bi-Lateral lenders and not necessarily restructuring of bonds,” Umair Naseer at Topline Securities said.
All hell to break loose without debt relief: PM Shehbaz
Interestingly, no major change was witnessed in credit default swap on Friday. Since it’s a thinly traded market, some selling pressure on Pak dollar bonds could have resulted in sharp price fall, Umair Naseer believes.
Furthermore in a recent interview, Miftah Ismail, Pakistan Finance Minister has retreated government’s resolve to meet its debt obligations and continue with the reform process that has been initiated. “Hence, we believe that the likelihood of Pakistan defaulting on its debt payment is low in short run”, Umair Naseer said.
Further, expected Multi-Lateral and Bi-Lateral flows post floods is also likely to support pressure on foreign exchange reserves of the country. As per news reports, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Asian Infrastructure Bank, and few friendly countries have already committed flood related aid/funding which could be to the tune of $1.5-2.0 billion.
Pressures on current account have also started to ease after government restricted imports with August 2022 current account deficit clocking in at $703 million versus $1.2 billion in July 2022. “We expect this trend to continue which is likely to support the external account situation”, Umair Naseer said adding that any upside in international oil prices would remain a key risk

Its going to be a bloody Monday
Isn’t it all Haram. Bonds and interest on them?

Ali and Ibn Mas’oud radhiAllahu ‘anhum narrated that the Messenger of Allah salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallamsaid,

لَعَنَ اللهُ آكِلَ الرِّبَا وَمُوكِلَهُ وَشَاهِدَيْهِ وَكَاتِبَه

“May Allah curse whoever consumes Riba, whoever pays Riba, the two who are witnesses to it, and the scribe who records it.”

“Riba is seventy types, the least of which is equal to one having sexual intercourse with his mother.”
This is a good chance for patriotic overseas Pakistanis to support their country by purchasing the publicly traded government bonds from Pakistan :cheers:
Yes, patriotic Pakistanis would love to buy these bonds just to support their motherland. It's unfortunate that some brainless fools (blinded by their slave mentality) try to dissuade others from doing anything that could help our national economy just because of their deep hate for the military and current Pakistani government. These personality-worshiping idiots think that a Pakistan deep into crisis or even facing default will help their incompetent and rejected political leader return to power. My reading of the current events is that they will not come back to power at all. Rather their leaders will face the law of the land for their criminal activities they have committed so far.
This is a good chance for patriotic overseas Pakistanis to support their country by purchasing the publicly traded government bonds from Pakistan :cheers:

LOL keep dreaming and stop begging from overseas Pakistanis. Overseas Pakistanis aren't sending a dime to PDM and Bajwa. This is only the beginning of what is to follow. Remember, Allah rewards and punishes in many ways.
Couldn't think Chinese forego interest on cpec 'in''vest''ments' ?
Dude don't worry about CPEC. The work will soon resume in full swing on all CPEC projects and much more. Contrary to Western governments, Chinese don't tolerate corruption in projects where Chinese money is spent. So, nothing went 'in''vest''ments'. Indians can stay in delusions for as long as they want.
Dude don't worry about CPEC. The work will soon resume in full swing on all CPEC projects and much more. Contrary to Western governments, Chinese don't tolerate corruption in projects where Chinese money is spent. So, nothing went 'in''vest''ments'. Indians can stay in delusions for as long as they want.
Soon eh? Ok.
Bajwa buckled to American pressure and chose to limit relations with China and Russia.

Bajwa’s cost benefit calculation blew up on his face when he installed an imported government.

Now, why would you think China will not get pissed off and limit it’s relation with Pakistan. Not even talking about inflation, political instability which happened as a result of this fiasco.

This laanti Showbaz is not helping either by saying all hell will break lose if flood aid is not forthcoming. What do you expect?

Pakistan Rs going to 180 to $?
Similarly… Does a drug abuser eventually die? We’re all gonna die, it’s just a matter of time. Likening this to the original question “Does a corrupt country eventually collapse” may be a pessimistic outlook, but realistic (I think) nevertheless.
Overseas Pakistanis are not some sort of sacrificial lambs to be told to buy govt bonds like this. They may have done it for previous govt but this govt took away their essential right to even vote. Give them the right to vote or stfu.
Overseas Pakistanis shouldn't spend a dime on this corrupt regime. No more money coming baby.
Honestly I am not a fan of how overseas Pakistanis decide whether to invest in Pakistan based on what regime is in power. If I want to put money in Pakistan, I am not going to do it based on what the government of the day is. The economy will outlive any government.
Honestly I am not a fan of how overseas Pakistanis decide whether to invest in Pakistan based on what regime is in power. If I want to put money in Pakistan, I am not going to do it based on what the government of the day is. The economy will outlive any government.
Being able to invest in a country relies on the investor being able to trust the government or regime in power. No trust, no investment.
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