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Anyone into sword fighting (or any other fight sport)here? Disappointing training methods...

Ever looked into doing Kendo?

How is your wokring time? I have to work 6h a day. How i organize those 6 h. a day is irrelevant. Thats a 30h week.

I mostly do 6h monday. 10h thuesday, 6 h wednesday and 8h Thursday and have friday free.

It doesnt matter when i come so i have enough time to do my training.

You should ask your boss for flexible working time.
Wow. Such a flexi timing. Is this work timing a norm in Italy or particular to your company?
Wow. Such a flexi timing. Is this work timing a norm in Italy or particular to your company?

Its quite common gere. Of course not possible in evry business.

But most corporations here offer it.
I'm into Archery (do you know that's A Sunnah sports?), did karate as a child, aerobics and yoga currently.
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