Some of my picks in no particular order.
Ready Player One was pretty good.
Minority Report was also pretty good
Elysium wasnt too bad,not as good as District 9 tho`
Avatar wasnt bad either,it`ll be interesting to see how the sequels go.
Battle Beyond the Stars,james cameron worked on this prior to becoming a bigshot,its basically the plot of the seven samurai/magnificent seven set in space,its even got robert vaughn who starred in the magnificent seven.
Fritz Langs Metropolis,an oldy but a goody and now almost in its original complete form.
Outland,basically High Noon in space,starring Sean Connery and with the same sort of gritty realistic feel to it that Alien had.
Mad Max 2/The Road Warrior,the movie that arguably started a genre with god knows how many poor imitators,but its still the best.
Silent Running,one of the first eco sf movies,great special effects and the robot drones[bi lateral amputees in hard suits] are very cool.
THX1138,George Lucas first effort and a great film,its set in a very bleak world that makes even the world of Bladerunner 2049 look very pleasant by comparison,life there is so bad that drug use is mandatory complete with talking medicine cabinets that warn you of the risk of being prosecuted if you fail to take your drugs "criminal drug evasion"
2010,all in all a pretty good sequel,there are a few little places where it doesnt quite match up with the original but its pretty good.
Starcrash,an italian Star Wars,its pretty bad but I`ve seen far,far,far worse from the italians,it features the gorgeous caroline monroe,a young pre knightrider david hasselhoff and christopher plummer[!!],how he wound up in this I`ll never know,but its great watching him speak these dreadful lines of dialogue and pull it off,hes the Emperor of the Universe by the way.