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Anti-Islam Video: Is it Free Speech or Hate Speech?


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
Negative stereotyping of Prophet Mohammad has been the preoccupation of generations of Western writers from the time of the Crusades to the present day. Among those who have engaged in highly offensive portrayal of Islam's prophet are Italian poet-philosopher Dante Aligheri (1265-1321), Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos (1325-1450) and European "Enlightenment" leader François-Marie Arouet Voltaire (1694-1778). More recently, there have been attempts by Salman Rushdie (Satanic Verses), Kurt Westergaard (Danish Jyllans-Posten cartoons) and Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (Innocence of Muslims) to ridicule Muslims' most revered leader.

So What's New?

So one might ask as to what has changed in recent years? Why is the Muslim reaction so much stronger and more global than ever before? The answer is that the availability of the Internet, and particularly Google-owned Youtube, has made it possible for hate material to reach its intended target much more quickly than Dante's Divine Comedy or Voltaire's Mahomet could in the past.

The latest flare-up has so far claimed dozens of lives including the life of Chris Stevens, the US Ambassador to Libya. As if to add fuel to an already intensely burning fire, a French magazine has published fresh batch of insulting cartoons of Prophet Mohammad. And such western provocations from hateful bigots are almost certain to grow in number and intensity in the future.

Free Speech or Hate Speech?

It appears that the US President Barack Obama and the Secretary of State Hilary Clinton understand the extremely dangerous implications for the United States of this ongoing escalation of hostility in the Muslim world. In fact, the White House asked Google to remove the offensive Youtube video, a request that was denied by Google as violation of the right of free speech. New York Times reported that Google's "policy is to remove content only if it is hate speech, violating its terms of service, or if it is responding to valid court orders or government requests. And it said it had determined that under its own guidelines, the video was not hate speech."

To defuse the situation, the US government has run ads in Pakistani media which show President Obama and Secretary Clinton denouncing the video and condemning the violence in response to it. Google's refusal to remove the offensive video from Youtube raises significant questions about the definition of free speech....a debate that is already raging for a different reason since the US supreme court's Citizens United decision which has opened the floodgates of big money to influence US politics and policies by the rich and the powerful for their own advantage.

Free Speech and Money:

The questions of money and free speech are closely tied in America. Google removes thousands of Youtube videos everyday for commercial reasons. Like any other big corporation, Google decisions are guided more by its commercial interests than any other considerations. Here's how Tim Wu, the author of Master Switch, describes it in an article in The New Republic:

YouTube, to be clear, isn’t an open forum (even if it sometimes seems that way). For one thing, Google uses an ingenious sex-detecting algorithm to preemptively yank ****. It also employs a complicated system to help copyright owners (mainly Hollywood) locate their works. Finally, the firm bans a long list of other content, including: “animal abuse, drug abuse, under-age drinking and smoking, bomb-making, graphic or gratuitous violence, gross-out videos, hate speech, predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, intimidation, invading privacy, revealing other people’s personal information, inciting others to commit violent acts, and spam.”

Regardless of whether the latest offensive video constitutes hate speech or not, US legal discourse often makes references to Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes opinion in the United States Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States in 1919. Here's what Justice Holmes wrote in his opinion:

The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic. [...] The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.

So the question now is whether the mass distribution of such material as this film via the Internet presents "clear and present danger" that "will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent".

Why the Violence?

The violent reaction in the Muslim world also raise serious questions. For example, can the Muslims demand tolerance of their faith from others when they show such intolerance against minorities in their own countries? Do Muslims have a right to ask others to control their undesirable behavior without showing any restraint themselves?

Let me end this post by paraphrasing a Syrian activist's tweet:

The only thing that seems to enrage the Muslim world today is a movie, a cartoon or an insult, but not the pool of blood of their own fellow citizens shed by fellow Muslims in their own countries.

Haq's Musings: Globalization of West's Hate Speech Against Muslims
Unfortunately, the Rushdie formula for getting attention has been noticed by profit-seekers.

The offensive video has 13.5 million hits to date and Google shares have hit new high of $749.38..it seems to be helping , not hurting Google's bottom line.

All the headlines from violent reaction in the Muslim world have actually helped Google get a lot more traffic and make a lot more money than they would have if the video had been ignored.
Seriously guys....enough ranting against free speech....We aren't gonna get rid of the first ammendment in the bill of rights because some foriegners have no self-control.

Amreeka will be soon having a Blasphemy law. Resistance is futile.

actually truth is like this ..


Why do expat Muslims in western countries (Australia and the US in the recent past) kneel and bow down and pray before taking out their protests?

Is this a precursor to Jihad of some sort or a silent statement?

My hair stands on end when I see something like that in the middle of New York or Sydney.

Why do you guys always have to be so overtly religious man?

Please chill a little. God is anyways within your heart if you believe and have faith.
The way some of them act, they are adding more fuel to the fire.
Unfortunately, the Rushdie formula for getting attention has been noticed by profit-seekers.

The offensive video has 13.5 million hits to date .....

Dear Sir,

I respect your posts when you use facts and figures to support your views. However on this one, you are off in a couple of ways.

1. There is no "Rushdie Formula" of making money. If there is one, it should be credited as "Ayatullah formula" or "Mullah formula", or "Jangli / Wehshi formula", or "Beduin formula", or "Islamist fomula". etc. etc.

When people make cartoons, or write books like Satanic verses or Rangeela Rasool, or make crude videos, they are not looking for money or self-stoning, or self-head-chopping.

They express their views based on intense dislike of our religion and our group/herd behavior. And one way to explain OUR Pakistani-Neanderthal behavior is to look for root causes. Some will say the root cause was Jinnah, some may say Mohammad, But they are looking for the root causes of our collective disease.
So please use the correct name for the formula. If someone got his head chopped, well that was the price of his book/cartoon/movie. If in the modern world, someone got to sell his book, while worrying 24 hours about his head getting chopped, then again that's the price he has to pay (sadly).

2. Showing Google stock price is a bad and crude joke. I didn't expect it from you. 13.5 million hits. So what? These days people make videos of cats and dogs and get millions of hits. If Pakistanis in particular and Muslims in generals were not behaving like rabid dogs, no one would have cared about the video. But since we do, so people want to watch the "show".

Here's MQM's Altaf Husain on Yom-e-Ishq-e-Rasool Day riots as reported by Express Tribune:

KARACHI: Issuing a strong condemnation against the Ishq-e-Rasool Day riots, Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Altaf Hussain said that the people of Pakistan, to protest against blasphemy committed by others, were slitting throats of their own brothers.

“The filmmaker is sitting comfortably in America… Will you slaughter your own sister, brother, mother over blasphemy committed by someone else? What kind of love is this for the Prophet (pbuh)?”

Enumerating the losses of life and property suffered on the Ishq-e-Rasool Day, Hussain said that the “extremists and terrorists” looted everything and even had electronic cutters to cut away and steal entire ATM machines.

“Protesters had sticks in their hands. They had special ATM machine cutters. It depicts that they were not there to express love for the prophet (pbuh) or protest against the film. But instead, taking Ishq-e-Rasool as an excuse, they had left their homes to loot and kill,” Hussain stated while asking the audience if any of the looters were from Karachi. The audience replied in negative.

“We burnt down a church in the name of Ishq-e-Rasool. What if, in the name of Eshwar, Krishna or Jesus Christ, someone burns down our mosques?” Hussain asked which was followed by a heavy silence from the audience. “Blasphemy should not be committed against any prophet under the banner of freedom of speech,” he maintained.

Calling out to all “liberal, democratic, progressive and secular” people of the country, Hussain asked, “Do you want a Taliban-type, al Qaeda-type Pakistan or a liberal, educated, progressive Pakistan?

“Now is the time to come forward and break the criminal silence.”

While serving an apology for being harsh during his speech, Hussain said that his greater interest was to save Pakistan.

Karo kari

Hussain also condemned the karo kari that is practiced in the name of honour in parts of Pakistan. “If a girl marries out of her own will, according to Shariah, then she is accused of karo kari and is murdered.

“If we love Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), then we have to get rid of karo kari,” he stressed.

He added that those who bury women alive should be buried and the “skulls should be disjointed” of those who murder in the name of honour.

Absence of leadership?

The party leader said that people always complain that there is an absence of good leadership in the country, but he said that new leaders “won’t descend from the sky in the form of angels”.

“If you can’t see the right leaders, then it is not anyone’s fault,” he asserted and told the audience about how he was the first one to lodge his protest against the blasphemous film when all the others were asleep. “They were sleeping when I sent a telegram to Ban Ki-moon and the OIC that this [film] is intolerable.”

Addressing the Pakistani youth, he said, “If you don’t want to come forward then I won’t have any other choice than to back out from Pakistan’s politics… Decide and tell me today, do you want me to say goodbye forever?”

Slitting throats of our own brothers to protest others’ blasphemy: Altaf Hussain – The Express Tribune
Here's MQM's Altaf Husain on Yom-e-Ishq-e-Rasool Day riots as reported by Express Tribune:


Slitting throats of our own brothers to protest others’ blasphemy: Altaf Hussain – The Express Tribune

900 choohay kha kay, billi huj ko chali. (Anyone wants to translates this? I can't think of good translation right now)

Yes this is the day when the biggest anarchist in Pakistan, is giving lecture about remaining peaceful.

Sure as long as Altaf is given his bhatta and Bahhsheesh, he is willing to say no to terror, murders, and kidnapping.

Good job Altaf, good job
Here's a story of attempted insult to Sikh religion that shamed the ignorant person who tried it:

A Reddit user going by the handle "european_douchebag" posted a surreptitious photo of a Sikh woman with the caption "i'm not sure what to conclude from this." The user's apparent confusion stems from the fact that the woman—bound by her religion not to cut her hair or alter her body—has an abundance of dark, untrimmed facial hair. The mind of european_douchebag was SO INCREDIBLY BLOWN by the fact that women have hair on their bodies—and, yes, faces—and that some women are bold, self-assured, and pious enough not to cave to western beauty standards (and gender expectations), there was nothing for him to do but post her photo online and wait for the abuse to flood in.

But then something totally lovely and unexpected happened. The woman in the photo responded...


Reddit Users Attempt to Shame Sikh Woman, Get Righteously Schooled
I think the whole thing has been photoshopped man.
Does any one of you know what is Freedom of speech??? Does any one know from where this freedom of speech came from..

1. Freedom of speech, life liberty and humanity came from french revolution.
2. Modern nation concept is gift of French revolution.
3. Almost all nation on earth implement "Freedom of Speech" .
4. "Absolute freedom of speech" is implemented in very few nations, (USA, France and denmark)\
5. Entire west is not endorsing "this movie".
6. This movie is banned in many country.

a) Absolute freedom of speech: Provide platform to express one view no matter how bad it is. It is provided to subside the hate of human.
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