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Another cold start: Iran Can Attack Israel With Less Than 12 Minutes Warning



New Recruit

Dec 29, 2010
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U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks reveal that Israel believes it would have 10-12 minutes' warning should Iran launch a rocket attack against the country.

The Norwegian daily Aftenposten published a cable Monday from the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv that discusses a Nov 15, 2009 meeting between an American congressional delegation and Israel's military chief.

According to the daily, Gabi Ashkenazi told the delegation that Iran has 300 Shihab missiles that could reach Israel. He added that Israel's biggest threats were the Iranian-backed Hamas militant group in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah in Lebanon, which has more than 40,000 rockets that can reach almost any point in Israel.

In the cable, Ashkenazi is quoted as saying Israel was preparing its army for a major war in the Middle East. He added that the Israeli army sends out unmanned planes over Lebanon to identify potential targets.

The Israeli defense chief said Israel is not able to protect its entire population despite its anti-missile defense systems. He said 1 million Israelis could be exposed to missiles that cannot be fought from the air.

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But Iran never said that I will attack Isreal... It only said if attacked it will wipe out Isreal from the map of the earth.

I belive Isreal beats the drum of war and then goes back to America and say they are being threatend.

Its time for Isreali to Grow-Up and if you want WAR let it come and finish it for once and for all....

I hope after the war is over the prices will fall down... especially Onion.. India export lots of vegetable to middle east.
I guess there is no comparison when it comes to technology...
Israel is way ahead.
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