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Another Blunder? Sorry no Dawood Ibrahim here, this is Maleeha Lodhi’s house

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Sorry no Dawood Ibrahim here, this is Maleeha Lodhi’s house
Now you see how they lie | Indian claim on Margallah Road residence proves bogus | India wants to avoid dialogue over flimsy grounds

August 25, 2015

ISLAMABAD - It is not Dawood Ibrahim who owns the house in the posh sector of Pakistan’s federal capital near the Margallah hills but it is definitely somebody relevant to India – Dr Maleeha Lodhi, Pakistan’s permanent representative to the UN.

Dr Lodhi cannot be compared to Dawood Ibrahim in any way, however, she does advocate resolution of the Kashmir issue as per the aspirations of the Kashmiris – something never welcomed by India.

The dossier prepared by New Delhi for National Security Advisors-level talks, that were called off after differences emerged between the two sides on the agenda, claimed Dawood Ibrahim had purchased house number 7 on the Margalla Road in the F-6/2 sector.

It also alleged Dawood Ibrahim was living in Karachi near the Bilawal House, the residence of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) chief Bilawal Bhutto Zardari.
Investigation proved that there was no house number 7 on the main Margallah Road albeit it was located inside the street number 17 just a few steps away.

“I have heard this name (Dawood Ibrahim) for the first time.
This house belongs to Maleeha Lodhi and her secretary uses this as an office,” a security guard outside the house told The Nation.
She has been abroad for some time now,” he added obviously referring to Dr Lodhi’s engagement in the UN.

The last time a dossier on Dawood Ibrahim was shared with Pakistan was during Home Secretary level talks between the two countries on May 24-25, 2012 in Islamabad.

On August 19, Dr Lodhi had raised the Kashmir issue at the UN Security Council, seeking mediation from the world body and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation to resolve the dispute.

Speaking during an open debate on the subject of regional organisations and contemporary global security challenges, Dr Lodhi said the 57-member OIC can also contribute to the promotion of global peace and prosperity.
“Collectively, and in cooperation with the UN, it has the capabilities to address and overcome these challenges including Palestine and other Middle East conflicts as well as the Jammu and Kashmir dispute,” she had told the 15-member Council.

Asked for comments, a senior official at the foreign ministry said: “Now you see how they lie.
They just create flimsy excuses to run away from dialogue.

“How many times do we have to tell India Dawood Ibrahim is not in Pakistan? They just make assumptions and then stick to them,” he added.
The official said even if Pakistan shows the ownership documents to India “they will not trust us.

“So the basic issue is trust.
If they continue to doubt our intentions, the talks can never succeed.
There is no need to hold talks for a photo session.
We expect resolution of the issues so that we can move forward”.

Analysts said Indian allegations against Pakistan had no substance as New Delhi only wanted to dictate terms by pressurising Islamabad.

“India has adopted a mischievous policy towards Pakistan with malign intentions for regional stability.
India has put self-contradictory pre-conditions for peace talks since Pakistan used to meet Kashmir leadership prior to negotiations,” senior analyst Dr Pervez Iqbal Cheema said.

“Not to include third party in dialogue between Pakistan and India over Kashmir is position void ab initio because Kashmiris are actual third to be taken on board prior to any negotiations.
Who will talk or negotiate about Kashmir issue except Pakistan and India? Pakistan and India both are major parties in this regard along with Kashmiri leadership itself,” he added.

Dr AZ Hilali, another known analyst, commented: “India has suspended the dialogues with Pakistan without any plausible reasons.
It is the traditional attitude of right wing leadership of India.

“BJP’s campaign in last general elections was pre-dominantly based on anti-Pakistan agenda.
All allegations levelled against Pakistan by Indian establishment are fabricated, fictitious and without any reasonable cause.
India has never made serious efforts to resolve outstanding bilateral issues via peaceful means rather it has sabotaged efforts made Pakistan in this regard,” he added.

Hilali said that in order to win the confidence of major regional actors like Russia and China, Indian Prime Minister Modi made false promises with Pakistan during SCO summit without any intention to fulfil them.
“Regional peace, harmony and stability can only be achieved if all regional actors including Pakistan and India play a responsible role,” he opined.

Also, Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) secretary Anurag Thakur has announced that the Indian cricket team would not play any series with Pakistan as the country had allegedly given shelter to Dawood Ibrahim.
“Dawood in Karachi.
NSA wants to meet separatists here.
Are you really serious about peace and you expect we’ll play cricket with you,” he tweeted.

India has routinely accused Pakistan of providing shelter to their most wanted fugitives.
Pakistan denies it shelters Dawood Ibrahim ever since he became a fugitive for his alleged role in the serial bomb blasts that hit Mumbai in 1993 in apparent retaliation for the demolition of the Babri Masjid in December 1992.

Dawood Ibrahim stands convicted in absentia in India for the blasts, together with several Mumbai accomplices.
Sorry no Dawood Ibrahim here, this is Maleeha Lodhi’s house
Dimagh tu nahi kharab ho gaya Indian media ka. Its like they have literally gone mad in their hatred and quest to find out dawood Ibrahim and become top news channel.

This is getting riddicullus and pathetic although its funny as hell and the best part is how desperately some Indians try to protect their media. The areesh thread about abrars wedding is proof of hilarity.

Jeez have some standards Indian media ... I mean really have ethics and standards.
He Dawood is in Dubai ,Modi did a deal with the country thats harbouring him .
nothing but deflecting attention to Pakistan so Indian public is programmed

Indians are sheep .
Cancellation of NSA talks is making more and more sense. Talking to such idiots and morons is nothing but a waste of time anyways.
Well, Quid e Azam did not call them incorrigible ( ناقابل اصلاح) or no reason. You cant talk to them anything logical. Inferiority complex resulting form nine hundred years of subjugation has got integrated into their psychology and it will take long time before they ll get back to normal.
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Well, Quid e Azam did not call them incorrigible for no reason. You cant talk to them anything logical. Nine hundred years of subjugation has got integrated into their psychology and it will take long time before they ll get back to normal.

True. These people are hopeless.Avoiding them is the best thing to do for now till achieve some kind of sanity level.
Dimagh tu nahi kharab ho gaya Indian media ka. Its like they have literally gone mad in their hatred and quest to find out dawood Ibrahim and become top news channel.

This is getting riddicullus and pathetic although its funny as hell and the best part is how desperately some Indians try to protect their media. The areesh thread about abrars wedding is proof of hilarity.

Jeez have some standards Indian media ... I mean really have ethics and standards.
It's the Indian media - they'll report any nonsensical anti-Pakistan propaganda the Indian Establishment tells them to, in unison. And the more outlandish the allegations against Pakistan, the better.

The fact that almost every single major Indian media outlet ran almost identical versions of these nonsensical claims shows how this was a coordinated campaign by the Indian Establishment. As others have pointed out, this ready made stream of nonsense pouring out now was supposed to have been timed with the NSA talks, so the intention of India all along was to use the talks as a pretext for propagating her ability to outshine her past stupidity and nonsensical propaganda - Political point scoring by Modi to look tough in front of the kacha wearing Hindu extremists that for his base.

The decision to cancel the talks by Pakistan, especially after the unacceptable conditions imposed by India, was excellent, and Pakistan needs to realise that the clowns in the BJP are not going to do anything different next time either. The Khaki Kacha party of the BJP/RSS is always going to be looking to try and give its cadres tent-poles in their Kachas over rhetoric and tamasha like this.

Paranoia, stupidity and absurd conspiracy theories reign supreme in the country on Pakistan's Eastern border.
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It's the Indian media - they'll report any nonsensical anti-Pakistan propaganda the Indian Establishment tells them to, in unison. And the more outlandish the allegations against Pakistan, the better.

The fact that almost every single major Indian media outlet ran almost identical versions of these nonsensical claims shows how this was a coordinated campaign by the Indian Establishment.

Paranoia, stupidity and absurd conspiracy theories reign supreme in the country on Pakistan's Eastern border.

Exactly and the sad fact is that this will fuel the hatred against Pakistan. Such news reports and jumping at any anti Pakistan news is literally going to add fuel to the fire which will increase hatred leading to hostility between two strong nations of Asia.

I am sure many Indians would walk around believing happily that dawood Ibrahim holds houses and properties in Pakistan when these are very poorly fabricated lies. Indian media in search for profit or ratings is finding new lows in yellow journalism.

You know we give our media a lot of slack but its far superior to indian media.
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