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Annihilate Gaza: Israeli official

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Annihilate Gaza: Israeli official


Israeli Knesset’s deputy speaker Moshe Feiglin (file photo)

Israeli Knesset’s deputy speaker Moshe Feiglin has called for the “annihilation” of the Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip.

Feiglin, who is also a member of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party, wrote about the plans in a post on his Facebook page at the weekend, the British Daily Mail reported on Monday.

The Israeli official also called for “the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip.” He spoke of plans for the destruction of Gaza, which would include expelling residents and shipping them across the world.

Feiglin also wrote about his plans in a letter addressed to Netanyahu, in which he said he wanted the measures to be enforced as soon as possible.

In the letter, Feiglin said he wanted Israeli military forces to find areas on the Sinai border to set up “tent encampments… until relevant emigration destinations are determined.” Furthermore, he wants Gaza’s electricity and water supplies to be disconnected before shelling the besieged area “with maximum fire power.”

The Israeli forces would then “exterminate” resistance centers and Israeli law would be extended to cover the entire Gaza Strip and “the city of Gaza and its suburbs will be rebuilt as true Israeli touristic and commercial cities.”

The Israeli military launched its recent offensive against the Gaza Strip on July 8. At least 1,867 Palestinians, including around 430 children, have so far been killed and over 9,500 others injured during the onslaught. Tel Aviv says 64 Israelis have been killed in the war, while Hamas puts the number at more than 150.

PressTV - Annihilate Gaza: Israeli official
This is what they've wanted ever since the Second Intifada. It is not practically possible to siphon through a population of 1.82 million people looking for terrorists without incarcerating or isolating them first. Neither would it be advisable for the Israeli army to enter the Gaza Strip and comb the area door-to-door looking for tunnels and Hamas fighters because of a significantly high probability of casualties and troop losses - as have taken place ever since the ground-offensive was launched.

The only pragmatic option left, for the Israelis, is to remove the Gaza Strip and its occupants altogether and integrate the territory into Israel.

Will the Zionist design be successful, won't it be successful....it's all on Hamas. The quicker they stop fighting and realize they are outmatched in both numbers and equipment, the sooner this blood-letting can end. Each and every drop of the 1,800+ civilians that have died and the 10,000+ that have been wounded, have Hamas to thank for it.

I understand the Israeli occupation for the residents of Gaza is humility and oppression on a daily basis but there is not a shadow of doubt in my mind that the blood of the Palestinian people who have been martyred in the operation is worth infinitely more than the blood of the 60 odd Israeli terrorists that Hamas has managed to kill.

The shameless murder of women and children by the terrorists will only end when Hamas stops firing those unguided-missiles over the fence. If they must persist in their aggression, and have absolute disregard for the innocent Palestinian blood that is being spilt, then the very least they can do is ask Iran for rudimentary terminal guidance systems so that those firecrackers can at least hit something useful.

So far, all Hamas has done is enable Israel to commit the genocide of the Palestinians, by giving the Israeli government and their American financiers a cogent reason for perpetrating the atrocities i.e. indiscriminate rocket-fire (which they've branded a violation of international law, LOL) and Israel's right to respond and defend themselves. Destroying a handful of tanks and capturing some equipment is no recompense for the tragedy which Hamas has helped bring upon the very people it claims it is fighting for.

Is this leadership and valour? No. This is embarrassment and murder.

The only positive that can be taken from the present situation is the fact that the Zionist child-killing war-machine has been exposed for using excessive force and for targeting UN-led peacekeeping missions and shelters, which is a criminal breach of international law, but when was the last time the law saw justice done to Israel? That's right, never. I'm willing to bet my left foot that the foregoing conflict and aftermath will walk that path too and there will be no legal or economic sanctions on Israel and there will be no treaty or convention seeking the curtailment of Israeli terrorism. Why? Because the Israelis have a right to defend themselves, no matter how disproportionate their response to any act of Hamas is. Sickening.
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