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Anna Hazare released from jail after India-wide protests, begins fasting

Jan Lokapl Bill

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With a government like this who needs enemies.......congress is the true enemy of this nation......scam after scam this party has defended them all without any shame......paid mercenaries to kill its own people for political gain.....welcomed an evil american corporation with red carpet and gave it control over the food security of this entire nation on a silver platter......which in turn forced hundreds of thousands of farmers into debt ultimately killing them....we have to throw this scumbags out of power or else this scumbag party will destroy us from within :angry:.
With a government like this who needs enemies.......congress is the true enemy of this nation......scam after scam this party has defended them all without any shame......paid mercenaries to kill its own people for political gain.....welcomed an evil american corporation with red carpet and gave it control over the food security of this entire nation on a silver platter......which in turn forced hundreds of thousands of farmers into debt ultimately killing them....we have to throw this scumbags out of power or else this scumbag party will destroy us from within :angry:.

The congress is doing its part of destroying the country at the center and those who constitue the UPA contribute to the destruction of the respective state they are from. Example DMK in Tamil Nadu. I hope this evil that is setupon us be dismised ASAP
yeah.. correct.


We can't allow them to loot our country anymore!
Anna Hazare and his people will destroy democracy as we know it..Seriously fellow indians u think Lok pal bill will entirely eliminate or reduce corruption!!!!!!!!
China which has zero tolerance of corruption has problems with some of its officials being corrupt or take USA or UK or EUROPE they have strong laws and system yet corruption does prevail there>>>>Corruption will go only if citizen get aware of their rights and responsibilities and not some bill tat will clean corruption...wat did RTI do!!!!!!
Govt. instead of concentrating at inflation, price and day to day governance has to waste time on Anna and ramdev's shenanigans...

CWG, Adarsh and 2G scam wouldn't have been unearthed if not for RTI.
Laws are made in Parliament not on roads.
Anna Hazare is surounded by idiots.

Parliamentarians are elected by people on roads. It was because of Anna's previous fast that the Lok Pal bill (although a weaker version) is in the Parliament. Else this government like the previous 20 or so attempts would have delayed the passage of this bill.
Only problem with Anna is he is not highly educated.

Even though he is not highly educated , here is his brief resume:
14 years of Military service.
Padma Shri and Padma Bhushan from Govt. of India
Credited for his role in bring the Right to Information Act and watershed development programs.
I thought anna hazare is girl/woman :D Anna suppose to be a name of girl

any way his cause is good and if his intentions are also good then Indian peoples should support him :)
I thought anna hazare is girl/woman :D Anna suppose to be a name of girl

any way his cause is good and if his intentions are also good then Indian peoples should support him :)

In English , yes. But Anna translates to "brother" in some south Indian languages. His actual name is Kisan Baburao Hazare. He has already proved his intentions when he campaigned for the Right to Information act.

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