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ANF Case on Rana Sanaullah Backfiring?

Today Rana Narcos with draw his bail application from Lohar High Court 15 kg powder All patwar khana abandon him except Shah Zeb Haramzada he wants afridi to Show videos when ANF court will start hearing videos will be shown. Also give access DEA USA maybe Rana Narcos ends Up US as well with Alchapo Guzman

Whole Faisalabad knows he involved in drug activities
Shame on you Fool for supporting this corrupt drug lord.
Shame on you Fool for supporting this corrupt drug lord.
Time is always the best judge!!!have been witnessing these gimmicks before most of the members were even born. Just be patient all will be revealed soon from the HORSES mouth.
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I know that @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE is pro PML-N apparently, but his argument is kind of strong. Why has the establishment not produced the evidence to prove his guilt. I know Rana Sanaullah is a big gangster and would probably be a big drug lord. But why is establishment so slugish?.
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that alone shows the 'count' nature of your personality!

Can you elaborate this phrase,i admit the majority here is Pro Govt,we can still discuss issues amicably?.

I have a polite and humble suggestion to the state that for the sake of democracy and reconciliation in the time of war like situation between India and Pakistan...we should reach a compromise and release Rana Sana and all other politicians prisoned under the charges of corruption.... They all should be released

from their bodies by hanging in public

Gotta love this narrative where arrests for breaking the law are termed "political witch-hunting" rather than law & order successes!

The other half-truth / subtle propaganda argument is that the govt should spend more time doing X than Y --- as if the government physically/literally closes down the ministries and other govt bodies related to finance/the economy for months on end, sends those ministers and special assistants on indefinite leaves and only operates and focuses on the NAB/accountability. For God's sake, grow up! Everything is happening in tandem. The economic mess is 110% the fault of previous parties. The PTI is trying to fix it. Can they do better? Sure. But that doesn't mean that they aren't trying.

The PTI itself lost two of its most powerful members (JT and Aleem Khan) to accountability processes. What more do you want?! Army Officers have been given life and death sentences. But only the PML N is crying. Could it be, dare I say, that they are paying for the crimes against the State (and in deed against humanity given how many suffered under their corruption and nepotism) that they committed while ruling this country like a badshahat, with their kids and family members wielding as much or more power than ministers?
I know that @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE is pro PML-N apparently, but his argument is kind of strong. Why has the establishment not produced the evidence to prove his guilt. I know Rana Sanaullah is a big gangster and would probably be a big drug lord. But why is establishment so slugish?.
Paka patwari Hai evidence media pay nahi courts main present hotay Hain another patwari
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Do you know some international organizations tipped Pakistan (some people taking endian and Australian names) about rana sana and his network .. Just like famous ephedrine case (in which Australia tipped Pakistan) ..
I know most of you wont like this thread,i respect your opinion. It is sometimes fruitful to listen to the minority voices of this forum. I strongly feel the drug case against Rana Sana Ullah has been badly framed and made in haste. This case has all the hallmarks of backfiring out of proportions. Who so ever has ill advised the Govt/establishment has not done it a favour.Some of you might dislike Rana Sana Ullah for many reasons,but in the process of nailing our opponents we should not divulge in practices only exercised in BANANA REPUBLICS. The due processes of Law should be abided by in its fullest, as we claim to be the torch bearers of JUSTICE and hence the party name.
The media does not show the voice of any political victim these days. Today Rana Sana appeared before the judge for his case hearing. His boisterous and overconfident attitude should ring alarms for those who were anticipating a complete break down of an alleged Drug dealer.I would recommend listening to all of the short videos recorded today and make up your own mind.

Musharraf tried to torture him even then he was a hard nut to crack. In my opinion if the Govt had devoted more time on the economy and the governance instead of political witch hunting,the critical financial indicators would have shown a different trajectory,extending its shelf life further.:pakistan:
Charsi kadena marsi
Paka patwari Hai evidence media pay nahi courts main present hotay Hain another patwari
When it is presented in the court, it is reported on the media. Apparently that is how media works. If evidence is, however, presented against him in secret courts where media cannot know about the trial,...then I guess I can be aptly called a patwari. Jiay Bhutto aur Nawaz Sharif Combo . Kudos to your very accurate analysis lol

By the way I'm half your age. You can guess who I voted but at he same time, I believe in fair and open trial. I know that he is a murderer and a drug lord, but I will see him go to the gallows only after a fair trial.
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