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Anatolian Eagle 2014


Feb 9, 2014
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Anatolian Eagle 2014



Anatolian Eagle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  1. No Foreign Participants this year
  2. Guided Missiles will be tested
  3. Will last 11 days
  4. Includes the Navy
ANKARA — The Turkish army is preparing to launch a naval and land exercise on Monday. The major exercise comes amid tensions with Syria and a changing map in Ukraine, both in close proximity and of geopolitical importance to Turkey. The Turkish Air Force's 11-day military exercise, nicknamed Anadolu Kartalı (Anatolian Eagle), will commence on Monday in the central Turkish province of Konya.

The exercise, whose previous edition was joined by air forces of other countries, will be entirely domestic this year. Turkish fighter jets and other components of the air force will be showcased in the exercise. Last year, 48 warplanes including F-16 and F-4 fighter jets took part in the exercise. The purpose of the exercise is to minimize casualties in a warfare scenario. This latest edition is particularly important in terms of exhibiting Turkey's military might in aerial warfare in the wake of rising tensions with Syria. Turkish fighter jets shot down a Syrian military jet in March after it violated Turkish airspace, according to the government. This came one year after a Turkish F-4 aircraft was shot down over the southern Mediterranean Sea by Syrian missiles for alleged violation of Syrian airspace. Turkey has changed its rules of engagement with Syria, declaring all Syrian military units approaching the lengthy shared border as a threat and military target. Syria has continued to harass Turkish jets since its MIG-23 jet was shot down. Syrian missile systems keep being locked in on Turkish jets for increasing lengths of time on an almost daily basis.

Anadolu Kartalı will also be a testing ground for fighter jet response times to security threats and cross-border operations.

This bears importance after threats by some Syrian factions against a Turkish enclave in Syria last month. After a group affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) issued a threat against Suleiman Shah tomb, a Turkish territory within Syria guarded by Turkish troops, Turkey readied a plan to eliminate any attacks to the enclave within minutes by dispatching fighter jets to Syria.

First introduced in 2001, the exercise is sometimes held with the participation of air forces from other countries, including the United States and Israel, though the latter has not participated since 2009 after relations between Turkey and Israel became strained. Another exercise in the shadow of regional tensions is Deniz Yıldızı (Sea Star), the Turkish navy's military exercise in the Sea of Marmara and Black Sea.

The five-day exercise, though planned months ago, comes at a time when Russia and Ukraine remain at odds over secession of the Crimean Peninsula, a major gateway to the Black Sea and Mediterranean for the Russian navy. Turkey, which has friendly ties with Russia, refused to recognize a referendum that annexed Crimea to Russia. The international community - the United States in particular - raised concerns over Crimea's annexation.

Frigates, corvettes, assault boats, minehunters, submarines, helicopters and jets will take part in the exercise. One of the objectives of the naval exercise is the testing of guided missiles.

The exercise's main scenario will be the Turkish navy's warfare preparedness. The exercise was cancelled last year after the admiral who should have commanded the military units and several naval commanders stood trial in a military espionage probe.

Army to conduct military drills amid regional tensions | Nation | Daily Sabah

Turkish airforce and navy commence war exercizes | General | Worldbulletin News

1. Anadolu Kartalı-2014 / 1 Eğitimi, Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı sevk ve idaresinde, Kara, Deniz ve Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı ile Genelkurmay Özel Kuvvetler Komutanlığı unsurlarının katılımıyla 07-18 Nisan 2014 tarihleri arasında, 3'üncü Ana Jet Üs Komutanlığı (Konya)nda icra edilecektir.

2. Eğitimin maksadı; Hava Kuvvetlerinin yüksek tehditli harekât ortamında, çok uçaklı icra edeceği mukabil hava harekâtı görevlerine yönelik taktik planlama ve eğitim gereksinimlerini karşılamak ve modernizasyon projeleri ile kazanılan imkân ve kabiliyetlere yönelik bilgi ve tecrübe paylaşımını sağlayacak gerekli akademik planlamayı yapmaktır. Ayrıca bu eğitim ile envantere yeni giren millî Havadan İhbar Kontrol (HİK) uçağının sahip olduğu imkân ve kabiliyetlerin harekât etkinliğine katkısı belirlenecektir.

3. Eğitime; Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığından 81 adet hava aracı ile Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı, Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı ve Genelkurmay Özel Kuvvetler Komutanlığına bağlı unsurlar iştirak edecektir.

Kamuoyuna saygı ile duyurulur.

Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Resmi Kurumsal İnternet Sitesidir - Anasayfa - Turkish
General Staff Official Web Site - Main Page
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Were the other countries not invited or they chose not to come due to Syria or other reasons?
Were the other countries not invited or they chose not to come due to Syria or other reasons?
It looks like this year the Turkish military is concentrating on preparing it self for a possible war with Syria. they are probably anticipating that they will go it alone which is why there are no foreign participants.
Were the other countries not invited or they chose not to come due to Syria or other reasons?
In case of war with Syria those countries won't join the conflict. I think turkish armed forces want to prop up their readiness without getting distracted , which is the most important
It looks like this year the Turkish military is concentrating on preparing it self for a possible war with Syria. they are probably anticipating that they will go it alone which is why there are no foreign participants.

Limited operation into Syria.
But of course 'limited' can mean anything and everything in between.

Hope it never comes to war.
I don't mind seeing Islamic fanatics fighting instead of us however since dying a good death seems to be there ultimate goal in life.
Guys just calm down. It says Anatolian Eagle/1. Let me clarify that:

Anatolian Eagle/1: National exercise

Anatolian Eagle/2: Multinational exercise

Anatolian Eagle/3: It happens very rarely, around once in a 4 years. NATO exercise.

Just calm down that's just the national phase of AE'14.
Exercise Anatolian Eagle 2014-2: Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, Spain and the UK train for real combat ops

Aug 11 2014 - Leave a Comment

By David Cenciotti
Attracting an increasing number of foreign air arms, Anatolian Eagle has become a high-tech exercise that gives participating units the opportunity to assess their capabilities and readiness for war, to improve multinational cooperation, and to test new weapons systems: some extremely important tasks, especially for nations such as Turkey which face increasing instability, pressure and threats along their borders.
Held three times a year (with two national classes reserved for the Turkish Air Force units and one open to allied air forces) at Konya airbase, in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey, Anatolian Eagle (AE) is a medium-scale air exercise inspired by the U.S. Red Flag and Maple Flag series, the aim of which is to train fighter pilots for the first few days of a modern conflict.

The first Anatolian Eagle exercise took place in 2001, in the wake of the participation to Deny Flight, Deliberate Force and Allied Force operations in the Balkans, during which the Turkish Air Force gained enough experience to be able to organize realistic war games, similar to those conducted in the airspace around Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, to train its own squadrons as well as NATO and regional partners.

The scenario, which increases in complexity and lethality through the two-week training, consists of two teams, Blue and Red. Blue forces are mainly tasked with Combined Air Operations (COMAOs) on tactical and strategic targets in Red lands, protected by air and ground assets, including Turkish F-16 aggressor aircraft and Surface to Air Missile (SAM) threats of all types: SA-6 Gainful, SA-8 Gecko, SA-11A/B Gadfly, ZSU 23-4 Gundish, Skyguard/Sparrow, Hawk and MTS (Multi-Threat Simulator).

NATO E-3A AWACS from the local Forward Operating Base and, for the first time, Turkish Air Force Boeing 737 AEW&C Peace Eagle aircraft, provided Airborne Early Warning support for the Blue team, delivering tactical information about air and ground assets by datalink. All missions, including air-to-air engagements, are monitored in real-time and recorded by Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI) sensors.

Anatolian Eagle 2014-2 featured combat aircraft from Jordan (F-16s), Qatar (Mirage 2000s), Spain (EF-18s and Eurofighter Typhoon C.16s) and the UK (Typhoon FGR4s) along with Turkish assets; overall, approximately 80 aircraft of different types took part in the drills.

Among the Turkish participants there were about 40 F-16 Block 30/40/50 jets; 11 F-4E 2020 Terminator del 111 e 171 Filo, which operated within the “Red” force and flew also with the AGM-142 Popeye; and, as said the new Boeing 737 AEW&C Peace Eagle of the 131 Filo. Qatar Emiri Air Force took part in the exercise with four Mirage 2000-5 from Doha’s 7th Air Superiority squadron whereas Royal Jordanian Air Force deployed three F-16s (including a two seater) from 1 Squadron from As Shaheed Muwaffaq al Salti airbase at Al Azraq.

The Spanish contingent was made of six EF-18 Hornet with the Ala 12 from Torrejón and six Eurofighter Typhoon C.16 with Ala 14 from Albacete whereas the Royal Air Force deployed six Typhoon FGR4s and a team consisting 13 pilots from 11 Squadron and 3(F) Squadron from RAF Coningsby.

Noteworthy, on Jun. 20, during the last day of the exercise, a brand new A400M of the Turkish Air Force (the first of 10) paid visit to Konya for the first operative mission since its delivery.

The Aviationist » Exercise Anatolian Eagle 2014-2: Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, Spain and the UK train for real combat ops
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